Find out what are the sizes of social network images

The images of the they are responsible for establishing the interface between a brand and its users, arousing the interest of potential buyers in the product or service being sold.

Therefore, in addition to having quality, the images must be in the format and size required by each network, so that the algorithms consider the relevant content and display it to the greatest number of people possible.

Discover the ideal formats and sizes to stand out on social networks!

Image size on Facebook

It is the most used social network in the world with more than 2.5 billion monthly active users and about 1.93 billion daily.

Despite of the network continues to value posts that generate genuine discussion among those who use it.

Here are the specifications for the dimensions of images on Facebook!


The profile photo is one of the elements that stand out the most on the commercial page.

Therefore, make sure you choose an image that generates an immediate identification between your followers and your brand.


  • Minimum Resolution 180 x 180 pixels
  • Files in JPG or PNG

Front page

Currently, in addition to an image, Facebook allows you to put a multimedia presentation with various images or a video on your cover.

Image size/format:

  • Recommended resolution: 851 x 315 pixels
  • Minimum resolution: 400 x 150 pixels
  • Files in JPG or PNG

Video Size/Format:

  • The video must be between 20 and 90 seconds long
  • Recommended resolution: 1250 x 312 pixels
  • Minimum resolution: 820 x 312 pixels
  • File in MP4

Timeline posts

Shared images are those that are posted to the timeline from a computer or mobile device.

It is possible to upload photos and videos of any dimension, in addition to creating:

  • Photo album
  • photo carousel
  • multimedia presentations
  • Instant Experience (a combination of photos and videos that appears in full screen mode)


Although you can use images and videos with any size, the recommended dimensions are:

  • 1080 x 1080 pixels (square)
  • 1200 x 630 pixels (landscape)
  • 1080 x 1350 pixels (vertical)

And the minimum recommended resolutions to maintain quality are:

  • 600 x 600 pixels (square)
  • 600 x 315 pixels (landscape)
  • 600 x 750 pixels (vertical)

The files must be:

  • Image: in JPG or PNG
  • Video: in MP4


Images and videos for ads follow the same recommendation pattern and formatting types as timeline posts, but with a few more specifics.

In the image of the ads, the texts can only occupy 20% and the maximum number of characters is 125.

Also, the specifications for link ads are more restrictive. Notice!

Sizes/formats with link:

  • Recommended minimum resolution for images: 1080 x 1080 pixels
  • Image ratio: 1.91:1 to 1:1
  • Recommended minimum resolution for videos: the highest possible
  • Maximum video file size: 4 GB
  • Minimum/maximum video length: 1 second/240 minutes
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event image

When you create an event, you should select a good image that follows patterns similar to the cover image of your page.


  • Recommended resolution: 1200 x 628 pixels
  • Minimum resolution: 400 X 150 pixels
  • File in JPG or PNG

group picture

Groups are great tools to encourage discussion and create a closer dialogue with your customers.


  • Recommended resolution: 1640 x 856 pixels
  • Minimum resolution: 400 x 150 pixels
  • File in JPG or PNG

Image size for Instagram

The posts in Focus 80% on images that perform great when posted in carousel format, according to report by of the second quarter of 2019, carried out by SocialBakers.

Because it is a mobile application that migrated to the desktop later, the formats and sizes of the images on Instagram must be produced considering that users access the content through their smartphone.

profile picture

The page admin should choose centralized images, since the photo is displayed with a circular cutout.


  • Minimum resolution: 110 x 110 pixels;
  • Standard size: 720 x 720 pixels;
  • 1:1 ratio (square)


Instagram recommends posting images with a square aspect ratio due to the screen format of smartphones. But users can also share photos and videos in portrait and landscape format.

Size/format – recommended resolutions:

  • Square images: 1080 x 1080 pixels;
  • Vertical images: 1080 x 1350 pixels;
  • Horizontal images: 1080 x 566 pixels.

The same pattern applies to videos, which can also be up to 1 minute long in the feed. Long videos can be posted on .

Posts in Stories

Another Instagram functionality that is a complete success are the .
In them, you can publish vertical images and videos. Other formats are also accepted, but will have a background that the Stories tool automatically creates to fill in the blank, as in the example.
These images will only be available for 24 hours, but if you prefer, you can include them in the “Featured” section to make them accessible for longer.


  • Ratio 9:16
  • Recommended resolution: 1080 x 1920 pixels
  • Videos with a maximum duration of 15 seconds

YouTube and its image dimensions

YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world, after Google. Last year, statistics from this network showed that all users added together watch, on average, one billion hours of video a day.

