How to find the perfect theme for your blog –

There are all kinds of good reasons for wanting to start a blog, share your ideas and connect with like-minded people all the way to publicizing your work, earning a little bonus or even

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However, many people do not just launch because they are not sure what to write about.

They want to create a blog but they don’t know very well about what.

If that is your case, today you are in luck, because in this post I am going to help you clear all your doubts.

After reading it and doing the exercises that I am going to propose, you will discover the perfect theme for your blog or future digital platform.

The biggest obstacle when it comes to finding a good theme

When starting a blog, there are two types of people:

  • Those who know from the beginning what their project is going to be about.
  • Those who can’t quite find a good theme or have several ideas but can’t choose one.
  • In my experience, those who belong to the second group can not make up their minds due to three very common mental barriers.

    Let’s see what they are and how to remove them.

    1. I can’t think of a good idea

    Many of us have a misconception of what ‘a good idea’ is.

    As we do not stop reading everywhere about Steve Jobs, entrepreneurship and innovation, we think that in order to start our online project we first need to find a revolutionary idea that changes the world; something that has never been done before.

    Actually, it doesn’t have to be that way.

    If you look, most of the blogs that are successful today are about normal and current topics such as nutrition, online marketing or fashion, and when they started there were already many other websites in those same niches.

    What they did was differentiate themselves from them by approaching their subject from a different point of view, focusing on a different audience or simply producing better content than their competitors.

    But the idea itself is normal and ordinary.

    Therefore, I recommend that you stop looking for a super-idea and start paying more attention to all those themes that you thought were bad, because maybe they are perfect for you.

    2. I have nothing interesting to write about

    Some time ago I shared a BlaBlaCar with a guy who was a semi-professional cyclist and worked in a bike shop.

    Chatting, he told me that he felt bad every time he charged his clients 5 euros to fix a flat tire.

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    “It’s really easy, Ángel. It’s a robbery to ask for money for something that anyone knows how to do.”

    What happened to this boy is something common that happens to all of us to a greater or lesser extent.

    When there is something that we do habitually and that does not cost us any effort, we take it for granted and think that it has no value.
    We do not realize that the same skill that is basic to us can be extremely valuable to other people, even to the point of wanting to pay for it.

    The same happens when choosing the theme of a blog.

    We have knowledge that could help a lot of people, but we overlook it because we think it’s something that everyone already knows.

    That’s actually where the best ideas come from, so keep that in mind the next time you think that what’s easy or obvious for you is also easy for the rest of the planet.

    3. I am not an expert

    There are still those who believe that in order to start a blog you must have two master’s degrees and a doctorate on your subject.

    Fortunately, this is not the case.

    To start a blog all you need is to add value to your readers, and to achieve that you just have to know more than the people who read you.

    In other words, if your knowledge of WordPress is a 6, with your website you could help everyone who has a level of 5, 4, 3 or lower.
    As long as there is someone who finds useful what you write is enough.
    You don’t need to be a recognized expert, have official titles or have accumulated 10,000 hours of experience!

    In fact, there are people who create a blog as a diary and narrate their progress towards a specific goal.

    They start as beginners, but little by little they learn and advance until they become an authority in the eyes of their readers.

    That is the case of Omar de la Fuente and his blog, in which he recounts his transition from employee to self-employed and where he publishes an income report every month.

    Or the case of Javier, also passionate about travel, who has opted for a .

    In the beginning, he earned 0 euros, but now he bills a good amount.

    So now you know. You don’t need to be a super expert to create your blog 🙂

    How to find the ideal theme for you

    You have already freed yourself from your mental barriers. !! Congratulations!!

    Now you are ready to find the ideal theme for your blog using the 3-step method that I am going to teach you below.


    Step 1. Generate ideas for possible themes

    The first thing you are going to do is generate ideas for possible themes.

    This is pretty easy once you know you don’t need a revolutionary theme and you don’t have to be an expert, because all you have to do is examine your own life.
    More specifically, I suggest you examine 5 areas:

    • Your skills. Things that you know and are good at, either because you learned them at university, at work or on your own, or simply because they are a natural talent. Examples: WordPress, programming, writing.
    • your hobbies The things you do for pleasure. Since you like them, you spend a lot of time on them and you are continually learning about them and practicing them. Examples: travel, gastronomy, football.
    • Websites and podcasts. The blogs you visit and the podcasts you listen to. If you have been reading/hearing about web design on a daily basis for the last three years, it is very likely that you know a lot about it. Examples:, The Fizzle Show.
    • Tools and applications. This includes both digital tools and ‘physical’ tools. Example: Excel, OneNote, Photoshop, digital camera, iPhone, bicycle.
    • Non-fiction books and magazines. The paper version of web pages. The reasoning is the same: if you read marketing books for pleasure, you probably know more about marketing than most people. Example: The Permanent Portfolio, The 4-Hour Workweek.

    Simply make a list of all the ideas you can think of within each of these categories (at least 20 total).

    For now don’t worry if they are good or bad.

    We’ll deal with that later.

    Step 2. Turn your ideas into concrete themes

    Ok, now you have your list of ideas. Now the problem is that many of them are things like ‘writing’, ‘dining out’ or book titles, and it is very difficult to start a blog on those topics.

    Therefore, what you have to do in this second step is to convert the answers from the previous exercise into possible topics.

    And the way to achieve this is by transforming each of those answers into something that is useful to others.

    Some examples.

    Imagine that you are a very outgoing person, who is good at meeting people. How could you transform that skill into a blog? Well, one possible option would be to write about social skills. Or maybe launch a blog about seduction, if what you are particularly good at is interacting with the opposite sex.

    What if what you like the most is buying clothes? In that case you could start a blog about fashion.

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    I think you get the idea…

    Sometimes an answer from step #1 will generate different themes or you can combine multiple answers to generate a new theme.
    All this is perfect.

    The important thing for now is that you list all the topics that come to mind.

    Step 3. Choose the best theme for you

    At this point you have a list of topics for your blog, but among all of them you have to choose one.

    Which to choose?

    My suggestion is that you use the following criteria to make your decision:

    Passion. The more you like a topic, the more you will transmit that passion, the more you will like producing content and, above all, the more you will continue learning and training.

    Knowledge. The more you know about a topic, the better content you will publish and the more value you will be able to contribute to your readers. Also, you will have that credibility of someone who knows a lot about what he is saying.

    Chance. Not all niches are the same. There are themes that have greater demand and less competition than others, or that have a greater economic potential. This is always something to keep in mind, especially if your goal is to build a business around your blog.

    When in doubt, prioritize the topic that you are most passionate about, because in the long run you will be able to continue writing and learning about it.


    If you have followed the process and have done all the exercises that I have outlined in the post, by now you should have a clear idea of ​​the perfect theme for your blog.

    You are finally ready to start!

    However, this is only the beginning.

    Creating a digital platform is not as simple as installing WordPress and writing.

    You have to build solid foundations and do things with your head, or your project will fail as happens with the vast majority of blogs on the Internet.

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    After 4 years as an engineer at Microsoft, I quit my job to make my dream come true: to travel the world with a backpack.

    I now travel full time and write for Living to the Fullest about how to be more free and create your ideal lifestyle.

    I am also the author of the first book in Spanish on intermittent fasting and the Idea2Blog blogging course.

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