Eight benefits of practicing Nordic walking, one of the oldest sports in the world

Take one step after another with the help of two sticks: contrary to what it seems, it is not just an anglicism to define ‘walking with the support of two sticks’; It is much more: it is a fairly technical sport discipline with many health benefits. It consists of walking, accompanying the stride with the help of two canes, which, in turn, help to drive and accelerate the pace.

To do it correctly, you have to lengthen your arms as much as possible when stretching them and contract them when you swing to walk. Other technical details that this sport requires, is that of wide movements with the arms and that the point where the stick rests coincides with the point of gravity of the body. It is also an inexpensive sport – only the poles are needed – and it can be done by people of all ages and can be adapted to all levels of demand.

Health benefits of Nordic walking

a comprehensive sport

It is a very complete aerobic exercise that works on resistance, strength, flexibility, coordination and balance. With all this exercise, you prevent vascular risks.

It helps you lose weight

With nordic walking, more than 20% of the energy is spent than walking and if it is done well, it ends up moving 90% of the muscular system. If combined with a healthy and adequate diet, this exercise of the muscles helps to increase the calories that are burned.

Relieves accumulated tension and stress

It not only worships the body, but also the mind. This discipline must be practiced outdoors, either in the fields or on the beach, but not on asphalt. Contact with nature, fresh air and sunlight help anxiety in this current complicated situation.

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Recommended to fight against lymphedema, a consequence of breast cancer

In recent years, Nordic walking has been highly recommended for survivors of breast cancer and its consequences. Practicing this sport at the desired pace improves shoulder mobility, reduces joint pain and prevents lymphedema, a swelling caused by the removal of lymph nodes.

Low risk of injury

Contrary to other sports such as hill trekking or climbing, Nordic walking greatly minimizes the chance of getting injured. Requiring the help of poles, it is practiced on flat paths or with few irregularities, to support the pole well. This greatly facilitates the tread and a good balance, leaving almost zero possibility, the fact of suffering a fall.

Combat postural problems

The movement with the sticks ‘forces’ to position the body, especially the shoulders and back, at a correct angle. The person who practices Nordic walking correctly cannot go with the shoulder pad down, a fact that helps the posture of the entire skeleton to be correct.

Strengthens bones without damaging joints

Contrary to what it might seem, the vibration of the stick after each impulse strengthens the bone without harming the joints, damage that can be caused by the continued repetition of exercises in other disciplines.

Helps to improve the practice of other sports

As it is an integral sport that strengthens other parts of the body, it also provides improvements that are needed in other disciplines: more balance, resistance, strength or coordination.

Calafell, the cradle of the Costa Dorada where you can practice Nordic walking

Although the origins of this sport are found in Finland and its neighboring countries, in recent years it has become increasingly important. One of the most attractive regions of the country for this discipline is the Costa Dorada, and specifically, in Calafell, which was the first place in the entire country that imported Nordic walking for non-competitive sports practice.

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In this fishing town it is common for there to be night and day outings, now canceled due to the pandemic. These walks will return from March, complying with all the measures to guarantee maximum safety – it is a sport that does not present problems to be carried out with distance. Nordic walking excursions for children are also organized, becoming one more activity for the smallest of the house of all those offered by this destination specialized in family tourism.

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