How to use Twitter to boost your business? [paso a paso]

In the beginning, social networks were not used for professional purposes, only for fun. But over the years, companies discovered new opportunities in the digital world and saw how those networks would be important to .

According to several studies on the use of social media, the use of networks such as Twitter in Latin America is increasing. , for example, is the second Latin American country that leads the statistics in the use of this social network with more than 35 million people. Among the preferences are photography, celebrities, comedy and even writing topics, according to a study of .

These data show that companies that are not on the Internet and that do not interact with their public, today may even be destined to fail.

Therefore, it is important to understand the particularities of each social network to use these channels strategically, and one of them is Twitter.

Creating a Twitter account is a great idea for those who want to give their brand more visibility and, of course, many celebrities and politicians already use this tool to communicate with their public and gain media notoriety!

That is why, faced with so many arguments in favor, we can ask you: do you know how to use Twitter to take advantage of your business?

If the answer was Nodon’t worry, because in this post we show you how to use Twitter and we give you some suggestions so that you can take more advantage of the scope of the tool.

Step by step how to use Twitter:

  1. Enter the site or download the application: Download the app, click Get Started, and create your Twitter account.
  2. Put a photo and a description: put a photo with your company logo, create a brief description and make the profile as similar as possible to your business.
  3. Boost relevant posts: Create and promote useful content for your followers.
  4. Learn to retweet: share in your profile publications that you find interesting.
  5. Follow what your customers say: establish strong and fast communication with your followers.
  6. Learn to use hashtags: Use hashtags related to the topic of your tweets.
  7. Use other social networks: find the channels that have the most synergy with your potential client and use them too.

What is Twitter?

Launched in 2006, Twitter is a microblogging server that allows you to send messages and receive personal updates from other contacts.

The instant messages are called tweets and are 280 characters long (the limit, which was previously 140 characters, was increased in 2017). It is also possible to broadcast unlimited videos, photos and links to external pages.

Despite being a simple tool, Twitter caused a great revolution when it was launched, as it opened the doors for anyone to become a content producer.

By following other users and businesses, you too can see everything that profile has posted on their timeline. Twitter is, without more or less, a with continuous flow of information.

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Despite that, you don’t need to be connected 24 hours a day to follow everything your friends and contacts say. There is a search tool within this social network that makes it easy to find old messages.

What is the importance of Twitter today?

As in other social networks, all the content you make available on Twitter is subject to the interaction of your followers.

Some users don’t tweet often, but are always following their favorite profiles’ posts.

For example: a simple tweet talking about a new post on your can be crucial for . Thus, it is essential that you take great care when producing and posting content on Twitter.

Be careful when posting

If your profile is corporate, posting personal content is a bad idea. Your company account should only be used to spread links, photos and videos that can generate value for your followers.

As much as you have an opinion on sensitive topics, such as politics, for example, do not post it on your account if that content is not interesting for those who follow you.

The lack of a comma or the wrong punctuation can start a big argument and hinder the image of your business in the digital world.

Also, be very careful not to post too much, in a short amount of time. Most users don’t like being bombarded with posts from the same company, mostly with the same focus. Always remember: quantity does not mean quality.

And last but not least: avoid talking about your brand all the time. Split your content 80/20, with 80% being content and posts relevant to your and only 20% for content about your company, success stories and product launches.

This suggestion may seem counterintuitive, but the more you dedicate yourself to creating authority on the subject and educating your followers, the less you need to talk about your product or service, because people will come to you.

How to use Twitter strategically?

Now that you know a little more about Twitter, the time has come to learn how to create an account and take advantage of the potential of this social network.

Here are some tips to help you improve your performance.

1. Enter the site or download the application

First of all, you need to create an account on Twitter. For it, or enter and click Beginat the top of the screen.

Registration takes no more than five minutes, and you only have to enter your full name, email and password (you can also use your phone number to register).

Since you intend to use Twitter frequently, use an email that you access daily, to track your notifications, and a strong password so you don’t risk your account being hacked.

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The password must have at least 6 characters between numbers and letters.

It is interesting that you use the same email from your other social networks and, preferably, a corporate email account.

If you have your own domain, as we already recommend here on the blog, you can create a personalized email with the name of your company. This is important not only to convey more credibility, but to separate your personal life from your professional life.

The next step is to choose a username. Check the availability of your company name, as it is a corporate profile.

If someone already has a profile with the same name you chose, you can open it or create variations using symbols like (.) and (_). Just be careful not to create an unintuitive URL, as that makes life difficult for someone who wants to find your profile.

In any case, you can later change the name of the profile if necessary.

2. Put a photo and a description

Now, it is essential that you leave the profile as similar as possible to your business.

Place a photo with your company logo and create a brief description making clear the product you deliver or the problem you solve.

To do this, simply click the button Upload photo.

In addition to the description, it is also possible to include more complete information, such as the address of your company and city, but you can skip this step if .

Like Facebook, Twitter has the option to Verified account, which you can request to convey more credibility to your followers. This can be a goal for the future, when your profile has a high level of engagement.

3. Share relevant posts

After leaving your profile ready, it was time to create and promote content for your followers.

A valid strategy to attract attention at the beginning is to create exclusive promotions for those who follow your page. Remember to use , so as not to lose so many characters of text.

In all situations, do everything you can to be friendly and honest with your followers, follow mentions of your brand, and be helpful, even when you’re dealing with customers. haters.

As we already mentioned in this post, don’t talk too much about yourself or your product. Some people may follow your profile, but they’re not ready to make a purchase yet. Therefore, talking a lot about what you want to sell can end up alienating those users.

However, it is possible to convert them into future customers by offering quality content that helps them solve a problem.

Visual resources, in many cases, are worth more than a thousand-word text. include a or a GIF in a tweet can make it more engaging and, better yet, more shareable. This is essential for reaching people outside of your contact base.

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Whenever possible, conduct surveys and encourage interaction with your readers. This is important to map new and future personas for your business and create content more aligned to the needs and desires of that audience.

4. Retweet

Retweeting is nothing more than the action of publishing a publication that you find interesting on your profile again.

For example, we publish a post about online ads. If you think this post can help one of your clients, you can share it on your timeline by clicking on the icon with the two arrows.

This practice shows that you are up to date with what other profiles are doing and keep an eye on what can generate value for your audience.

Again, take care that this practice doesn’t take up your own message space. The public highly values ​​original content, especially when it is self-authored.

In addition, you want to be recognized as a reference in your segment. To do this, you must have your own recurring content production.

5. Follow what your customers say

Twitter is used as a microblogging by many, isn’t it?

That is why you will find several questions and comments about your company. So respond quickly and establish strong communication with your followers.

If something goes wrong and a consumer starts posting negative tweets about your brand, don’t despair. Show maturity to receive feedback and be willing to solve the problem. Take this opportunity to show openness and transparency in the dialogue with your customers.

Some tools, such as SCUP, can help you in this task, since they register all the online mentions that were made of your brand.

In the tool panel, you can respond to these mentions and rate the interaction as Positive, Negative either Neutral. This information is essential to understand how people perceive your brand and develop actions to have a healthier positioning in social networks.

6. Learn to use hashtags

You have probably already used hashtags in personal posts on other social networks. They are made up of words related to the topic of a post and the # symbol, and serve to broaden the scope of a post.

Twitter understands this symbol as a subject classifier.

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