You can learn to convince: 14 tips to do it

If you are wondering if you can learn to convince, I have excellent news for you: yes, you can!

Of course you don’t wake up one day and suddenly have excellent persuasion, because this skill develops with practice and daily learning.

But why is it important to learn to convince? We will give you the answer right away.

To stand out in the business world, you need remarkable convincing power.

To make you feel the need to learn to convince, consider the following scenario:

The more and more in your work niche. How to make sure that it will be you who will close a sale, and not your competitor? There are several factors that you must take into account: the quality of the product/service, the a that exceeds customer expectations, etc.

But, also, consider that the potential client has a first contact with you or with your sales team, and that, often, they do not even know your brand. Therefore, it is imperative that you know and promote yourself!

Believe me, the style with which you approach a customer greatly influences their purchase decision. Body language, sales pitches, the exceptional value that the product/service adds to the customer, and reliability make the buyer prefer one brand to another.

Your focus should be to attract the customer, captivate them with your product and, especially, arouse their curiosity and motivate them to think about the pains/desires that your product/service solves or awakens. But how to do it in practice? Don’t worry! Let’s go by parts.

Is convincing a gift or a talent?

This question is very important because it is the one that will open the way for many people, including you.

First of all, how about understanding the difference between a gift and a talent?

The gift indicates that the person has a natural ability to do something in a fantastic and outstanding way. When you meet someone like that, from the first moment you realize that this person was born to do what he does. You can see that she is well prepared to master a certain subject or area.

As for the we can say that it refers to a skill that can be developed with time, practice and dedication.

Better now? We have told you all this to explain that it is possible to learn to convince, and that you can also develop this skill, which can lead to personal and professional success.

Keep reading this post for some tips that can help you learn how to convince.

Tips to stand out in the art of convincing

1- Smile

Yes that’s how it is. Exactly as you see it: smile! The smile works miracles.

Smiling helps break down many barriers between you and your customer, especially when it comes to a new customer.

With your smile, you ensure that the environment is conducive to starting a dialogue, allowing the customer to be more open to engaging in conversation.

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It is possible to notice that many salespeople forget to smile when they serve a client and that can cause them to lose opportunities. Therefore, pay close attention to this point.

2- Make the customer the protagonist of the conversation

If you want to learn to convince, it is essential that you open the way for your client to speak.

Convincing does not mean dominating the conversation and eliminating the chances of the buyer talking. This can make them lose interest in your products/services.

I recommend letting your client talk, interact, explain their needs. You must listen to the end. These moments are important to identify their pains/needs and prepare to decide the phrases you will use in your future arguments.

Listening is more profitable than talking. Listen more, talk less, and make your conversation more succinct and helpful.

3- Speak the language of your client

In this tip I am not talking about accents, slang, local words, etc.

Speaking the client’s language has other meanings and reasons that I will tell you right away.

When you listen to your buyer speak, take a good look at his vocabulary, choose a general expression that he uses and, when you need it, use it too.

As a result, your client feels a positive reflection, . This makes him more comfortable in the conversation and more willing to trust what you say.

it also means choosing a vocabulary that fits your social reality. In this way, you transmit the information and benefits of the product/service, using words that he understands very well. This facilitates the process of convincing, because you make sure that he is understanding you perfectly.

4- Read your client

Reading the customer is a smart strategy that many salespeople want to use, but few can do effectively.

This tip is perfect and efficient for those who want to learn how to convince, because it allows them to gather useful impressions and observations about buyers.

With this strategy, you can get more information about your client, going far beyond the words he says.

To carry out this type of reading, carefully observe the attitude of your buyer: what gestures does he make? What do your eyes say? Do you feel insecure to buy? Do you doubt what you say? Will he be scared or bored?

The body often reveals many messages that the person himself does not want to share and tends to hide.

Focus on the way your customer sees the product. Does he look agitated? This may indicate a lack of interest, for example.

5- Show confidence in what you offer

As a seller, you must have body language and also use words that convey confidence to the customer if you want to convince him.

