How long does it take google to delete a page?


To get Google to stop showing a page of your website in its search results, you can add the reference to the page to be removed in the robots.txt file that you have in the root of the website.

I will give you an example to make it clearer. Suppose you do not want Google to index the page Content only visible to registered users

In such case you would have to add the following line in the robots.txt:

Disallow: /product/assorted-burial-wreath/

Keep in mind that, once this is done, you will have to wait a few days until Google stops showing the results. There is no fixed term, since everything depends on the time that passes until Google crawls your website again.

A faster option would be to apply a redirect from the pages you no longer want to the home page of your website. To do this, you would have to add that redirection to the end of the .htaccess file that you also have in the root of the web.

I give you an example. For the same address as before, the code that should be added is the following:

Redirect 301 /product/assorted-funeral-wreath/ /index.php


Answered : 06/08/2017 12:28 pm

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