Digital presence: is your business worth it on the web?

Digital presence is the way to get your business found through digital media, showing you relevant and trustworthy to customers.

From social media posts to Google results about your business, a digital presence provides a great opportunity to ensure you’re conveying the right impression of your business.

And as the saying goes: the first impression is the one that counts.

But a question that many entrepreneurs have is: is it worth introducing my business on the web, even with so much competition?

In this article we are going to analyze if it is worth investing in a digital presence for someone who already has a business and how to do it.

What is digital presence?

Simplifying, it is the space that your brand has in the online world. Some elements that compose it are:

  • Your website.
  • Your accounts on social networks.
  • Search results displayed.
  • Ads and any other format of means of payment.

One of the main advantages of investing in a digital presence comes from the variety of tools available. It has never been so easy to reach a wide audience on the Internet. On the other hand, it is such a vast field that it can be almost impossible to maintain it consistently.

Is it worth investing?

Many companies have some resistance to investing in digital presence. After all, the Internet is a vast world and defining which marketing strategies to put into practice is not an easy task.

But thinking, for example, of Latin America, where currently more than 60% of the population already has access to the Internet and where, according to a study by it is expected that by 2028 it will reach 85% (more than 450 million people), dohow not to take the digital presence seriously to do business?

Well, today it is almost impossible to think of having a company without betting on digital presence, since it cannot be denied that the Internet has completely changed the way we acquire products and services.

If before the biggest bet was on advertising through banners and brochures, today it is essential to bet on appearing in Google and with good user evaluations.

Having a digital presence is not just about having a profile on social networks and a website. It’s also about conveying a consistent message to visitors and having a strong reputation and brand.

They are things that may seem small and trivial from the point of view of a business owner, but that are decisive to win or lose customers.

If you have doubts about investing or not in digital presence, the answer we can give you is yes. By now you should be worrying about this.

But it’s never too late to start!

The 4 pillars of digital presence

The digital presence is fundamental for the construction of the brand and branding, it is part of the marketing plan and it is important to take care of its regularity.

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There are 4 pillars in the construction of the digital presence that must be followed to the letter. And they are:

1. Good quality content

The content serves to show all the information and potential of your business. Through regular and good quality content, your company will be able to position itself as an authority in its niche, providing useful and relevant information to potential customers.

Today, for those who have access to the Internet, the most common thing to do when starting a purchase process is to start looking for references and solutions on Google or on social networks.

The content helps people to solve their doubts more efficiently, increases the reputation of your business, produces engagement and improves the relationship with the public. Or in short: He is the king!

2. Clear positioning

Positioning reflects the way your company is seen and recognized on the Internet.

This pillar takes into account characteristics of your brand, such as mission and values, those of competitors (what will differentiate your brand from theirs) and those of consumers. All of this is defined in (if you don’t have one, now is the time to do it).

The positioning is developed in the and mainly in content production. He is largely responsible for the branding of the brand and any action that contradicts him will be detrimental.

3. Good quality traffic

Creating content and positioning yourself generates traffic, but this cannot be of any type, it has to be of good quality, that is, with people with the potential to be your clients.

Strategies such as SEO, email marketing or publishing relevant materials, among others, help attract qualified traffic to your business.

The important thing is to always direct the message to your buyer person and the clients with more possibilities of conversion will come more easily, seeing themselves adequately influenced by the content and the offer in question.

4. Monitoring

Building your digital presence also requires constant monitoring, because if this is not done, how can you know what is working well and what is not worth putting more effort into?

On the Internet, the main performance indicators of the pages can be and there are specific tools for that.

For example, to check the performance of your website and its content, you can use , which is free. Email automation tools show open rate, click rate, etc.

PPC tools also show click rates, reach, engagement, and other important data.

In other words, everything you do on your website and social networks can be measured and analyzed!

Tips for building your digital presence

Understanding the importance of digital presence and taking into account its pillars, it will be easier to put into practice our tips to build your company’s presence in the digital world.

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As you can see, it is useless to put only information about your company on any page. The growth of your brand in the digital world will need time and dedication to work.

If you’re ready and determined to put your business on the digital radar, read our tips for building a digital presence!

1. Set goals to be more objective

Quick question: why are you investing in digital presence? If the answer is something like “because all my competitors do it too”, think again.

The construction of the digital presence needs to be linked to the objectives of your business. It is the beginning of a successful path for the company, because when we have clear objectives, we know what options we must choose to achieve what we want.

A good way to start creating goals is the SMART method, in which each letter represents a characteristic of what a well-conceived goal would be:

S (specific or specific)

Your goal should be very clear to everyone involved. For example, you can invest in a digital presence to increase sales by 10% through social media campaigns.

But within the S, in addition to specifying the objective to be fulfilled, there are other questions that you must answer:

  • Why is such an objective important?
  • Who is involved in it (is it yourself or your team, for example)?
  • What platforms and tools will be used?
  • How will it be conquered?

Remember: it is a specific goal and it should contain all the details that make it important.

M (measurable or measurable)

There is no point in creating a goal that cannot be measured.

To be measurable, the goal must make clear what the expected result is and the time needed to achieve it.

Going back to the previous example of increasing sales: selling 10% more would be the expected result, and could be defined to be achieved in 6 months, for example.

Remember that we are now starting to work on the digital presence more seriously, so you must take into account your goals and .

A (attainable or attainable)

Your goals should also be realistic and achievable. After all, setting goals that are too difficult only produces frustration.

When you define an achievable goal, you can identify other opportunities that you have not seen before.

At this stage, answer two questions: how can your business achieve this goal? dohow realistic is it? (considering possible restrictions, such as financial ones).

R (relevant or relevant)

This stage ensures that the goal is important to your business. The more relevant it is, the more motivated you and your team will be to achieve it.

If the goal is not relevant, it should not be treated as a priority. To create and ensure a relevant goal, think about the overall impact it will have.

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For example, increasing sales by 10% with social media campaigns will directly impact company turnover and performance. So, it is an extremely relevant goal.

T (time based or temporary)

Finally, your goal must be temporary. That is, it must have a specific deadline to be achieved.

This part is extremely significant, as it prevents less important tasks from taking priority over long-term and more important ones.

The SMART method is just one way to define goals and put strategies into practice. In addition to this method, you can define objectives with SWOT analysis and other methods explained .

2. Identify your target audience

The public that buys directly from your company may be different from the one that buys on the Internet. Therefore, to achieve your goals online it is essential to describe your target audience and define the buyer person (you can understand the difference between the two concepts ).

Understanding your target audience will help you uncover details such as:

  • In what is more active (consequently, in which you should invest more).
  • What content should you make to attract it.
  • How often you post.
  • What tone should you adopt?
  • What are the essential information for him.

The buyer person provides more details, as it builds the image of an ideal client. With the information of the buyer person you manage to direct your content directly to him, conversing as equals.

If you have not yet defined your buyer persona, you can start by reading and watching the following video:

3. Humanize your brand

One of the biggest mistakes of those who start building their digital presence is to believe that the client wants to interact with a corporation, which is not true. People interact with other people.

However, just because your business doesn’t have a face doesn’t mean it should lack personality. The secret of the success of the digital presence is to bet on personalization, either in the content or when responding to users on social networks.

Brands that behave like robots and only give ready answers are extremely criticized. Do you want to build a strong online presence? Bet on the humanization of the brand!

4. Focus on helping the public

As much as your goal on the Internet is to sell more and win more customers, you will only achieve it if your company is concerned with helping customers instead of stuffing them with offers and promotions.

If your company focuses on helping the public and delivering good quality content, selling will be more…

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