How to activate or switch to the rear and front camera (e.g. Omegle)

To switch between the rear and front cameras on an Android device, you’ll need to use the camera application. There’s a dedicated on-screen button for this task. However, there are instances where this button might not be visible in the application, or you may want to change or flip the camera while visiting websites like omegle, where most browsers don’t provide this option. Fortunately, there’s a solution for all these scenarios.

Activate Rear or Front Camera on Android

If you want to change, toggle, or “flip” the camera on your cell phone, open the camera application. You’ll find a prominent button, as shown in the image above. If the rear camera is active, tap the button to switch to the front camera, and vice versa.

Change or Flip the Camera on Omegle and Other Web Pages

Omegle is an online “video dating” website where you chat with strangers. When you access this site using browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox, or Samsung Internet on your Android phone, the front camera is automatically activated, and you won’t have the option to switch to the rear camera. The solution to this situation is straightforward – use the Opera browser.

As far as my testing goes, Opera is the only browser that consistently offers the option to choose between the front and rear camera each time you log in to It even allows you to select the headset as the audio source and microphone, whereas other browsers only work with the speaker.

Problem Resolution

If you encounter issues like a “Camera error” message, the app not opening, or the cameras not switching, try the following troubleshooting steps:

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Restart Camera App

  1. Open system settings (either by sliding down the top bar and tapping on the gear icon or by searching for “Settings” in the app drawer).
  2. Tap on “Applications” or “Application Manager”.
  3. Locate the “Camera” app and tap on it.
  4. Select “Clear data”.

My Phone Does Not Detect the Camera or I Cannot Change

If the problem persists despite trying the above solutions, it might be a physical issue with the camera module. For example, if you receive a “Camera Error” when switching to the rear camera, the module for that camera might be faulty.

In another scenario, if you can see the image from the rear camera in the app but can’t find the button to switch to the front camera, the issue may lie with that particular camera.

In such cases, it’s advisable to seek help from a professional technician. If you feel confident in disassembling the cell phone, you might be able to address the issue yourself. Often, the cause of the “Camera error” or the missing camera switch button is a loosely connected rear camera module, which could be a result of one or more previous system crashes.

To resolve this, simply reconnect or reseat the connector from the camera module to the main electronic board.

Set the Front or Rear Camera as “Default”

Assuming that the rear camera module is indeed damaged (not just disconnected), you’ll likely encounter a camera error when opening the app, preventing you from switching to the front camera, even if it’s in good condition.

In this case, the solution would be to launch the camera app with the front camera. However, most camera apps default to the rear camera, including the pre-installed factory app and third-party alternatives. While you can’t usually change the default camera for an app, there are selfie apps available that have the front camera as the default option.

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