How to update Opera browser on computer πŸ‘‰ 【 Opera 】

Learn how to update Opera browser on computer, on Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems. The version of Opera is updated quite frequently with security, privacy, and compatibility improvements.

The Opera browser is also based on the Chromium project that powers the browser. Y . Opera built on Chromium has many features that are not available.

It is also one of the oldest browsers that has been powering featured phones.

In this article, we will learn how to update Opera browser to the latest version of Windows OS, macOS, and Linux-based OS. The latest Opera update includes security improvements, bug fixes, and stability improvements.

It is strongly recommended to keep Opera up to date.

Steps to update Opera browser

The steps to update opera on Windows/Linux operating system are slightly different from macOS. Here are the steps to update operates on your computer system:

  1. Launch the Opera browser on your computer.
  2. Click on Opera to see the menu options.
  3. press the command Update and recovery… .
  4. The Opera Update and Recovery window will open and start checking for updates.
  5. Updates will be installed automatically if one is available.

These above steps work on both Windows OS and any Linus OS. The only difference on macOS is that the option Update and recovery is available in the menu bar.
And it will also automatically check for updates and install them in the background. However, you can check manually by pressing the button .

That’s it. Opera browser is updated to the latest version and will display the message opera is up to date .

See also  How to add or remove extensions from Microsoft Edge πŸ₯‡ Your browser

If you have any important update, you can also get Opera notification on your computer like this below:

Opera browser refresh rate

Like any other browser, Opera also has 3 main channels for updates. The frequency of updates also differs for each channel.

  1. Opera Stable – updated once or twice a month (stable version)
  2. Opera Beta – weekly update (partially stable for testing)
  3. Opera Developer: daily update version (very unstable)

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