Emotional intelligence: How to evaluate it and deal with your emotions?

Have you ever heard of emotional intelligence? This term has to do with the ability to cope with emotions. It involves controlling the feelings that result from each daily situation, preventing your mental health and yourself from being affected.

Knowing how to deal with emotions is very important, as doing it the wrong way can contribute to serious health problems. It is a skill that needs to be discovered and trained especially by those who often face adverse situations with high frequency.

For example, someone who faces daily difficulties at work or in personal life needs tools such as emotional intelligence so as not to harm themselves. Otherwise, it will be difficult to manage these events and live with peace of mind.

In this post, you will learn more about this topic and the main ways to develop it in your daily life. keep reading it!

Understand the importance of developing emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence can greatly contribute to a person’s development. Also, it helps to learn how to deal with adverse situations without damaging your mental state. In an increasingly competitive and complex world, this is very valuable.

You want to know more? Well, here are the 3 main benefits of working on emotional intelligence in your day-to-day life.

1. Greater self-esteem and confidence 😀

Feeling good about yourself is very important, and emotional intelligence helps you a lot with that. Proper management of your emotions allows you to increase self-esteem and a sense of confidence in your own decisions.

This has a cumulative effect, allowing you to get better and better. By working on self-esteem, the personal and professional aspects of your life tend to win. It is that, they are essential attributes for success.

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2. Better pressure management ability 😟

There are several situations in which it is not possible to completely get rid of the pressure, either in the personal or professional sphere. Instead, you can develop the emotional intelligence to learn how to manage this aspect of life.

As you handle it better, your capabilities expand. Think about how many opportunities you may have ruled out due to the risk of pressure or any other adverse situation. In addition, it is decisive for the development of the .

3. Convey trust to others 😉

Emotional intelligence can be noticed by other people. If you respond well to situations and handle them appropriately, you give others a lot of confidence. Without a doubt, you would prefer to work with someone who transmits security than someone who is dominated by emotions, wouldn’t you?

This is very valuable, especially in the professional field. Emotional intelligence is a powerful tool for project management and goal management within ambitious corporate plans.

Work on emotional intelligence in everyday life

To enjoy the benefits of emotional intelligence in your life, you need to develop it like any other skill.

Understanding the ways you react to situations is only the first step. It is also necessary to control the way emotions arise and understand their real meanings.

Here are some important points to develop emotional intelligence in your daily life.

1. Understanding the story

The context and background of each person coordinate the way in which emotions are generated. Working on emotional intelligence is work that requires you to focus your attention on your past, especially previous situations that have caused disproportionate reactions.

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In these moments, try to observe what the problem was and what emotions you have presented. Seek to understand if you felt in control of the situation and if you could see the solutions within your reach.

2. Behavior analysis

A very important part of emotional intelligence refers to understanding how your body reacts to certain situations. To understand them, you must study them as a doctor does with a patient with symptoms.

Try to rescue situations in which you felt some disproportionate emotion. In an impartial way, try to remember how you felt and what would be the healthiest path in each case.

3. Identifying emotional triggers

After analyzing your emotional reactions, the next step is to consider the triggers that cause them. What things usually generate disproportionate emotions? At this time, you should focus your efforts on detecting patterns.

For example, a person may always react with anger in situations where their knowledge of a particular subject is questioned. Perhaps she needs to analyze why she sees this as a threat.

4. Mastery of emotions

You should also focus your efforts on mastering emotions. Yes, it is much easier to recommend it than to do it. However, it requires total commitment and consistency to deliver the results you expect.

Training him is the watchword at the moment. Over time, this mastery of emotions will become more natural, so you no longer have to force it.

5. Development of empathy

Understanding emotions is something that makes the development of emotional intelligence much easier. An excellent way to do this is to allow yourself to see how others feel and react to situations.

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The most important point of this step refers to the understanding of the other’s feelings. By understanding how this works, all of the steps so far may be easier to do.

6. Control of the situation

After all this preparation, you must remember that you have to take control whenever an adverse situation arises. Having emotional intelligence means seeing these events for what they really are and responding to them appropriately.

This is the time to consider all your history and learning to take control of the situation. It may not be easy at first, but practice will eventually allow for greater success.

Put emotional intelligence as a priority

Emotional intelligence is essential for you to live your day to day with greater happiness and The more people realize this, the less their mental health will be affected by situations that can be better managed.

The key is to train this skill like any other. Follow the advice in this article and make emotional intelligence a priority in your life to enjoy its benefits and live better.

And since you are interested in the subject of emotional intelligence for better results, enjoy and consult our article with

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