Types of video: the 7 main formats for your strategy

The They are a widely used content format today and often the public’s favorite. They are interesting, educational and capable of capturing the attention of Internet users for long periods of time. In some niches, they tend to have even better results than photos or text.

That is why it is essential that they are part of your content strategy, but there are many types of videos available and it is important to know when to use each one.

For that you also need to know your buyer person well, the channels in which the video can be offered and other particularities that allow you to make the most appropriate choice.

Do you want to know more about the subject? So continue with us ¡Meet the 7 most interesting types of video for your business!

1. Top 10

This type of video works great when you want to offer recommendations to your audience.

If you are an image consultant, for example, you can create content like: “Top 10 tips on what to wear in the hottest season of the year.”

The term top 10 can be very common in Google searches. Thus, before using it, it is worth carrying out a study of keywords and a to make sure it’s content that’s relevant to you.

2. Interviews

What questions related to your business, product or service can be answered by specialists?

This type of video helps build credibility for your business.

In addition to answering questions, specialists can be interviewed to present trends related to their niche.

But don’t think that this video model is necessarily restricted to professionals or specialists.

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What do you think of the idea of ​​showing a customer who answers questions about the usability of the products they purchased from you?

You can also work and develop the relationship with clients by placing your collaborators in front of the cameras and interviewing them about their day-to-day in the company, for example.

3. Questions and answers

Interview videos can be more dedicated to recounting experiences or talking about trends, while Q&A videos should focus on answering consumer questions.

It may be that your business already has data on the (Frequently Asked Questions) and that a video can be created from that data.

Including it in the process of nurturing your leads can serve to increase the variety of information in your sales proposals, so that they can be closed more easily.

You can also create the video based on previous content.

Have you already made a video that generated many doubts in the public? Try to create another just to answer the questions that have come to you through the.

4. Success stories

The success story also positively impacts the credibility of your business and can be an excellent tool to close new sales.

Widely used in advertising, this type of video helps to show the main results of a brand.

Identify past results of your business that may be relevant to your market and showcase them through a case study to attract even more consumers.


It is currently possible to achieve active public participation. For this you can use Instagram Stories, Facebook and even Twitter.

What many still wonder is: When to bet on live video? Why are they so relevant?

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In general, lives convey a sense of urgency. It is the type of content that has to be displayed at that exact moment. Thus, it can be especially useful to use them during the coverage of an event or to divulge news first hand.

This type of video allows greater flexibility regarding the elements of your production and eliminates the need for editing. For this reason, information is the most valuable item, so it has to be very relevant and well presented to the public.

During the live you can also reserve a time for the questions of the followers, thus involving them with your brand or product.

6. Racks

Some brands can benefit a lot from creating videos that show behind the scenes of a campaign or action. And this can be especially interesting to do when there is the possibility of using special effects or using famous people in the production. In these cases, the most common is that the audience is interested in seeing what happened before and after.

You can take advantage of the fact that the structure of the video already exists — when it comes to the backstage of a movie, for example — to make another type of coverage.

Here it is possible to allocate backstage content to social networks that were not the destination of the final product and thus create relevant cross-channel content (marketing between channels).

7. Reviews

For brands, the review (or “review”) is especially interesting when there are .

The most common is that the reviews are published in the channel of your collaborator with the specifications of language, scenario and equipment of the Content Producer.

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As a brand, it is possible to incentivize that type of content. You can submit products ahead of launch to generate branding awareness or even start search volume on items.

Even if you are paying for the production of that content, it will work better if you approach it with an open mind.

Think of the influencer as a co-creator of the content. The video has to have your face and the review will perform better if it’s really honest. After all, followers know that person and will be able to perceive anything that is “off the curve” or seems rehearsed.

Consider the best type of content for your buyer persona

Videos are an excellent tool to develop the relationship with your clients, but they are not only good for that. When they are well planned and in accordance with the sales funnel they will also contribute to the and to increase conversion.

There are different types of videos that can be used in various contexts, some work better on certain social networks or specific platforms. However, what really matters is knowing your buyer persona thoroughly to understand what the most relevant content and communication channels will be for them.

Did you like knowing these 7 types of videos to use in your marketing strategy? ¡We hope so!

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