is recommended by Romuald Fons as the best Web Hosting provider

is a well-known expert in SEO and digital marketing, helping people grow their online businesses by getting the best positions in the first Google search results. This entrepreneur from Barcelona develops his own, focusing on the latest trends and innovations in the sector and providing practical advice to deepen the knowledge of future digital professionals.

We are delighted that Romuald Fons announces us as the best choice for web hosting services. This article covers a quick overview of the main reasons that motivate him, as well as the key conclusions of his recent about web performance optimization (WPO).

Webinar with Romuald Fons: Web Performance Optimization (WPO)

On this occasion, we were delighted to see an SEO expert, Romuald Fons, sharing his experience with Carlos Ortega, who teaches the WPO course at the BIGSEO masterclasses in a . Explaining the technical side of SEO in detail, the professionals discussed the practical tips and tricks of WPO as one of the most critical factors for ranking on Google in 2022.

In general, the WPO is a set of optimizations that allow your website to load faster. This contributes to a better and smoother user experience. The core parts of this event covered topics such as Google’s Core Web Vitals, hosting, CDN, WordPress plugins, image optimization, and use case explanations. So, whether you’re a digital marketing enthusiast, an online beginner, or a professional eCommerce business owner, this event has something valuable for everyone.

We are more than happy to share with you the main conclusions of the webinar:

Core Web Vitals. The importance of Core Web Vitals and its three fundamental components: LCP, FID and CLS were discussed. Romuald Fons explained several practical ways to optimize them:

  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)) reports the amount of time required for most of the page’s content to load, including images and videos. It can be optimized by using reliable web hosting services that ensure reliable website response time and by optimizing web images;
  • Avoiding the use of unnecessary JS and CSS and optimizing the preloading of the most essential resources serves to optimize the First Input Delay (FID). Measures the time from when a user first interacts with a page, such as clicking a link or touching a button, until the browser processes that request;
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) counts the total number of unexpected layout scrolls on a page during the loading phase, preventing visitors from clicking on elements that suddenly change position. Dialing in the dimensions of images and ads and optimizing the loading of your chosen fonts can help significantly optimize CLS.
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hosting. Regarding the importance of web hosting, Romuald Fons distinguishes it as the first element that affects the loading speed of the website. To optimize it, he suggests looking for options that reduce server response time: use hosting with SSD drives (15 times faster), PHP versions higher than 7.0 or, preferably, 8.0 to improve performance, and to less use of RAM. Also, installing SSL certificates works to improve security, and HTTP/2 instead of HTTP contributes to a 20% speed increase.

According to Romuald Fons, the features mentioned above are essential reasons why he recommends as the best web hosting option for both beginners and web professionals. The intuitive hPanel, HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 connection, natively integrated CloudFlare CDN stand out as key features and resources that lead to success. Also, PHP 8.0 and all previous versions available on all hosting plans can be easily selected in hPanel to increase the performance of your website.

Additionally, has optimized the WordPress experience for customers using dedicated servers to ensure a smooth, fast, and secure online adventure. Supporting factors include free SSL certificates and SSD storage, daily backups, etc.

Content Delivery Network (CDN). A CDN is a group of servers installed in different locations around the world to deliver web content much faster over a wide geographic area. It is mainly used to deliver your website to users from various locations around the world and thereby improve loading speed. During the webinar, Romuald Fons focused on showing how to set up Cloudflare on a website, which is known to be one of the most reliable CDN services available today and is available to users at no additional cost.

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With/Without CDN

The best plugins for WPO. Romuald Fons covered a wide range of WordPress plugins available during the webinar. However, here are the five most popular that he recommends using:

  • The ReallySimpleSSL plugin that activates the HTTPS version of your website and performs HTTP URL redirection automatically;
  • The Better Search Replace plugin that allows the automatic search and substitution of URLs in the database. In addition to search and replace features, this migration plugin has a ton of useful features for managing your WordPress database, including but not limited to a backup creator, and database import capabilities. data;
  • WP Optimize is an all-in-one plugin that cleans and maintains your database, builds your site cache, and compresses your images. And in addition to other awesome features, it also allows you to minify and async CSS and JavaScript;
  • After activating the Disqus Conditional Load pluginyou can configure the website by adding advanced features like lazy loading and SHORTCODE, comment widgets and script disablement to your Disqus powered website.
  • The QuickLink Plugin for WordPress try to make the navigation to the following pages load faster. Basically, it waits until the browser is idle and determines the URLs of links to other pages before the user reaches them.

Image optimization. On most websites, images weigh the most, which means they need to be optimized to improve loading speed. According to Romuald Fons, the best format to use is WEBP, although currently most users still prefer JPG, GIF and PNG. He also recommends resizing and lazy loading as practical techniques for uploading images and compressing them with the Smush plugin.

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Although this is a very brief summary of what happened in the webinar, many more questions and answers were covered by Romuald Fons himself. Therefore, we invite you to watch the webinar and gain valuable knowledge and tips on how to get discovered by search engines quickly.

Carlos is a professional in digital marketing, eCommerce and website builders. He loves helping businesses grow online through his tips. In his free time, he is surely singing or practicing martial arts.

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