Faced with so much variety, if you want to rank your videos well, you must produce quality content and apply some platform specific.

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Below we show you the recommendations of the images for YouTube.

profile picture

YouTube allows you to select any profile picture. However, if you have a commercial channel, we recommend that you use your company logo so that potential and existing customers can easily recognize you.

For those who work as the image must reflect the content of the channel and be in tune with the profiles on other social networks.


  • Recommended resolution: 800 x 800 pixels
  • File in .JPG or .PNG

Cover image

The cover image must have the same visual identity as the profile photo, and both must reflect the editorial line of your company.


  • 2560 x 1440 pixels for smart TV
  • 2560 x 423 pixels for desktop
  • 1855 x 423 pixels for tablets
  • 1546 x 423 pixels for smartphones

Ideally, make the image as large as possible (2560 x 1440), but keep important information within smartphone dimensions. Otherwise, a person accessing through their cell phone will not be able to see them.


the thumbnails or thumbnails they are the cover image of your video, the one that is shown when users do a search.

Video publishers have the option of uploading a self-created image or letting YouTube select a frame.

Despite being a bit more work, we suggest you produce your own thumbnail, as this way you will have more customization options.


  • Recommended resolution: 1280 x 720 pixels
  • Minimum width: 640 pixels
  • Image formats: JPG, GIF, BMP or PNG
  • Up to 2MB
  • 16:9 aspect ratio


In addition to being careful with images, you should pay attention to the format of the content you share on YouTube.


  • Minimum resolution of 1280 x 760 pixels (in the case of HD videos);
  • Recommended resolution of 3840 x 2160 pixels (for 4K videos);
  • Recommended dimension: 16:9.

Find out what the image sizes are on LinkedIn

This professional network is one of the best channels to communicate institutional messages, or recruit professionals.

But to convey a professional image on your profile , it is necessary to be careful with the content you share and the appearance of your page. After all, the first impression is what counts.

Cover image

  • Recommended resolution: 1584 x 396 pixels
  • Maximum size 2MB
  • Formats: PNG, JPG or GIF

profile picture

  • Recommended resolution: 300 x 300 pixels;
  • Minimum resolution: 130 x 130 pixels;
  • Maximum file size: 4MB;
  • Formats: PNG, JPG or GIF.

Business banner image (display image of your profile)

  • Recommended resolution: 1584 x 396 pixels
  • Minimum resolution: 646 x 220 pixels
  • Maximum file size: 2MB
  • PNG, JPG or GIF.


  • Posts with images: 1200 x 1200 pixels
  • Posts with shared links: 1200 x 627 pixels
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Dimensions for Pinterest images

is a social network that allows you to share videos and photos, and group them in different murals based on a common theme.

Users can also pin photos from other profiles, instead of uploading them, creating a true inspirational board.

Due to its characteristics and usability, it is not a suitable tool for all business models. But it can be used, for example, to share tutorials with techniques or products.

profile picture

  • Minimum resolution: 720 x 720 pixels
  • 10MB maximum size

Cover of the wall

  • Maximum resolution: 222 x 150 pixels
  • Minimum resolution: 55 x 55 pixels


  • 235 pixels wide (no height limit)

The size of an image on Twitter

has a limit of 280 characters per post which forces users to be shorter in their message. This is exactly why you can use images to complement the information and generate more engagement in the followers of your page.

Next, we show you the ideal formats for this network.

profile picture

  • Recommended resolution: 400 x 400 pixels
  • Maximum size 100MB
  • Formats: JPG, GIF or PNG

Cover photo

  • Recommended resolution: 1500 x 1500 pixels
  • Maximum size 10MB
  • Formats: JPG, GIF or PNG

shared images

  • Recommended resolutions: 1024 x 512 pixels or 440 x 220 pixels;
  • Maximum size 5MB for photos, 3MB for videos and GIFs.

TikTok and the measurements of its images

is the craze of the moment with more than a billion active users worldwide, according to . Its success is so great that it was dethroning Facebook.

When sharing videos in this app, it is possible to apply various effects, filters, and edits. Also, you can use hashtags to extend the reach of posts. Even the ones that stand out the most are dubbing, transitions, challenges, reactions and duets.

Knowing this, many brands are developing strategies for TikTok with the aim of generating engagement and getting more reach for their products and services. It is a good option for advertisements, with the possibility of doing TikTok Video Ads and News Feed.

In the first option, the ad is shown on the user’s “For You” page. Already in News Feed, it is displayed in other TikTok apps, such as TopBuzz.

Therefore, to achieve good results in the app, it is necessary to know the image formats…

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