How to integrate WhatsApp in WordPress –

Add WhatsApp in WordPress manually

Of the different ways you can find to integrate whatsapp in wordpressone of them is the manual method through the generation of specific links that are inserted in your web, in Pages or Entries, as text with link (CTA) can be used so that the visitor of your site when clicking opens a window (modal or new tab) that invites him to open his desktop App, browser (WhatsApp Web) or the native App on his mobile device to receive the message and continue the process.

Is this manual method effective?as effective as any other, even the insertion of a WhatsApp button with a plugin, since in both cases an action is required to be executed by the user, so the triggering factor of the action will be less or less. greater extent that of power of attraction exerted by said CTA, whether it’s a text with a link or a very cool button with a WhatsApp icon, if the user has the need to click, he will do it! be it a text or a button.

If you choose the manual method, in the next block I will explain how to use it to create links with a call to action, that is, send the link with WhatsApp opening, and you will see that it is not that complicated, and in the end if it convinces you, then a plugin that you save installing.

It is true that if what you are looking for is sophistication in terms of integration, perhaps the plugin method will be more interesting for you, especially “commercial plugins” that are more complete and allow many more customizations and actions to be carried out.

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To get started in messaging from your WordPress to customers, I invite you to practice the manual method, which, although more artisan, serves as training to understand how it works and what essential steps you must follow.

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