How to enable and use the privacy guide in Google Chrome ⇨

With Chrome 98, the browser gets some new features. This includes a built-in tool for taking and editing screenshots, more attractive emojis, and a new Privacy Guide. Here, let’s see what is the privacy guide and how to enable and use it in Google Chrome browser on phone and PC. Find out below how to enable and use the privacy guide in Google Chrome

How to enable and use the privacy guide in Google Chrome

What is the Privacy Guide in Chrome?

While using Chrome, you give a lot of information to Google, which is mainly used to serve personalized ads. However, people who are privacy conscious may not feel comfortable with it.

Therefore, Google has now added a new Privacy Guide feature to Chrome. The Privacy Guide lets you review your critical Chrome privacy settings, tells you exactly what they do and what data you’re sharing with Google to make them work.

Since you clearly see what data will be shared, you can choose to keep it disabled. The feature is available as a flag and can be enabled on both phone and PC. Once you turn it on, it can be accessed on the Settings page.

How to enable the privacy guide in Chrome

To get the Privacy Guide, you need to update Chrome to the latest version and then enable the experimental flag. After which, you will be able to access it in the Settings menu, as shown below.

Upgrade to Chrome 98+

Step 1: Open Chrome and click on the three point menu .

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Step 2: Select Setting and then About Chrome .

Step 3: Wait for Chrome to check for and install the latest update.

Alternatively, you can manually download the latest version from the .

Enable privacy review flag

Step 1: write and enter chrome://flags in the address bar.

Step 2: on the flags screen, look for “privacy”. or paste directly chrome://flags/#privacy-review in your address bar.

Step 3: enable the flag for privacy review .

Step 4: Click on Relaunch to restart the browser.

Using the privacy guide in Chrome

Step 1: in Chrome, tap the three point menu and select Setting .

Step 2: Then select security and privacy in the sidebar on the left.

Step 3: Click on check my settings in privacy review .

Step 4: Here you can view and change your privacy settings.

Guide to privacy in Chrome Mobile

To enable the Privacy Guide on mobile Chrome, all you need to do is repeat the steps above and turn on the Privacy Guide. flag chrome://flags/#privacy-review . Once it does, restart the browser. You can then access it at Settings > Privacy & Security > privacy guide .

Understand Chrome privacy options

1- Search and navigation optimization

When you dive into the privacy review, Chrome first gives you the option to select whether you want to improve searches and browsing.

What you get:

Once you enable it, you’ll get faster browsing, where Chrome will proactively load more content based on the current page you’re on. It will also show you suggestions in the Omnibox before you start typing.

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Data shared with Google:

Google can see links to the pages you visit. URLs are shared with Google to understand your browsing behavior.

2- Safe browsing protection

By default, Chrome uses standard browsing protection to protect against online threats like dangerous websites, downloads, and extensions. Plus, you can opt for enhanced protection, which takes it to the next level.

What you get:

Chrome predicts and warns you about dangerous events before they happen. It also warns if your passwords are exposed in a data breach. In addition to keeping you safe in Chrome, it can also improve your security in other Google apps you’re signed into.

Data shared with Google:

Chrome will send the URLs to Google to verify them for safe browsing. In addition, it sends a sample of pages, downloads, extension activity, and system information to help find new threats.

Although temporarily, it links this data to your Google account to protect you in Google applications and services.


3- Block third-party cookies

The latter setting allows you to choose when to block third party cookies. By default, Chrome is set to block third-party cookies only in incognito mode. But you can change it to block all third party cookies.

What you get:

When you block all third party cookies, sites will not be able to track your activity from one page to another in the browser. This will reduce personalized ads. But again, it can break features on some websites.

Shared data:

Sites can only use their cookies to see your browsing activity on their own site. For example, to keep you logged in or remember items in your cart.

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It was all about the new Privacy Guide feature and how you can enable it in Chrome 98. With the new update, Google has tried to make it easier for users to understand critical privacy settings, how they affect browsing, and what data is shared. with the giant.

This increases the transparency of data exchange with users and is a welcome move by the browser.

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