How to change the password and name of your WiFi in three easy steps

Everyone has WiFi at home, but very few have changed the default password. This practice is more dangerous than most people think since there are different ways, easier than you think, to get hold of your router credentials, that’s why we are going to teach you how to change both the password and the name of your WiFi in just three steps.

Apart from security reasons, that others cannot access your WiFi and the information it collects, there are also other reasons why you would want to change your WiFi password and name, such as the key being too long and complicated to remember or that you confuse your router with another because the names with your neighbors are very similar.

Whatever your situation, we are going to teach you how to change it in three simple steps.

1. Access your router

This step may be the “most complicated” although it is not very difficult either. To access our router, we first have to find it, we do this through the browser we use, be it Google, Edge, Safari…

Then we have to find the input IP address, this is usually the same for all devices, this address is the same as the IP address that when we connect with the mobile or the computer, only the router keeps the first series . So in the vast majority of cases our IP address is or, it is true that there are cases where it is another combination, but it is not usual.

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After finding the combination of our router, we have to search for it directly in the browser bar.

2. Enter WiFi settings

Of course, to access you also need a username and password, this information is usually found in the manual of your router and if you can’t find it, contact your operator so they can give it to you. Do not try to enter if you do not know the password because access can be blocked and you will no longer be able to change this data.

Once we have found all the information we need and we are inside the router, we must go to the WiFi settings, which are usually called “WiFi Settings” or “Security”. Here we will have to look for the option that allows us to change the password and the name of our network.

3.Change the password

When we already have the password section, the next thing we have to do is change the combination, here are some. It is important not to reuse your passwords and if you do not know very well what to put you can use a password manager, as far as the name is concerned, here you have total freedom to name your WiFi as you want.

Once you have made the pertinent changes, you will only have to confirm and save them, and just like that, you will have made your WiFi more secure while customizing it.

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