How to change the user “telecomadmin” and its password on a Huawei modem/router

In the modern digital landscape, safeguarding your Internet-connected devices is crucial to prevent unauthorized access and potential security breaches. This guide outlines steps to secure your Huawei modem/router by changing the default access credentials. By doing so, you enhance your network’s protection and minimize the risk of unauthorized tampering or intrusion.

The Importance of Changing Default Access Credentials

When your Internet Service Provider (ISP) supplies you with a Huawei modem/router, it often comes with default access data – a predetermined username and password – to facilitate technical support and device management. While this aids your ISP’s technicians in addressing issues promptly, it also poses a security risk. If left unchanged, these default credentials could potentially allow unauthorized individuals to manipulate your network settings, compromise your online activities, and even extract sensitive information.

Potential Risks of Default Access Data

Default access data provides a potential gateway for unauthorized individuals to exploit your modem/router, potentially resulting in:

  • Unauthorized monitoring of your online activities.
  • Manipulation of the websites you visit, including phishing attempts to acquire personal information.
  • Injection of viruses or malware into connected devices.
  • Compromised security of your personal data, such as bank account details and social media credentials.

Changing User Access Data

Default User Access Data

By default, Huawei devices offer two types of access: user (basic) and administrator (advanced). The user access data can be easily altered by following these steps:

  1. Open a web browser on a device connected to the router.
  2. Enter the default IP address, usually found on a label attached to the device (e.g.,
  3. Use the default username and password (commonly root and HWadmin).
  4. Navigate to the “System Tools” tab and select “Modify Login Password.”
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Changing Administrator Access Data

Changing administrator access data, which provides comprehensive control over the modem/router settings, requires a different process. Follow these steps:

  1. Access the router as an administrator using the default values: IP address, username telecomadmin, and password admintelecom.
  2. Proceed to the “System Tools” tab.
  3. From the left-hand menu, choose the “Configuration File” option. Click “Download Configuration File” to obtain an .xml file. Store a copy of this file securely for future reference.
  4. Open the .xml file with a suitable text editor, such as Notepad++.
  5. Search for the line containing “telecomadmin” to locate the encrypted password (e.g., 402931e04c03e24d360477a9f90b9eb15777e154360f06228be15c37679016ef).
  6. Decrypt the password from SHA256 to MD5, then decrypt it further to reveal the original password (e.g., admintelecom).
  7. Choose a new password and encrypt it using MD5 and then SHA256.
  8. Replace the encrypted password in the .xml file with your newly encrypted password. Save the file.
  9. Return to the router configuration (System Tools > Configuration File) and click “Update Configuration File.” Upload the modified file.
  10. Once the router restarts, you can use your new password. The previous default password (admintelecom) will no longer work.

Reverting Changes

Should you need to revert this change, follow the same procedure using the backup configuration file from step 3.

By following these steps, you enhance the security of your Huawei modem/router, reducing vulnerabilities and ensuring your network remains a robust shield for your valuable data and online activities.

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