How to unsubscribe from self-employment

The economic crisis caused by the pandemic, the changes in consumer habits and the lack of technology in the business have led many freelancers to have to close their company. However, before abandoning the activity, a series of aspects must be taken into account. So you can unsubscribe from self-employment.

As a starting point, it is necessary to release the burdens of the business. What does this mean? Social Security and the Treasury will only allow a self-employed person to process his withdrawal if he has no debts.

Precisely for this reason, the Second Chance Law was born, so that self-employed workers could free themselves of their debts and start the activity again. However, if the intention is not to reopen the business, the Administration will force the self-employed not to present debts.

How to unsubscribe as self-employed in the Treasury?

The first step is to go to the Treasury, the first place the self-employed had to go to start their activity.

To unregister as self-employed, the worker will have to present form 036 or 037 to the Tax Agency. The difference between one and the other is that the second is simplified, so in order not to get into trouble, the best option is to fill out form 037.

However, if the professional was registered in more than one section of the IAE, he will have to notify the cancellation of all activities.

On the other hand, it is important to remember that the Treasury requires paying the quarterly accounts, so the self-employed person should process this cancellation one month before the end of one of the quarters of the year.

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How to unsubscribe as self-employed in Social Security?

In this case, to unsubscribe as self-employed from Social Security, it is necessary to present the TA.0521 form.

In this form, you must indicate the heading or headings of the IAE that have also been indicated in the deregistration to the Treasury, as well as the effective date of the end of the activity.

In the same way that it happens with the processing of the withdrawal from the Treasury, Social Security requires paying the fee for the month in force, so it is advisable to wait until the end of the month, since the self-employed person will be obliged to pay this amount anyway. amount.

How to carry out the procedures to unsubscribe as self-employed?

As with most procedures, the Administration offers the possibility of carrying out the process electronically, in order to free up face-to-face offices.

However, to unsubscribe as a self-employed person via the internet, it will be necessary to have a digital certificate or the Cl@ve system, or at least an authorized person who has one of these identification systems.

Thus, the self-employed person will only have to go to the Electronic Headquarters of the Tax Agency and the Electronic Headquarters of the Social Security and follow the guidelines specified on the pages themselves.

Otherwise, the professional will have to go to the offices of the Tax Agency and Social Security with the relevant models and personal and business data, always by appointment.

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