Generate your sitemap in Joomla 3.4 with OSMap –

It is well known to all that since the beginning of Joomla as a CMS, the component Xmap has been the undisputed leader in Joomla sitemap creation and management. to later send it to search engines so that our content is located and indexed.

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Finally the author of Xmap decided to post the following notice on the component’s download website “Xmap is finally gone!” (Finally Xmap is gone) and invited us to look for other alternatives in the JED “Xmap is no longer supported nor available, go to Joomla Extension Directory to look for alternatives.” so that we can recreate our sitemaps and that the positioning of the web is not affected in the future.

When something ends in this life, somewhere else something new is starting, or in this case we discover other extensions that replace and what can we use in Joomla 3.4 (stable version) without problems. We talk about developed by (Alledia is from the OSTraining team) and that will allow us to supply Xmap without problems. Do you want to know how? …keep reading!

OSMap is the easiest way to add a sitemap to your Joomla site. You will be able to automatically create a Google-friendly sitemap of all content.

Download and installation

The most important thing is to download this extension from the author’s website, since you will not find it available in the JED.

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You will receive an email with the link to download the extension.

  1. Make a backup of your website.
  2. Download the extension from the author’s website.
  3. From the Extension Managerupload and install the extension.
  4. go to Components and locate OSMap.
  5. Access the component and create a sitemap from New

After installing the component and accessing it from >Components, OSMap It is possible that it will show you a warning similar to the following:

OSMAP has detected that the following extensions can help you get more content in the sitemap, if they are disabled you have to manually enable them from the Extensions Manager: com_content, com_virtuemart, com_weblinks

It is possible that if the extensions indicated by the notice are enabled and therefore when you create the sitemap the notice should be invalidated.


From Components, OSMap, now you can create a sitemap (sitemap). We explain the fields to fill in:

  1. Sitemap Details/Title: The name of the sitemap.
  2. Sitemap Details/Aliases: (you can leave blank, it is completed only when saving).
  3. Sitemap Details/Status: Make sure to set it to published.
  4. Sitemap Details/Access: recommended as public.
  5. Sitemap Details/Intro Text: Add a custom description.
  6. Menus/Priority: Sets a higher or lower priority over other menus based on importance.
  7. Menus/Change frequency: Define how often you want to update the menu data.
  8. Options/Intro text: Shows the introductory text.
  9. Options/Menu Title: Displays menu titles. Example: Main menu.
  10. Options/CC class name: Add a custom class name. This will allow you to add layout customizations that will apply only to this sitemap.
  11. Options/Columns: Number of columns to use for the HTML sitemap.
  12. Options/Image of external links: Choose a small image to display next to external links.
  13. Options/Compress XML: Compress the XML file.
  14. Options/Beautify XML: Adds design enhancements to the sitemap XML file. If errors are displayed it is recommended to disable this setting.
  15. Options/Link to author: Shows a link to the author of OSMap at the bottom.
  16. News Sitemap/Post Name: This is the name of the post. It must exactly match the name as it appears in your articles on, omitting any trailing parentheses. For example, if the name appears in Google News as “The News Site (subscription)”you must use the name, “The News Site”.

Once you have filled in all the fields of the new sitemap you can click on Save and exit to complete the process.

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To order the menus of the site map (sitemap) you must go to Components, OSMap, Your Sitemap, menus and taking advantage of the fact that they use “Drag & Drop” technology, you can drag the menus up or down to arrange them according to your needs.

Keep in mind that for each existing Menu item to be included in the sitemap you must check the corresponding checkbox to the left of each menu.

Publishing the sitemap on your website

It is important to have the sitemap published on your website since users will be able to use it (it is not intended only for indexing robots) to find sections of your website faster.

  1. Go to Menus, Main Menu and click Add new menu item.
  2. Menu item type: OSMAP, select HTML sitemap.
  3. Choose a sitemap.
  4. Site Map Settings (optional).
  5. Save and Close.

Now you can view it on your website through the menu you have created for this.

Publication of the sitemap in Google

If you want your content to be indexed by one of the most important search engines today, Google Don’t forget to submit your sitemap to search engines!.

You must first locate the XML file that you will need to send to Google from your Google Webmaster Tools.

You can find this file in Components, OSMap, XML sitemap. you click on To download it.


It is a component, available for Joomla 3.4 that will allow you in a few minutes to create a website map (sitemap) that you can later publish on your website through a menu and send the corresponding XML file to Google and other search engines so that index your content.

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If you currently use Xmap and you consider the use of OSMap do not forget that prior backup, it is recommended that uninstall “or disable” the Xmap component before installing OSMap and avoid duplicate submissions of the sitemap by two components to Google or other search engines.

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