International Kissing Day: The Top 10 Movie Kisses

International Kissing Day arises thanks to a couple from Thailand who broke the record with the longest kiss, 58 hours, thus making this day official for an action of love and affection that in the last year has been so difficult to practice. It is difficult to find out what the origin of this act is, since there are different myths and beliefs around its birth. In the Bible Judas kisses Jesus, in ancient Persia it was common for men to kiss, in medieval times it was impure to kiss a maiden, and it wasn’t until the time of the Industrial Revolution that kissing probably became an act. Common as a way of showing affection, but always in privacy. It is known that the kisses that we remember the most are the first and the last. In order not to stop feeling those butterflies in your stomach and remember the best kisses on the big screen, from Status we choose the ten best movie kisses.

The bodyguard

The movie The Bodyguard, 1992, was directed by Mick Jackson. Kevin Costner, the bodyguard, shared the screen with the singer Whitney Houston. Although it was not very well received by critics, the song “I Will always love you” would become one of the most successful romantic songs to date. A love story that will always be marked by its soundtrack.


It is difficult for a James Cameron film not to be an absolute success, but when he presented the Titanic project, everyone expected the worst. However, Titanic became one of the highest grossing films of all time worldwide, a title that it retained for more than a decade until it was displaced by Avatar (also directed by Cameron). The protagonists Jack and Rose would star in one of the most emblematic scenes in the world of cinema, the kiss on the bow of the Titanic. A love story with a tragic ending.

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From here to eternity

From Here to Eternity is a 1953 American film directed by Fred Zinnemann, in which actors Burt Lancaster, Montgomery Clift, Deborah Kerr, Donna Reed and Frank Sinatra participated. The scene on the beach with Burt Lancaster and Deborah Kerr is one of the most passionate kisses in the seventh art.

Noahs diary

Noah’s Diary, directed by Nick Cassavetes, starred Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams. A love story between a high-class girl and a country boy, who has given us one of the most romantic scenes in the rain.

The good side of things

With eight Oscar nominations, The Bright Side of Things is without a doubt one of the most wonderful love stories in cinema. A couple, both with psychological problems, make us fall in love with their lives and relationship from minute one.

Breakfast with diamonds

Breakfast at Tiffany’s premiered in 1961, reaping success from day one. Starring Audrey Hepburn and George Peppard, they would give us one of the most mythical and romantic kisses in the rain, both wrapped in their classic trench coats.

Brokeback Mountain

One of the few love stories between two men that we have been able to see on the big screen, as well as being a Hollywood production. The film won three Oscars out of a total of eight nominations. It stars Heath Ledger, Jake Gyllenhaal, Anna Faris, Anne Hathaway, and Michelle Williams. It was one of the last films starring the late Heath Ledger.

Pretty woman

Richard Gere and Julia Roberts starred in one of the most romantic films in cinema history in 1990. Accompanied by an unmistakable soundtrack that continues to play even after 30 decades, these two protagonists once again made us believe in Prince Charming and new opportunities.

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la dolce vita

This masterpiece, considered one of the director’s best works, is a 1960 Italian film written and directed by Federico Fellini, starring Marcello Mastroianni and Anita Ekberg. The scene in the Trevi Fountain is a true wonder.

Match Point

Match Point is a film written and directed by Woody Allen. It is played by Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Scarlett Johansson, Emily Mortimer, Matthew Goode, Brian Cox and Penelope Wilton. It premiered on May 12, 2005 at the Cannes Film Festival. Like other of the films mentioned in the list, this film has a scene with one of the most erotic kisses to date, starring Scarlett Johansson and Jonathan Rhys Meyers.

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