How the Payment System works: Find out in this post

Working with digital products has many advantages, such as the versatility of the products, the flexibility of working, lower logistics costs and the possibility of sell internationally. Thinking about it in our company has created the Payment System.

With a global reach and fully developed for digital business, and if you don’t already know it, you may be missing out on the opportunity to take your product to the whole world.

The good news is that today we are here to tell you what you need to know about the Payment System and everything it can do for your digital business.

doLet’s go?

Get to know the new Payment System

  • System fully integrated into the platform.
  • Developed to meet the specifications of the digital market.
  • Sales available in more than 12 currencies.
  • Exclusive anti-fraud system.
  • Capable of performing thousands of transactions simultaneously with high performance.
  • Sales in more than 188 countries.
  • Payment with various methods.
  • Automatic commission payment system for Affiliates.
  • Local means of payment available.

More autonomy, security and speed to sell all over the world

With millions of payments already processed in more than 188 countries, our system has everything to boost your conversions and make your buyers’ experience the best it can be.

All transactions are carried out in a very secure way, and you still have the facility to receive your commissions in local currency.

Your customers can pay in currencies other than the one you are used to using. Said payments are easily converted into Dollars (USD) and the value is deposited in your registered account, and can be withdrawn directly into your local account, without any mystery.

Our platform offers all this facility together with an exclusive anti-fraud system that has three of the largest security systems in the world: CSE Security, PCI-DS and 3D Secure, which regulate the main companies that act with personal and banking data.

Offer various options and enhance your sales opportunities

  • Credit card.
  • Online Debit.
  • Bank Payment Request.
  • PayPal.
  • Samsung Pay (except Colombia, Mexico, Peru or Chile)
  • Google Pay (except Colombia, Mexico, Peru or Chile)

More possibilities for your digital business

Payment with 2 cards

Not always the limit of your client’s card will be available to buy your product and, if that happens to them, they may leave the purchase for later and end up forgetting about it.

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The option to pay with 2 credit cards eliminates this difficulty. In addition, your client can pay in installments with each one of them, which will greatly reduce the chances of abandoning the purchase.

Free Period – Trial

Offering your buyers a trial period is a great way to convey credibility, increase purchase opportunities, and reduce the chance of a refund request.

With the Payment System it is possible to configure this free period, offering your buyers a maximum period of 30 days to try your product before buying it.

Subscription Plans

The Payment System allows Producers to sell their creations using a recurring payment system, such as Subscription. Thus, customers pay to have access to the product for a specific period and can renew that access for as long as they want.

For Producers, this business model is interesting because it allows them to generate recurring income and a predictable income.

Currencies available to buy and sell products at

  • US dollar (USD)
  • Argentine peso (ARS)
  • Brazilian real (BRL)
  • Canadian dollar (CAD)
  • Colombian Peso (COP)
  • Chilean Peso (CLP)
  • Euro (EUR)
  • Japanese yen (JPY)
  • Mexican peso (MXN)
  • Nigerian Naira (NGN)
  • Peruvian sol (PEN)
  • British pound (GBP)
  • Swiss franc (CHF)

*December 2019 information

Discover the benefits of the Payment System

With this functionality, you can choose the price of your product and automatically converts that value to the currency of the buyer’s country of origin.

Local payment methods that offers







Cash Payment


*December 2019 information

Various options of Payment Pages

The Payment System has various models of payment pages for you to use according to your business strategy, all optimized to obtain maximum conversion.

It is possible to create personalized payment pages per offer, thus adapting the moment of sale to the communication of specific campaigns.

Use the best of each of them or take advantage of our Payment Page Appearance Customization solution. Leave your payment page with the face of your digital product and boost your sales even more.

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Appearance of the Payment Page

At , you can easily customize payments without the help of programmers or designers. It is possible to customize them with your visual identity, which can increase the confidence of your buyers and, of course, increase your conversion opportunities.

This tool opens up more opportunities for you to break through your customers’ objections, reinforce your brand and help your Affiliates.

Increase your average ticket directly on the payment page

Imagine offering your customer a complementary product at the exact moment they are completing the purchase without having to go through the entire screen tour again.

For example, think that you have an online course on decorated handmade cookies. The person purchasing this product already has an interest in confectionery and may possibly be interested in other products in the same area.

Then, doHow about offering an ebook on different decorating techniques with royal icing at a discount at the end of the purchase, so that they can take it as a second product?

Your customer learns more and you increase your sales. great strategy, dodon’t you think?

Notifications on the payment page

If there is something that can arouse urgency and interest in a lead, it is knowing how other customers are behaving in relation to your digital product.

With checkout page notifications, you can speed up your buyers’ decision and drive sales by letting them know, for example, who is interested or has already purchased a product.

Discount coupons

The Payment System allows Producers discount and develop sales strategies based on offers. In addition, it is also possible to create coupons so that Affiliates can use them in their own outreach actions.

The Payment System helps to recover sales

Your client has seen your product page, liked what you offer and decides to buy. On your payment page, it registers some personal information, but for some reason it is safe and does not complete the transaction.

With sales recovery, the data entered by the lead is recorded by the platform and sent directly to you. Thus, you can do a job specifically directed towards each captured lead, so that the doubt of your future client is replaced by the certainty of the purchase.

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The Payment System is smart

This form of payment allows the buyer to divide the value of your product into monthly installments or installments.

doDo you want an example? Let’s say that your online course costs $100, but for some of your buyers that value is too expensive and they end up not buying it.

With the, the buyer will be able to divide the value in some installments or monthly payments with his card without the total value of the product being an impediment. Thus, your student manages to acquire the course with a number of installments or monthly payments that he can pay.

Make sales within your Members Area

One-Click Buy

is a fully integrated platform. For this reason, we always care about offering the best solutions to our Producers and Affiliates. And one of the most strategic integrations is the one-click purchase.

This allows Producers to sell products within the member area without requiring already registered buyers to re-register their credit card information each time they want to buy, which also eliminates the flow of buyers who give up buying to not having to record that data again.

This is one more integration that boosts the sales of the Producers, since it increases the recurrence of those who are already buyers.

Start selling today with the Payment System

Now that you have seen everything that the Payment System can offer your digital business, you must be asking yourself: “doDo I have to pay for all these services? And the answer is: ¡No!

¡ is a free platform, without membership fees or monthly payments, with tools that are also free and fully integrated!

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