Internet sales: 9 options of things to sell online

Working on the Internet is the desire of an increasing number of people, mainly due to the advantages that this type of work offers, such as:

There are several professions that can be practiced on the Internet, but the area of ​​online sales is undoubtedly one of the most desired.

Many people think that the branch of activity is one of the easiest and they identify with the profile of the seller. That is why they decide to bet on the sales market to start their own business.

However, at first, people may feel lost, not knowing exactly where to carry out their activities, especially when choosing the type of product to sell online.

To tell the truth, there are many options and you need to know each one of them so that you can decide the one that best suits your profile.

If you also have doubts about that topic, keep reading our post to find out what are the best things to sell online.

1. Online courses

Due to easy access to the Internet and other technological resources, people have increasingly turned to the digital medium to find solutions, learn and develop skills.

That is why the modality has stood out so much in the market, offering new learning possibilities for those who want to study and, mainly, a new activity niche for professionals who want to start a business.

So, if you are a teacher or have a lot of knowledge about a specific topic, you can use everything you know to create an online course and sell it on the Internet.

This is one of the best things to sell if your concerns do not want to go through stocks, distribution logistics and deliveries to customers, or with high initial investments. At the end of the day, because it is a digital product, it is scalable and has a low production cost.

Why not teach math, language, or history classes, or create free courses on topics you master?

You can also talk about fashion, cooking, computers, sports, politics, music or any other topic, just be an expert on the subject and find an audience interested in this type of content.

But don’t think that only people who create their own courses can work in that segment.

If you are an excellent seller, but you do not want to create a digital product or info product, it is possible to participate in a course to sell courses produced by other people.

In this type of relationship, it is you who dedicate yourself to recommending third-party courses to whom you know and earn commissions for each sale made.

2. E-books

If you have wanted to transform your knowledge into a digital product, but you escape the cameras out of embarrassment or because you feel that “it is not for you”, another alternative is the .

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Digital books are also widely accepted in the market, as they need to be downloaded only once by readers, who can access them offline whenever and wherever they want.

That is why the format is excellent for those who want to learn something new, in addition to having a place to consult the information again whenever they consider it necessary.

If you like to write and have mastered the rules of spelling and grammar, you can create a complete ebook to teach your audience everything you know.

As it is a predominantly textual product, you will basically need a quality text editor that allows you to create good material.

And, just like online courses, it is possible to sell ebooks without having to create them.

3. Wardrobe

The digital products that we presented above have some advantages, because they require practically no initial investment, offer benefit scalability and free the seller from facing bureaucratic aspects of stock and delivery.

However, if you’re looking for things to sell that are more traditional, there’s nothing stopping you from selling physical products.

The fashion market is always an excellent option, because it encompasses audiences of all ages, styles, needs and purchasing power. So, within the industry, there are thousands of possibilities if you want to undertake.

Anyway, to stand out you have to try to segment your performance and choose a very specific niche. This way you will be able to better understand the demands and deliver exactly what customers are looking for.

Here are some options:

  • Intimate clothing, among others.
  • Children’s clothes;
  • Fitness and beach fashion;
  • Formal pieces for the work environment;
  • plus size fashion;
  • T-shirts with fun prints;
  • Underwear, among others.

Currently, the brands that are on the rise are those with a more ecological and sustainable trend, in the slow fashion style, due to the growing concern of consumers with the environment.

If you can, invest in brands that fit this profile so that the customer understands that your product or solution is up to date and offers options for more conscious consumption.

4. Accessories

This is another area that always has customers, just keep up with the trends.

The majority of the public in this segment is female, after all, accessories are items such as bags, wallets, shoes, costume jewelry and jewelry.

However, men are also becoming more concerned with style, so it can be a good niche for those who want something less contested and more likely to stand out.

In this area, many people decide to produce their own accessories.

If you have artistic skills, you can create exclusive pieces, made with rustic materials, in a minimalist style or that represent the culture of your region.

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Nowadays, consumers are giving a lot of value to small producers, who work by hand and offer pieces that, in addition to being unique, tell a story.

But if that is not your case, do not worry! There are quality wholesale or consignment resale brands that can be profitable opportunities for those looking to sell things online.

Just do not forget to choose products that you like and trust, because the good seller is the one who can transmit security to the customer.

If you don’t know anything about jewelry, you don’t use any pieces and you are not interested in the field of activity, trying to resell them just for money can turn the job into something boring and without the expected benefits.

5. Toys

We imagine that you have already observed how the market for children’s products is profitable. The emergence of a new program on television, a different game or a new fad that spreads among children and triggers sales is constant.

Also, if we take into account that today’s parents are increasingly busy, it is fair to think that virtual stores are the ones that save those who do not have time to face malls and physical stores, right?

That’s why toys are great products to sell online.

For your virtual store to be successful, you need to have a thorough understanding of the children’s market and children’s preferences.

Discover the cartoons and series that are watched the most, the most beloved characters and the most relevant topics. This way you will be able to select the most desired products.

If you want to segment your niche, you can sell toys to a specific age group, focus on educational toys and recycled materials, among other options.

And of course it is possible to offer products for adults too!

People of all ages are looking for board games and video games. Not to think that the market is only for children, okay?

The formula is simple: the toy sold has to be interactive, appropriate and interesting!

6. Home and decoration products

Decorative items and household items are great to sell online because they are usually small and can be easily stored at home or in limited space.

Younger consumers, who are becoming financially independent and starting to set up their homes, are among the most interested in online stores in this niche.

They look for accessible, personalized and practical options, because, in addition to not staying at home for long, they often live in small apartments and are not willing to spend a lot of money on decoration.

That is why the most sought after are functional objects, which take up little space and help bring rooms to life.

These are some of the options in which you can invest:

  • Decorative pictures, made with printed and framed images or phrases;
  • Succulent pots, which can be used in various environments, even as a refrigerator magnet;
  • Organizing objects, such as boxes to store condiments, accessories and makeup;
  • Office supplies, mainly to optimize home office spaces;
  • Kitchen utensils that are modern, colorful or with cute prints;
  • Decoration elements made from recycled materials;
  • boxes for storing wine corks or beer caps;
  • Decorative and aromatic candles.
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7. Cosmetics and perfumery

This is one of the most successful items among professionals, since cosmetics and perfumery items always have their audience, mainly if the seller knows how to listen to their audience and follow trends.

In this niche, consumers have shown the same environmental concern that they have with clothing.

For this reason, brands that work to reduce their impact on the environment and offer ecological and sustainable products have stood out and gained more customer trust.

Products designed for curly and wavy hair, with a focus on low poo and no poo, are some of the options on the rise, as well as natural, organic and vegan makeup.

If you do not plan to produce, nor are you able to buy a large number of products to sell in your virtual store, you can become a reseller of brands already known in the market.

Today, many companies in the beauty market are engaged in reselling through magazines or websites.

They also usually offer special conditions for those who want to work with their products, such as marketing advice so that the professional gains space in the market and becomes an authority on the matter.

8. Electronics

Electronic gadgets can also be purchased, but this type of business requires a much higher initial financial investment.

However, if you already have a physical store where you sell appliances or cell phones, for example, expanding your operations to the digital market is an excellent and profitable option.

If you can’t bear the high costs because you don’t own the physical store, but you still want to invest in the electronics business, you can sell related accessories. In addition to being cheaper, they are easier to acquire, store and transport.

Mobile phone cases, car mounts, chargers, mice, among other items, are some of the things to sell in this niche market.

9. Services in general

Until now you have seen options for digital and physical products, but there are also several services that can be sold on the Internet.

The professionals…

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