How to enable dark mode in Google Keep on Android and Web –

Over the years, Google has added several features to its Google Keep platform, including the recent addition of dark mode. It helps text stand out from the background and makes taking notes easier on the eyes. So if you didn’t know how to enable it before, stay tuned as we discuss five ways to apply dark mode in Google Keep on Android and the web. Discover How to enable dark mode in Google Keep on Android and Web

How to enable dark mode in Google Keep on Android and Web

How to apply dark mode in Google Keep

As mentioned above, Google Keep has a built-in option for dark mode, but you can also apply a dark theme using a system-wide dark theme, dark mode extensions, and Chrome flags. We’ll walk you through each method with step-by-step instructions for both Android and the web version of Google Keep.

Method 1: Switch to dark theme in Google Keep app (Android)

In 2019, most G suite apps received an update to switch to Google’s dark mode, and among them was Google Keep. This allowed you to change the app theme to dark mode. Here are the steps to enable a dark theme on Google Keep.

Step 1: play the burger menu ≡ in the Google Keep app.

Step 2: open Setting .

Step 3: Here, tap on the option Theme .

Step 4: select Dark and the app UI will change to a dark mode.

Go back and all your notes will have a darker background and the text will turn white.

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Method 2 – Use system-wide dark mode (Android)

Google also introduced a system-wide dark mode with the release of Android 10 in 2019. This allowed all supported apps to switch to dark mode based on the current system theme. You can use this to apply a dark theme on Google Keep. This method will only work on devices running Android 10 or higher .

Step 1: open Google Keep and touch the hamburger menu .

Step 2: go to Setting

Step 3: press the option Theme .

Step 4: choose the option system default

Step 5: Now go to the app Setting on your Android device.

Step 6: Scroll down and go to Screen .

Step 7: touch dark theme

Step 8: Activate the toggle for the dark theme.

Now whenever you activate dark mode on your Android device, it will also change the theme in Google Keep.

Depending on your Android device, certain settings may be different, but most devices will have a Dark Theme option within the Display settings.

Method 3 – Enable dark theme in Google Keep web app (PC)

Just like its Android counterpart, Google Keep on the web or its Progressive Web App for Chrome lets you switch to the dark theme. Let’s take a look at how you can do it.

Step 1: Visit the website of .

Step 2: Click on the gear icon at the top right.

Step 3: then click Enable dark theme

That is all! It only takes three steps to enable the dark theme on the Keep web app.

Method 4 – Using Chrome Flags (PC)

Chrome flags are experimental features that have yet to be officially introduced to Chrome. One of the flags can be used to apply pitch-black dark mode to all web content. We can use this flag to apply a dark theme to the Google Keep web app. Note that this will only work on Chrome and Chromium-based browsers like Edge and Brave.

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Step 1: in Chrome, go to chrome://flags/#enable-force-dark to open the dark mode flag.

Step 2: click the box next to auto dark mode for web content .

Step 3: Select option Enabled.

Step 4: Now restart your browser.

After the reboot, visit Google Keep and the colors should invert in dark mode.


Method 5: Download Super Dark Mode Extension (PC)

If the methods mentioned above are not working well for you, then you can opt for extensions. The Chrome Web Store has tons of dark mode extensions, but we decided to go with the super dark mode extension. It’s easy to use and works well in the Keep web app. This is how you can use it.

Step 1: download the extension from the Chrome Web Store.

Step 2: Open a new tab and click the extension icon in the upper right corner.

Step 3: click on the extension Super Dark Mode.

Step 4: Now go to the Google Keep web app and it should have a dark theme applied.

This will also affect other web content and change your theme to a darker one.


This brings us to the end of our article on how you can apply dark mode in Google Keep on Android and the web. As a Keep user, I prefer to use dark mode over light as it makes the text more visible, especially if you add a background color to your notes as they also have a darker tone. Stay tuned for more such guides.

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