Inbound Marketing: 5 keys to design your strategy

we already told you . Now we want to take an even more important step to help you analyze the fundamental pillars that cannot be missing from your marketing strategy. doDo you want to know what they are? Here we explain one by one:

1- Buyer person

In the world of Inbound Marketing it is no use knowing your client halfway, but it is necessary to find out every last detail that is within your reach. The idea of ​​this concept is to achieve a fictitious representation of the ideal client but that is as authentic as possible.

Unlike the or targetwhich encompasses a more abstract criterion, the buyer person defines concrete needs. As the main axis of Inbound Marketing is people, when you manage to define who your ideal client is, you can develop your strategy and your marketing actions in a much more effective, specific and personal way!

But dowhich are Variations to be taken into account when creating your buyer person?

  • demographic criteria: to define who are the people who can use the product you have to investigate basic information such as geographic location, age, sex, marital status, profession, social class, education.

By knowing the purchasing power, for example, you can know if that person is able to access your product. Or, knowing where you live will be important if you only offer your services in a certain area.

  • psychological criterion: To analyze the behavior of your ideal client and anticipate their decisions, it is essential that you investigate variants such as the type of content they consume, their problems, their needs and their motivations in your market niche.

know what they are will also help you consolidate this variation. If you cannot understand your consumer, it will be very difficult to create something for him.

Keep in mind that defining your buyer persona involves deep research and requires a lot of empathy on your part, but don’t be discouraged! Once you achieve it, the results will speak for themselves. Then we leave you An example of a typical construction buyer person:

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2- Content Marketing

Once you were able to define the needs of your ideal client, based on the creation of the buyer person, you need to start generate content that adds value and to help you make your purchase decision.

Users want the content that reaches their hands to be interesting and of good quality (no one wants to waste their time, let alone be disappointed).

That’s why it’s super important that you dedicate time and proper planning to choosing and What are you going to spread? Remember that the most effective means to publish them are Y since through these channels you will be able to position yourself in the market, differentiate yourself from the competition and gain new followers (or potential clients).

For example, a good practice to develop this pillar is to offer content with some resource in downloadable format (such as the ) that give the user that differential value and, at the same time, serve to put it into practice.

3- Segmentation

This variant aims to segment the consumer purchasing process, because not all stages are the same.

Is about accompany the user throughout the process, offering you information of constant value and according to the stage of interaction in which you are. Y what are those stages?

  • Recognition of need: When ahe person begins to think that if he had a bike, it would be much more practical (and faster) to move around the city, a need arises. He knows that he has the need to move, and he begins to develop the desire to have a bike.
  • Research: Once that need aroused the desire of the consumer, he himself will start looking for information and investigating different alternatives on bicycles, for example, looking for options online.
  • Decision: The consumer, after analyzing the different alternatives, such as the online stores that he liked the most or that gave him the most confidence, creates his own criteria to choose and decide which brand and model of bike he is going to buy and in which e-commerce he is going to buy. make that purchase.
  • Action: It is the final stage in which the user finally takes action and buys the bike. That is, enter the chosen virtual store and carry out the online purchase process.
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4- Marketing automation

Also known in English as marketing automationthis pillar of Inbound Marketing is based on the use of computer software to automate certain actions marketing during the consumer buying process.

It allows you to create mechanical actions in different channels in order to guide the user to the final stage of the action. As it is a method that is very effective, today there are more and more competitors being the best positioned company as it leads the area of ​​marketing automation.

Another super effective example of marketing automation and very common in the world of ecommerce is that of a platform that manages all your social networks from one place.

The two essential tools of this pillar are the Lead Scoring (rating of leads) Y Lead Nurturing (nutrition of leads). Here we tell you what each one is about:

  • Lead Scoring: In Spanish it would be “rating of leads” (remember that the leads are the records of those people who entered your website and provided their contact information through a form, for example, and become part of your company’s database).

The objective of Lead Scoring is to qualify those leads based on their degree of proximity to the ideal customer (buyer person), their interaction with the brand and the stage of the purchase process in which they are.

Once this segmentation has been successfully achieved, it is possible to classify all leads and launch more specific and effective campaigns!

An example to implement is or one that “landing” website in which the user interacts for the first time.

For that you can count on very effective tools, such as either through which you create and send email campaigns, measure the results and optimize your next shipments.

  • Lead Nurturing: In Spanish it would be “nutrition of leads” and it is the tool that allows you to create strategic rules. For example, closely following the behavior of a user within your web page (which sections they entered, how long they visited the site, what content they read) you can prepare specific and personalized emails for that type of user.
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Is about build relationships with your users whatever stage of the buying cycle you are in. In this way you will be able to help and accompany the user in their purchase maturation process.

The key to successful Lead Nurturing is personalization and contextualization of contentto be specific to the buyer person created and in accordance with the stage they are going through.

5- Analysis of results

The reality is that it is useless to make great content if nobody reads it, much less if we do not know what for we are doing them No?

The last pillar of Inbound Marketing, although not the least important, is about measure the impact that each strategic action you carried out throughout the purchase process and interaction with the user had.

Although analytics is present throughout the process, it is important that you dedicate a special space to it in the strategy to be able to specifically measure each result. As Peter Drucker’s theory says .

Analyzing the results you will be able to understand profitability (the famous ) which campaigns work best and in what points do you have to innovate to be able to help more (and better) your users and customers.

Now, yes: you are ready to professionalize your Inbound Marketing strategy!

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