How to make a review? Learn to write like a pro

If you like to write, it is likely that you have already wondered how to write a review, a very common type of text in the daily life of students or .

Currently, there are reviews for everything, from scientific articles and books, to products, movies or series and, to a large extent, a large part of our consumption is based on them.

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In addition, they have become an objective and very frequent way of sharing an experience or opinion with others. It can even be a job .

Therefore, understanding how to write a review can be very useful in various aspects of your life. So we are going to give you some practical tips to help you write like a professional. Keep reading!

What is a review and what is it for?

Although it seems obvious, being clear about what a review is is key to writing one correctly. The word review comes from Latin, specifically from resignwhich means “take note”, “write” or “note”.

A review is a short text in which an object, work or event is presented through an objective argument and in order to make it known to the public. Although it can include both positive and negative evaluations, in general, these are texts with evaluations and constructive criticism.

Each review has its particularities, depending on who writes it and their argumentative capacity. They can be very technical texts or experiences aimed at a wide audience.

Now, we are going to show you some of the main types that exist so that you better understand how to write a review.

What types of reviews exist?

Did you know that there are different types of reviews? Each one has a specific purpose, therefore, it will not be the same to write one for people who devour books, buy everything online or are studying a career and have to prepare a course work.

To know how to write a review, the first thing to do is decide what type you want to write. But do not worry, we are going to present the most common ones.

And if you want to dedicate yourself to this professionally, we suggest you dig deeper to learn about the widest variety of reviews possible and make a well-argued decision.

1. Academic review

The academic review is very present in the university environment. Most undergraduate or graduate students have to write it at some point in their career.

It follows rigid rules and obeys the standard format of scientific texts. In addition, it must present a critical position and solid arguments about the object analyzed.

2. Descriptive review

As its name suggests, this type of review has the function of describing and informing about a work or a topic.

3. Thematic review

For its part, the thematic review deals with several texts or works that deal with the same subject. Its objective is to establish connections between the reviewed materials.

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4. Literary review

Very similar to the theme, the literary review has the purpose of presenting the reader with the main elements of a work, so that he can become familiar with it.

5. Product review

This review has become one of the most important for people who want to disclosing third-party products, for those who have physical or virtual stores and for consumers. And if you want to master the art of how to write a review, it’s essential for you too.

Product review is nothing more than the opinions and experiences of customers about a purchased product or service. Nowadays, they have gained a lot of notoriety because they help build the reputation and authority of a business, as well as directly impacting the trust of potential consumers.

We’ve already introduced you to a few types of reviews, now it’s time to give you our tips on how to write one.

How to make a professional review?

Keeping some basic features in mind, we have prepared 10 tips to teach you how to write a professional review.

1. Build a structure for your review

For the writing to flow and the text to be understandable, it is recommended that you follow a certain structure, such as, for example, introduction, development and conclusion, one of the most common. This type of organization can be very useful to define how to write a review.

If you are writing a product review, you can explain what it is about, what it is for, its technology or methodology, if it is a . In the case of books or movies you can refer to their theme, the authors, the duration or extension. In any case, your goal should be to arouse the interest of the readers.

2. Identify the target audience for your review

When thinking about how to write a review, the first question you should ask yourself is who it is for. Who might be interested in what you are going to review? What characteristics do these people have?

Once you have defined the , your text can better connect with them, through the language or the references you use. A review written with your main readers in mind will be more efficient and will have greater reach and impact.

3. Demonstrate impartiality and objectivity

A review is much more than a personal opinion, and this should be made clear to readers. This type of text implies the analysis and evaluation of an object, work, or event in an argumentative way.

It is important that you demonstrate impartiality and objectivity so that you build your authority and gain the trust of those who read your reviews. This is even more relevant if you work as an affiliate, because if you can’t get people to trust what you write, it will be difficult for them to buy the products you recommend.

So always keep it in mind when deciding how to make a review. Justify your point of view and, depending on the context, include pros and cons about what is outlined.

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4. Study the topic of the review thoroughly

To write a review it is important to have as much information as possible about what you are going to review. To avoid partial opinions in your text, it is important that you can analyze the object of your work from several points of view.

If you are wondering how to write a review based on an in-depth study on the subject, don’t worry. I’ll explain it to you right now. The first thing you should do is search for information. If it’s a product, you can read about its manufacturers, its technology, or the companies that sell it.

For that, you can use search engines like Google or Bing, in addition to entering the and see what has already been said on the subject.

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5. Take into account the experience of other people

As we have already told you in this post, in today’s world, reviews are written about practically anything. A search on the Internet will show you that there are different opinions about what you intend to review.

But that shouldn’t stop you from writing a review. Remember that although impartiality is important, you will also be putting your point of view and your experience, which are unique.

So how to write a review taking into account what other people have said and respecting the ? Look for examples of reviews about what you are going to analyze.

If it’s a book, you can say something like, “Some reviews rank this as one of the author’s most boring books, but I think that’s unfair since…” This, in addition, is a way to show your readers that you dominate the subject.

6. Choose a good title for your review

The headline is the first thing people will read and is key when considering how to write a review. In fact, many of them may not even read your full text. For this reason, it should be as attractive as possible.

One of the most significant points of the title is that it has to reflect the content of the review and can be declarative, descriptive or interrogative. Including numbers is more interesting to many people, and clarity makes your review more accessible.

Look for a title that is not so short that it says nothing, nor so long that it bores the reader. This also helps you increase the reach of your review.

7. Be brief and concise when writing

Science has shown that people only manage to maintain attention for a maximum of 15 minutes. If you want readers to read your entire review, it’s important to keep it short.

This does not mean leaving out relevant information, but remember that one of the objectives of the reviews is to summarize the content of what you are analyzing. Imagine that you write a review of a book, the public expects that, in a few lines, you will motivate them to read it and not that you will make them give up the work.

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While it’s true that there are no hard and fast rules about size, when you think about how to make a review, consider that it is desirable that it has no more than three pages, that is, 1700 characters or between 200 and 300 words.

8. Avoid looking like advertising copy

It is quite common to find reviews on the Internet through which advertising is made directly or indirectly. In those cases, readers do not find an objective opinion about what is being evaluated but rather a way of advertise a product or service.

To gain the trust of your readers and develop a professional review, it is important to avoid using advertising adjectives that refer to the product that you evaluate as “the best of the year”, “the most interesting thing I have seen” and the like.

Weighting the use of adjectives will make your review more seriously received by those who read it.

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9. Show honesty and build trust

Honesty is a virtue valued in all areas. In a review, it is key for readers to trust you. But, be careful, that does not mean writing rudely or negatively, but clearly justifying your opinions and impressions about what has been analysed.

If you manage to transmit honesty to your readers, it is likely that you will become a reference for them and get a loyal audience.

10. Ask the insiders for opinions

The quality of what we write is subject to the opinion of others and that may be and prevent us from even sharing our texts with a wide audience.

But, even so, it is important that you submit your review to the opinion of a few people before publishing it. Ask your family or friends for help this will give you confidence and allow you to understand if you need to improve something and if it is accessible.

Start making awesome reviews today!

The tips we’ve given you throughout this post on how to write a review will help you start writing your reviews as soon as possible and make them look professional. Now you have everything for or make money doing it.

Perhaps this is the first step to go further and or become a content creator. Everything is possible thanks to the opportunities offered by the Internet. So take advantage of them!

But before you go, I…

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