courses as a learning tool

is a company that promotes education and digital entrepreneurship through the creation and dissemination of digital products, offering tools, courses and complete solutions for those who want to work in the digital market.

We want to help producers and affiliates to become professionals, and we believe that the best way to achieve this goal is through practical content that matches their level of knowledge.

has created several free courses using all our knowledge about the digital product market, so I invite you to read this post, in which I am going to introduce you to the courses that best suit you.

Course to create your first product: 30 Day Challenge

Do you think that creating a digital product is very difficult? Do you not know very well what to do and feel insecure due to lack of experience? That is why I want to propose a reflection to you. Have you ever thought that there could be many people interested in learning the things you like to do the most?

With that in mind, the 30-Day Challenge course aims to take you back to ground zero and teach you the step-by-step of how your knowledge or skill can turn into a digital business. But do not worry, you can do all the activities of the challenge in your free time.

VIDEO | 30 day challenge: create your first Digital Product |

In the course you will learn:

1. How to define your market niche and product

To begin with, we need to define the niche, that is, our area of ​​expertise and the theme of our product.

2. What is a buyer person and how to define yours?

A buyer persona is an imaginary character that has all the characteristics of the people you hope to have as customers. In other words, it has all the needs and wants of a user who would search for your product. Unlike the target audience, when we create a buyer persona we look for deeper characteristics: their interests, consumption habits and even their moment of life.

3.MVP Formats

The main formats of digital products, the MVP concept and advice to define the name of our product.

A digital product can have different formats. The most common are ebooks, video classes, audiobooks and podcasts, but they can also be applications, screencast, subscription programs and many more. We will focus on the two most used formats for courses like the one we want to create: e-books and video classes.

4. How to structure your classes

Build the skeleton and detail the content of our course. This is essential to define the structure of the classes and place the topics that we will deal with in an order that favors the development of our student.

5. How to make an ebook

Ebooks are books in digital format, which can be read on different devices: laptops, tablets, mobile phones and readers such as Kindle. This format is very interesting because it is easy to produce, it has a low production cost, which provides a good profit margin. In addition, they are easy to distribute and can be read quickly and easily.

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6. How to create video classes

How to start producing our video content.

7. Slideshow videos – how to do it

The types of video classes and their techniques. They each value different types of content and it’s great to be able to use different formats.

8. Edit your videos

At this time, we are going to collect all the material we recorded for our classes to build our videos.

9. How to register the product on

This step is very important, as a product with registration errors will not be approved and cannot be sold.

The platform is 100% FREE. With you only pay a fee when you make a sale. In other words: you only pay it when you start selling!

10. How to configure the Members Area for your students

How to use Club, the members area. He offers incredible tools for our course. We also learn how to configure files for download on the platform.

11. Domain registration and how to use social networks in your favor

How to make our domain registration and pages in social networks. What do they have in common? These are our initial tools when contacting our future client.

12. Sales Page – the virtual product shelf

We are going to learn how to make sales videos, sales pages, set up your check out at and send your finished product for evaluation.

13. How to map out your sales strategy and first announcements

With our product ready, we are now in the final stretch to obtain our first sales. We will show you some of the best tools to build our audience: content, blog, posts and ads.

Now that you have understood how one of the most interesting courses can help you.

In the 30 Day Challenge they say everything very clearly, in a very good mood, they are quick videos and we have the opportunity to build it with the teachers. I highly recommend the course, as it is the first big step in life for many who want to enter this market. – July

First Sale Challenge: the course to help you with your first sales

Do you see the digital product market as an opportunity, but don’t know how to sell a digital product? Not sure about investing in paid traffic and then not getting a financial return? Are you wondering why your strategy only generates clicks, views and not sales?

If you want to start investing in this market, nothing better than learning from someone who knows, right? For this reason, we invite you to be part of the most popular courses, because with it we will help you make your first sale, using the method developed by our experts.
In the First Sale Challenge you will learn, free of charge, valuable techniques both for those who want to sell their own online course and for those who want to be affiliates and earn commissions for the sale of digital products.

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VIDEO | How to make your first sale as an affiliate? | Tips

The course has been divided into 4 modules and they are:

1. Choice of digital product niche

Understanding and applying the concepts of market niche and micro niche in your business is essential when starting to sell any digital product. From there, you’ll be able to target your paid campaigns to the right people and get results much faster.

2. How to generate traffic to sell

    • Difference between organic traffic and paid traffic
    • What is the fastest turnaround time for your first sale?
    • First steps to generate traffic to your product

3. How to create a remarketing campaign with Facebook Ads

Now is the time to lower your cost per conversion and understand the strategies so you don’t miss out on any sales opportunities! I bet you are curious to know everything, right?

After learning how to install the Facebook Pixel, it’s time to impact that lead who has already entered your page, but who did not buy your product. You will do it through a technique called: remarketing.

4. Practical method to make sales

Do you know the real reason why people buy a product? In this class, Abramo brought 5 categories of buyers and their motivations when making a purchase.

This methodology of this online course has already helped more than 1 million people to make their first sales.

People used to say: you won’t make it, it’s very complicated, very difficult and my friend encouraged me and it’s been 3 months since I’m beating some very good marks. When I was an affiliate and made my first sale, I began to believe that there could be a significant change in my future. The digital market really works and when you enter you will not want to leave there anymore. – Everson Chave

Academy: a learning tool for the digital market

Many people when they are starting in the digital market do not know what is best, being a Producer or an Affiliate, what are the essential knowledge to start and not even if entrepreneurship is what they are looking for in their life.

Academy is a free course for you who want to create digital products, work as an Affiliate or grow an online business, but don’t know how to start. Our students who complete Academy are twice as likely to make a sale. Knowledge makes the difference for anyone who wants to stand out in the market.

To help you follow a logical learning path, all content has been divided into 5 categories:

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1. Laboratory and research

Can you imagine taking a car trip without knowing the way and without using GPS to guide you to your destination? It is very likely that you will get lost along the way.

The laboratory and research aim to understand the market in which you want to operate or in which you are already operating, helping you to understand the needs of your niche and target audience, better directing your efforts where it is really necessary and obtaining the desired results. .

2. Sales and Disclosure

An effective method to start selling on the Internet. That’s because we know that making the first sale, using the right techniques, is the key to taking off in the digital product market.

3. Metrics and Results

Each number collected is the result of a person’s behavior. We are going to teach you how to analyze the data to understand which actions are more assertive for your next ad, post, email and even the creation of new products.

4. Management and business

Understanding all processes is essential to manage your product, sales and all available tools.

5. Language and content

We usually say that the texts that we love from beginning to end, being practically impossible not to click on their links, have the copy perfect, that is, they were built with the aim not only to inform, but also to persuade and entertain.

Live classes: learn online with experts

Do you feel lost and need someone to help you? Have you already taken several courses, but still haven’t resolved a specific question? Do you feel like the market is changing at a tremendous rate and you can’t keep up?

Our classes aim to update you on the latest tools and strategies on the market, and the best: In a practical and collaborative class, where you can interact with the teachers, sending your questions in the chat and they answer you LIVE.

More courses that drive learning

Official Channel on YouTube

Directed by experts, with 4 weekly contents, so that producers and affiliates are aware of what is happening in the digital product market.

Help Center

A channel totally focused on clearing up your doubts through mini-tutorials in the Help Center.

Education is what makes us better people, it is acquiring new skills, maturing and the first step to progress.

Knowledge is power, education is liberating. After all,…

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