Differences between SEO and SEM: discover which is the best strategy

How do I get my brand or website to rank among the top search results? All the information you find will lead you to two acronyms, SEO and SEM, since they are part of the fundamental pillars of and whoever wants to start and have greater visibility in the online world must master them.

But which one is better? Are they rivals? Are they the perfect partner to enhance my brand? Luckily you are here. In this post you will discover the differences between SEO and SEM, their differences, and you will find the answers to many questions that will help you gain higher positioning and stand out in the main search engines.

Both techniques will allow you to appear in the first positions and be easily found on Google, one of the main search engines. But each of them fulfills different functions to achieve this objective.

To know the main differences between SEO and SEM, it is necessary to better understand each of these digital marketing strategies separately.

What is SEM or Search Engine Marketing?

It refers to a set of techniques aimed at occupying the first results in search engines through advertisements, that is, paying.

The is associated with paid traffic positioning, in which you pay for each click a visitor makes on an ad to reach our website. Your main goal is to convert all traffic into leads.

Specialized SEM marketing consultants are able to target those ads for a qualified audience, further increasing traffic to your website and achieving greater .

The most popular tool to carry out these paid campaigns in most Spanish-speaking countries is which allows your business, digital product or blog to be found in moments by a lead who is looking for exactly what you offer.

What differentiates SEO or Search Engine Optimization?

Its acronym in English means Search Engine Optimizationwhich refers to a set of search engine optimization techniques, with the aim that a website is displayed in the first positions, for “free”.

Thats why he It is associated with an organic, natural positioning, in which you do not have to pay to be well positioned. But for this, you must know very well the .

The online universe grows every year and thousands of websites are created. In turn, search engines are also updating and, therefore, strategies and they become an essential component so that the content of your web page is identified and the search engine defines its best location.

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But if we take Google as an example, where reaching the first search results ensures greater visibility and, above all, sales! What factors should I consider for my website to reach the top?

1. Relevance and good technical performance

The technical factors are the actions that you must carry out on your own website so that it is better positioned. is the call , whose objective is, basically, to provide a better user experience, improving the speed to load the page and optimizing the keywords and the URL; establish a and, of course, having a secure site.

2. Authority

we got when our website is popular. Here we focus on everything that happens around the website, the so-called Off Page SEO. Its main objective is to create a greater number of incoming links to the website. This creation of external links is what is called link building.

And a good digital marketing strategy associated with SEO to further enhance the domain of your brand or blog in search engines is the implementation of the technique of .

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What is the difference between SEO and SEM?

If you still don’t have it completely clear, a good way to better distinguish these two marketing strategies is by their differences, let’s see them!

1. Timing of results

One of the main differences between SEO and SEM is in the expected time to obtain results.

With a well planned SEM strategy, the results are obtained immediately, in the short term, already with which requires an effort, the results come in the medium and long term, being maintained over time.

2. Investment

In SEM, you pay for each time the user clicks on an ad. The more clicks, the higher the cost, but also the greater the chances that your visitors will make a purchase on your website.

Now with SEO, you don’t pay per click. But this does not mean that you do not have to pay anything, because to get your website to the top of the search results, it takes time, dedication and a lot of work, of which you have to foresee a sustainable.

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3. Keywords

With SEM, you can select all the that you need, while with SEO the number of keywords is limited, since you must respect Google’s algorithms and the content of your website.

4. Content

Another of the most important differences between SEO and SEM is related to the content created specifically for each of these marketing strategies.

To achieve organic positioning with SEO, It is presented in a longer and quality format. Already in campaigns with SEM ads, the content is more direct and has a reduced number of characters focused on commercial objectives and high impact.

5. Visibility

With SEM you can generate traffic with ads that appear on , apps, social networks, and in Google you will be able to position yourself at the top and to the right of the search results. Visibility with SEO strategies, which occupy the central part, is not guaranteed, since it is conditioned by the way you have outlined your techniques and algorithm updates.

There is a saying: “what goes up fast, goes down fast”. The same thing happens with positioning optimization. If you stop investing in paid campaigns, you will disappear from search and quickly cease to exist. But this does not happen with SEO, if you work on it continuously and effectively.

6. Segmentation

SEM campaigns allow you to reach your segmented by profiles, location, profession, being able to attract a more qualified audience for your . Already in SEO strategies, this segmentation is more difficult, since the search results are broader and the same for everyone.

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Which strategy is better, SEO or SEM?

So far we have seen the two completely separate marketing strategies and also the specific differences between SEO and SEM and despite these differences, one can be the better half of the other, because they are united by a common goal, which is to position your site. website at the top.

And we say that the two strategies are better together because one performs the function of taking care of the content, adding value to the user and providing good navigability, while the other seeks to bring as much traffic as possible to the web quickly and with quality.

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Here it is very important to emphasize that one has to complement the other, because with so much competition in the market, it is useless to position yourself first in Google if later what you have to offer on your website is not relevant or does not have quality.

By combining paid and organic traffic campaigns, you will get a lot of valuable data that will help you optimize your work.

With a good SEM strategy, considering your , you will be able to better segment your ads and lead your audience to your website, where the visitor will identify their pain, you will break their objections and find the answers to make the purchase. To achieve this, focus your efforts on having a well structured and with a good convert as many visitors as possible into customers.

Applying SEO and SEM together, just like the flow of an avenue, you will bring a lot of traffic and with very easy access to the same landing page, providing a good hosting for all your visitors. This will allow you to conquer and so that all your effort is sustainable over time.

Then it is very clear that the integration of the two marketing strategies promotes and publicizes your brand, increasing its authority and, above all, the confidence of those who click on the search engine.

I hope this post has been useful for you to understand these two digital marketing strategies individually and together. But do not forget that to occupy the first places in the niche you want to work in and take the lead in the digital world, you always have to use your creativity, constantly innovate, and, above all, prepare well and have a plan to follow. To help you, I recommend that you read our .

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