Hire an SEO consultant – .com

Hire an SEO consultant to take care of the company’s management is as important a decision as hiring a sales manager, or an accountant to handle your taxes. It can greatly improve your site’s visibility and reputation, but it can also wreak havoc. So we must learn to hire him.

In most cases, the services usual for an SEO consultant, are usually the following:

  1. Review and development of website content
  2. Website structure review
  3. Technical assistance (purchase of domains, hosting, programming errors…)
  4. Keyword Research and Advice
  5. Competition study

It is important to understand that SEO has nothing to do with (PPC), which is about the ads that appear in the right column of the results page. No search engine accepts money to appear in a better position in organic results. Therefore, the fee you pay to your SEO consultant is solely to pay for their services.

One of the best moments for hiring an SEO is the moment in which you want to opt for a redesign of your websiteor want create a new one. In this way, you will be sure that the site has been programmed and designed optimally for search engines to find and index it. But a seo consultant can also work on a site that is already createdimproving the contents and structure.

To find out if an SEO consultant is legit, you can ask him the 5 key questions that every SEO consultant should answer.

  1. How long will it take to see the results?
  2. Do I have to sign a long-term contract?
  3. What exactly do you do on my website?
  4. Are the changes you make correct for search engines?
  5. Can you promise me a concrete result?
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Once you have asked these questions, and any others that you think may be relevant, follow these tips:

  1. Do not trust any consultant who guarantee you positions: The search engines do NOT have preferences for anyone, and no position can be agreed upon.
  2. Do not trust any consultant with secrets, which does not tell you exactly what it will do on your website. Ask for explanations and transparency at all times. Remember that there are prohibited SEO techniques that can penalize your website.
  3. Do not trust any consultant who tells you about submissions to hundreds of directories and search engines. They do not affect positioning.
  4. Do not trust any consultant who buys from you domains in your name (from the consultant).
  5. Do not trust any consultant who places you links to other websites in his.

These are just some guidelines for the correct choice of an SEO consultant, but they are not exhaustive. In case you are in the process of looking for a consultant, I recommend that you read this guide to Google for .

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