If you show insecurity in what you offer to your buyer, the chances of losing it are great. This is an aspect that your client clearly notices, but that you can avoid.

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Watch your tone of voice and don’t speak very softly, because it is a sign that you are not sure of what you are saying. Try to adjust your body language as well, keeping your hands open and avoiding crossing them in the chest area. Doing so can make it seem like you’re closing yourself off and preventing the buyer from interacting with you.

Look the client directly in the eye when speaking to him and change your intonation when you show him the result that the product can bring him. This tactic is effective and makes you feel more excited about the purchase.

6- Focus on needs and not on sales

This is the golden advice for you to learn to convince, because all your activities and strategies must be based on the needs of the client. .

Keep in mind that a customer usually buys out of necessity, to solve a problem they are facing or fulfill a dream, but they will only buy a particular product if they are interested in it.

Then, discover the pain/desire of your client and, from there, demonstrate the potential that your product/service has to solve it. The buyer begins to think deeply about buying if he really feels that your product is capable of fulfilling his dreams or solving his problems.

7- Be empathic with your client

This is the other key for you to gain the trust of your buyers, since, based on the ability to generate empathy, you are closer to making your client buy what you offer.

Understand your customer put yourself in their shoes to find out what they are thinking and what their .

This, in addition to helping you develop your arguments efficiently, also helps you gain the trust of your client and, at the right time, you can offer some useful advice. And that can be decisive in decision making.

Many studies even claim that customers buy because they are influenced by emotions much more than by reason.

So how about investing in this? Bet on the sense of urgency () and the sense of reciprocity. You can create the strategy while offering a gift or an unmissable promotion, always focused on the pain of the buyer.

8- Be creative in the answers

Believe in the power of this advice so that you learn to convince very well.

There are some customers who try to counter everything you say about the product/service.

However, perhaps, for them, the quality of your arguments is not so important, but that you have an answer for each situation.

In such situations, bet on the , agree with what the buyer tells you and respond with a good argument. Thus, you gain admiration from him and he begins to see you as a .

In this sense, you must show interest in everything the client tells you and thank him for his concerns. Present him with other ideas or alternatives that can help him eliminate any fear or indecision.

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9- Be patient if you want to learn to convince

Many entrepreneurs lose customers due to salesperson impatience.

Anyone who wants to learn to persuade must learn , be willing to listen to him and be prepared to see him insisting and showing his intention not to buy. All of that is normal.

Follow the same flow of reasoning as you started, saying that the customer has the power to decide what to buy and when to buy, thus creating flexible communication and showing the buyer their freedom of choice.

10- Have emotional intelligence

It is very common that you see a seller get angry after spending a lot of time explaining something to the customer so that, in the end, he decides not to buy the product. Surely you have already experienced a situation like this, right?

In these situations, it is important that so that the client does not notice any difference in your behavior. Otherwise, they will realize that you only want to sell your products and do not care about their experience.

Not only that, you also lose the chances of trading with this client in the near future. In addition, it is very likely that he will speak ill of your attention to others.

Believe me, when you know how to manage your emotions, showing that the customer is always welcome, even if he doesn’t buy anything, you are . Thus, it is very likely that he will come back ready to buy a product / service from you.

Today it is not enough to convince your customer to buy immediately, but constantly. This is a smart strategy especially for companies facing high competition.

11- Use social proof

Nothing influences customer decisions more than testimonials from previous purchasers of your products.

And you can benefit from this by using stories in the form of videos, gathering a block of photos of your satisfied customers with the products. This makes it much easier to convince another customer to buy.

Phrases like: ‘many people are happy with our products, as shown on the sign’either ‘we won an Award from the World Organization of xxxxx’, ‘we attended the largest event in Latin America, watch the video’ … they make the difference!

This increases the credibility of the products/services and the possibility of purchase, since potential customers are convinced of their usefulness.

12- Do not decide for your client

Nothing is more annoying than seeing the seller decide for the customer.

If you do, unfortunately…

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