How to become a WordPress developer

Since WordPress is the most popular content management system, there will always be users looking for developers to improve their websites. By becoming a WordPress developer, you can monetize your work or share your knowledge for free.

Either way, it is essential to first understand the fundamentals of the job. That’s why in this tutorial we explain everything you need to know to become a WordPress developer.

What can be created and developed?

Modifying WordPress involves writing stand-alone code that interacts with the core WordPress code. If you make any mistakes, the core code won’t change, so you can experiment as much as you want without having to .

A developer can change the look and feel of the site, modify the core behavior, modify the admin panels, or create an entirely new user profile page. In other words, what you can do is only limited by your knowledge and willingness to learn.

These are the top five creations of a WordPress developer:

1. Topics

Simply put, themes define the design and style of a WordPress website. It is responsible for the general appearance of the site. A WordPress theme is the combination of multiple elements, including HTML, CSS, PHP, javascript Y JQuery.

With over 31,000 options available, there’s still room to display your creation as there’s a huge demand. Also, creating a free WordPress repository theme can be a great way to raise your name as a developer.

Currently, the is the trend among developers. With the fluidity of grid systems, use of images, and CSS media queries, WordPress sites with responsive themes look great on any device, including mobile phones, tablets, monitors, or large screens.

You can create themes from scratch or use starter themes like , and . They are basically “blank canvases” or themes with minimal designs and basic elements that you can improvise and build on.

2. Plugins

At this time, there are more than in the WordPress directory. It is the most searched and used WordPress function. Take advantage of this advantage and contribute to the sea of ​​plugins yourself.

Plugins allow you to modify the behavior of WordPress without touching the core code. Users can also add tons of extra features to their website with little to no advanced programming knowledge.

PHP hooks are used a lot for . It is the technique that allows an application to execute a function or class automatically. There are two types of hooks: action and filter. You must master both to be a WordPress developer and create a working plugin.

While many popular plugins, like , or , are made with complicated programming and hooks, there are tons of simple WordPress plugins that are very useful, like , and .

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3. Widgets

Widgets are web components that are typically added to websites to provide additional content and functionality. They can be used to access certain pages or parts of a website and provide a quick gateway to a particular feature.

WordPress comes with default widgets that can be arranged through the dashboard by clicking appearance -> widgets. You can also get third-party widgets by installing plugins, like or .

Just like creating a plugin, making widgets for WordPress requires sufficient knowledge of PHP. You can start by accessing the functions.php file in your current theme, then using the combinations of functions provided in the .

A custom widget is usually the solution to create the desired feature that you can’t find anywhere. This is especially useful if your goal is to create your own WordPress theme or plugin.

4. Complete WordPress Websites

Designing and developing a complete WordPress site means that you will combine themes, plugins, widgets, and custom code (SASS, , JavaScript, and PHP) to create a unique website based on the client’s needs.

While there are various website builders such as , and , the market demand for creating a custom website by hiring a WordPress developer is still high.

However, complete requires more than just technical skills like writing lines of code: you need to be creative, know the basic principle of UI/UX design, and use reliable resources, like a .

5. Web applications through the Rest API

A web application is functional, dynamic web pages that operate through a web server and can be accessed through a web browser. This program works very well with any operating system or device, as long as the browser is compatible.

Unlike a website, the web application has a more practical function. While the sites are mostly static, the web application works interactively. Some of the most popular web applications that you must have heard before are Gmail, Google Docs and Facebook.

Since 2015, WordPress has integrated its core files with a separate one. This communication architecture works as a “bridge” that connects the WordPress core with any application running on a web server.

By mastering those of the REST API, you will be able to create a web application that works with WordPress.

What do you need to know as a WordPress developer?

The core of WordPress was built using the common web coding languages, PHP and MYSQL. The front-end presentation is a combination of HTML and CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, and AJAX.

Let’s take a look at each of them:

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HTML (preferably HTML5)

Implementation of a valid Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is required for a smooth user experience. This ensures that your pages fit in any web browser. If your code is invalid, browsers will misinterpret your code and render part of your page wrong.

HTML5 is currently the latest version of this markup language. It has several significant advantages over its predecessor (HTML4), such as video and audio support, JavaScript support, and tons of new elements, such as footer, header, hint, summary, etc.

Valid HTML is written using the correct syntax, formula that refers to the overall structure of the document, the order of HTML elements, nesting elements, and formatting attributes.

The structure must always start with a declaration DOCTYPEopening tags then a header section with document metadata, such as the title of each page or a body section, and finally a closing tag .

In general, HTML is divided into three elements: stream, metadata, and phrasing. Each of them has different application for what is allowed within it.

For example, paragraph tags can have phrasing (inline) content within them, such as (bold font), (italics), (links) etc However, it is not allowed to include flow elements (blocks) like

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