How to do B2B marketing? Learn about the best business strategies

The business models that exist are divided according to their end customers, and one of them is the b2b marketing. When it is put into practice, two businesses interact and exchange products, services and even information from other brands.

But what exactly is the business-to-business? How does it differ from the B2C model, or Business to Consumer? We will talk about this and much more in this post.

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What is B2B marketing?

The term “b2b marketing” corresponds to business to business, which means “business to business”. As its name indicates, it is a strategy that is carried out between two businesses.

End customers are not involved in B2B, since it focuses solely on transactions carried out between businesses. One of the b2b marketing examples It is wholesale.

The brands that most apply this kind of marketing are those that are dedicated to selling products and services aimed at corporate customers. One of the functions of the B2B marketing plan is to create lasting relationships with each other.

For this strategy to be successful, the business needs to demonstrate how its products or services benefit another brand. Currently, who provide digital services to businesses they also apply B2B marketing.

Characteristics of B2B marketing

The brands that have the opportunity to apply B2B marketing actions They have very different structures. However, they all take advantage of the characteristics of the business-to-business strategy.

And what characterizes this business model? Here we tell you:

1. Slow sales process

Unlike brands whose clients are not businesses, those who use B2B make sales that last longer, why your customers are more demanding when purchasing products or services.

It is normal for a business spend as much time as you need to discuss each product and service what you want to purchase. The idea is to make sure you make a purchase that meets your specific needs.

2. Customers with higher purchasing power

Because they work with other businesses, B2B brands have customers with higher purchasing power. This characteristic represents an advantage for your business, since the income for each sale will be higher.

3. Complex decision making

The characteristic analyzed before (purchasing power) makes the financial risk of each product of a B2B brand is very high. Therefore, decision making has a high complexity.

Compared to the B2C model, in the B2B there are decision-making cycles that require more time. Each plan or strategy must be examined in detail, evaluating not only the advantages, but also the consequences that it can generate.

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4. Demand is derivative

So much as the physicists who apply the B2B strategy have a more varied demand than in the B2C. transactions business to business are derived from the activities of the brands that are your customers.

The demand for B2B products and services varies according to changes in the market to which each brand is dedicated and according to the consumption of the target audience.

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How is B2B marketing different from B2C marketing?

B2B and B2C marketing they are strategies that are often compared to each other, but that does not mean that they are the same. Actually, there are important differences between the two.

If you have not yet decided which of the two strategies to apply in your business, you should know how to differentiate them. B2C marketing is business-to-consumer, as we said at the beginning of this post, that is, from a business to the consumer. Can be used in physical or virtual stores.

Those who decide on business-to-consumer direct their products and services to final customers.

now that you know what is B2B in marketing and we have told you a little about B2C, we can better explain the differences between these business models:

1. Number of clients

In a B2B distribution channel the number of clients is smaller than in B2C, since the latter has a mass production of its products.

Due to the limited quantity of brands that can acquire your products or services, a B2B strategy must consider the following goals:

  • Focus on the interests of your potential customers.
  • Cover the needs of those who may acquire your products or services.

2. Duration of the brand-client relationship

Typically, a purchase made in a B2C business represents the end of the sales and marketing channel. Unlike what happens with the strategy business to business.

Purchases from B2B brands are the start of a long-term relationship between business and customer. Of course, it doesn’t always happen, and to achieve this it is essential that you meet the expectations of those who purchase your products.

The duration of personalized and quality attention goes beyond the moment of purchase. After closing a sale, you should also give attention to your customer.

3. Contact with more rational people

Because they are transactions involving two brands, it is normal for those who represent a business in purchases to be more rational. They cannot buy on impulse or emotion.

To do the shopping, brands study very well the products or services they need. That way, they avoid making mistakes and making bad investments that could affect their business.

The needs of those involved in B2B transactions are specific. Therefore, each variable that appears in the offer must be analyzed in detail.

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One of the reasons that B2B has complex and rational purchasing processes is that those who make the purchases they invest the money of a brand. So they have to account to other people for the decisions they make.

Brands that apply B2B marketing plans do well in provide detailed information about your products and serviceslike the following:

  • Technical documents.
  • Specification details.

4. Price management and bargaining power

Regarding price management, B2B businesses have a lot of freedom when making promotions and adjusting costs of products or services. Modifications are made taking into account the desired profit and sales volume.

the brands business-to-consumer count on promotions and offers that are previously established.

Focusing on bargaining power, in B2C it is lowbecause, in addition to being created in advance, the offers and promotions are the same for all customers.

Secondly, a B2B brand has high bargaining power since it has the opportunity to adjust prices, offer long trial periods and extra features.

5. Applied strategies

The marketing techniques applied in B2B and B2C are different, advertising and promotions they are not the same in the two business strategies. Of course, depending on the objectives of the brands, some can be useful in both models.

For example, advertising online, TV, social networks or radio and using apps like has excellent effects on business to consumer. From business to business, the following marketing avenues are most helpful:

  • Contained in.
  • Presence at trade fairs.
  • Publications in business magazines.

Types of B2B markets

The who base their income on commercial transactions with other brands are applying the b2b marketing. Its operations are not focused on one market, but on several.

B2B includes the following market classes:

1. Consulting

Currently, brands dedicated to specialized business consultancies have been created. These focus on fields such as innovation, change management, e-commerce and more.

Consulting has become a very important corporate market.

2. Corporate law

Included in this market class are law firms specializing in commercial law and related procedures. For example, insolvency proceedings, patents and other litigation.

3. Manufacturing

It is important for brands in the manufacturing sector to have corporate accounts with high values. An example of this kind of market is Samsung and its production of organic light-emitting diodes, better known as OLEDs.

This brand does B2B operations, because it sells OLED technology to Apple who uses it on their iphones.

4. Import and export

What do specialized businesses in this area do? Its operations are intended to facilitate the performance of related procedures with products that must be imported or exported.

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5. Social media marketing

One of the areas that has grown the most is content marketingTherefore, it is normal to find B2B brands that offer services of this type. Many businesses decide to hire specialists in social media strategy and advertising, such as.

6. Provision of services

There are businesses with income that comes solely from the services they offer to other brands. Among the activities they carry out is the property management and cleaning in different establishmentsincluding commercials.

How does B2B marketing work?

If the goal with your business is to be a B2B marketing plan example, you have to direct products, services and strategies to other brands. Due to the way it works, your potential customers will be smaller.

When the b2b marketing started, the businesses that applied it used to sell vital components in manufacturing processes or raw materials. However, that has changed and now it is also focused on the technological field.

B2B marketing strategies for your business

to plan B2B marketing actions efficient, you must know the most modern strategies of the business model. They are influenced by technology to adapt to the current needs of your customers.

The B2B strategies available today are sophisticated. Next we explain them to you:

1. Account-Based Marketing

The brands that may be interested in your business are very varied, so it is convenient to study them very well to adapt to them. An account-based marketing strategy helps you in this process.

The marketing class that we recommend you apply helps you to determine which customers are of value to your brand.

2. Strategy based on content marketing

As we mentioned before, your customers carefully study your products or services to determine if they meet their needs. A content marketing strategy helps B2B businesses give detailed information.

If you correctly apply the strategy based on content marketing, you will offer your clients a consistent experience when they shop.

Those who use the digital marketing in B2B they can take advantage of social networks to convince their target audience to decide on their brand. To make the appropriate publications on virtual platforms, it is convenient to use content marketing.

3. Optimize your website for mobile devices

Nowadays, your customers often use mobile and other devices to complete tasks…

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