Fix Microsoft Edge not working on Windows 10 👉

Has Microsoft Edge stopped working on your Windows computer? Don’t worry. Follow these recommended methods to resolve how to fix Microsoft Edge not working on Windows 10.

So you are facing “Microsoft Edge not working” error? Don’t worry. We help you.

In this article, you will learn Best methods to get your Edge browser back up and running in no time on Windows 10. But before that, let’s take a look at the causes of this error in the first place.

Causes of Microsoft Edge not working on Windows 10

Microsoft Edge is a browser developed by Microsoft that comes pre-installed with all Windows operating systems. Although it is a vast improvement over its predecessor, ie Internet Explorer, it is also subject to occasional errors, unexpected crashes or stuck on startup.

In the past, Edge users reported that their browser kept crashing while Google was set as their default search engine. Microsoft fixed the bug with an update. Some other bugs may crop up from time to time.

The two most common errors you may encounter in Edge are:

  • Edge browser does not start at all.
  • Edge browser will crash after launching.

Any of these issues can affect your productivity if Edge is your default browser.

Fix “Microsoft Edge not working” error

There are several methods you can use. The following seven are the simplest ones that you can try in a few minutes without having to reinstall your browser.

1. Clear browser cache and cookies

Although it may seem trivial at first, clearing your browser’s caches and cookies is often the first recommended method suggested to fix a variety of problems; and not without good reason.

Caches are the elements of a web page that your browser stores on your computer. Because of these caches, you don’t need to completely reload these items from a previously visited site. Downloaded files may include HTML files, CSS style sheets, JavaScript scripts, as well as graphic images and other multimedia content. This helps your browsing speed by loading only the files that are new.

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Cookies, on the other hand, are used to save a user’s personal information, such as usernames, passwords, site preferences, etc. They are also used to track you across various websites.

Since caches are the copies of a web page at a given time, they can become a problem when said web page undergoes some changes. This variance between the cached copy and the live web page online could be the very cause of your Edge browser crashing.

Similarly, cookies, which are very small in size (mostly in KB), can eventually add up to take up a lot of space. This will result in a slower browsing experience.

Therefore, it is a good idea to clear caches and cookies from time to time. Follow the steps below to get started:

Click on the option Menu (…) > Setting on the top right of the browser.

In the left pane, click Privacy, search and services .

In Clear browser data click on Choose what to delete .

I dialed Cookies, caches and other required radio boxes and click clean now . Also, set the Range of time in all the time

Your cache and cookies will be cleared and your browser should start working again.

2. Install the latest Windows update

If you haven’t updated Windows for a long time or disabled the automatic update feature, you may be using an older and outdated version.

Using an outdated operating system can cause all sorts of problems. Microsoft Edge not working problem can also be one of those.

Here’s how you can update your Windows:

  • Press the Windows key + I to open Settings.
  • Click on Update and security.
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Now click on Search for updates.

If new updates are available, Windows will automatically download and install them on the next reboot.

If outdated Windows was the cause of your Microsoft Edge browser not working, the error will be fixed now.

3. Close other apps, tabs and extensions.

It could simply be the case that your computer does not have memory to spare, which would lead to an Edge browser crash. The first thing you can try to free up space is to simply close all apps except Edge browser.

You can then close all tabs except the one you need to use. You can also pause all your downloads if there are any at the moment.

And last but not least, if you have installed any browser extension, you should uninstall it to see if a rogue extension was causing the problem.

Performing these steps can free up enough memory to help Microsoft Edge run smoothly.

4. Update the Microsoft Edge browser.

To make sure it’s not an internal bug in the Edge browser that’s causing you problems, make sure the browser is updated to the latest version.

Click on the option Menu (…) > Setting at the top right of the browser.

Now click on About Microsoft Edge.

If a new update is available, you can apply it from here.

5. Check your router connection

But what if the problem is not with your Windows or Edge browser at all? It may be a network problem. To diagnose the network problem, try this:

If this is a problem with your router, you can try turning it off and then back on again, and see if that solves the problem.

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Alternatively, you can try connecting to your router through another device to check if it is working.

6. Reset all Edge settings

Performing a reset on all changed Edge browser settings can also be helpful. This is especially true if you are using the Beta version of the browser.

To reset Edge settings, go to Setting > Reset settings > Restore settings to default > Reset .

This will result in the deletion of your Edge extensions, cookies and temporary data and you can then start from scratch.

7. Run an SFC scan

System File Checker is a free tool designed by Windows to help you deal with system corruption issues if you face them. To use it, you will need to type the SFC command in a command prompt window. Follow these steps to get started:

In the Windows search bar, enter the symbol of the system and select it from Best Match.

Click on Execute as an administrator .

Scribe sfc /scannow Y press Enter.

restart your system after the scan is complete.

If the problem was caused by a system issue, it should be resolved using this method.

microsoft edge not working

Dealing with “Microsoft Edge not working” error is an annoying problem for many Windows users. Instead of fixing the problem, we often end up switching to other browsers.

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