What symptoms can make you suspect that you have passed the Covid-19 without realizing it?

SARS-CoV-2 infection can develop without symptoms or with a clinical picture similar to the flu or a cold. Thus, a part of those infected may not have been diagnosed and are unaware that they have passed the disease and generated antibodies. However, there are a number of symptoms that may indicate that it has passed.

Seven symptoms that may indicate that you have passed the Covid-19

The loss of smell and smell is one of the most paradigmatic symptoms of Covid-19, which allows it to be differentiated from other respiratory conditions, which present similar clinical conditions: fever, dry cough or fatigue. However, experts summarize seven symptoms or consequences that can lead to suspect that the disease has passed.

1. Cold picture

2. Fatigue

3. Damage to the heart

4. Persistent cough

5. Loss of taste and smell

6. Hair loss

7. Conjunctivitis

What tests must be done to know if you have passed the Covid-19

The diagnostic tests that indicate whether a patient has had the disease and has generated antibodies against it are as follows.

1. The serological test: from a simple blood test it can be determined if a patient has been exposed to the virus and if he has generated antibodies that can protect him against a new infection, although at the moment scientific evidence has not confirmed how long that protection may last.

However, they do not provide information on whether the patient is suffering from an infection at the time of the test and is therefore contagious, so this type of test is recommended for surveillance studies at the local, regional or national level, to identify individuals who have already had contact with the virus and as support for the diagnosis that is made with PCR or antigen tests.

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The main international health agencies have recommended, according to the same CSIC sources, that serological tests be aimed at patients who have already been diagnosed with PCR to support clinical evaluation, broad groups that participate in epidemiological studies and asymptomatic individuals of large groups (company, residences, universities, etc.) to carry out screening studies.

2. Rapid antibody test: these tests are performed with a drop of the patient’s blood and report in 10-15 minutes whether they have antibodies or not. However, this type of test generates distrust in part of the scientific community because they have a lower yield than tests carried out in the laboratory, with more false positive results and more false negative results.

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