Is safe and reliable? Learn more about !

If you have already heard about our brand and you are wondering if is safe and reliable, don’t miss this post because here we will explain everything about and its platform in detail.

Founded in 2011, is one of the largest online education companies globally. We have a whole universe of solutions and tools for the creation, distribution and sale of educational content, such as online courses, ebooks, podcasts, among other formats.

makes it possible for anyone to expand their possibilities, start their own digital business or learn a new skill.

We always seek to improve the way knowledge reaches people and we believe that learning and teaching are activities that can and should be further democratized and reach a larger number of people.

Our values ​​and principles are based on respect for others and freedom, and we are always committed to facilitating access to entrepreneurship, knowledge and education so that more people can achieve their personal and professional development.

In this post, you will learn more about our history, the services we offer and why you can trust .

What is ?

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is a company that promotes entrepreneurship and digital education through the creation and dissemination of digital products.

is safe, since anyone can sell their own digital products or buy online courses, ebooks, subscriptions or other content with total security and comfort.

We offer the best solutions for those who want to start from scratch, boost your business, learn a new skill or promote products created by third parties to your audience.

With 10 years on the marketand with more than 26 million usersbetween Producers, Affiliates and Buyers, we have more than 370 thousand registered products.

We are also one company with a global presencepromoting entrepreneurship and distance education in 188 countries.

But beyond that, our mission is allow everyone to increase their possibilities and be part of our universe. Whether creating a digital product, disseminating or buying an online course.

What is a digital product?

are materials produced and distributed digitallysuch as online courses, ebooks, subscriptions and podcasts.

Especially with the advancement of the Internet and smartphones, info products are increasingly on the rise. This ensures that more people have access to information wherever they are.

And one of the formats that has grown the most is since it is possible to learn a new skill with greater ease and accessibility.

What is the job of a digital producer?

A digital producer is a person who has knowledge in some area and decides to turn that skill into a digital product, such as an online course.

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For example, a person with experience in the maintenance and assistance of smartphones can create a series of video classes and digital ebooks where they teach what they know and sell that content on an online platform.

With , Digital Producers have a space to host and sell their products in complete safety. Registration is free and you only have to pay a fee if you make a sale.

We also offer a series of solutions and tools that facilitate the work of Producers, such as a reliable and own payment method and a specialized support team.

And so that more people can live from their passions and sell more and better, also makes completely free educational materials and content available, such as ebooks, videos, webinars and courses on marketing and sales.

How does work?

On ‘s digital platform, people with some kind of skill or knowledge can easily create and sell digital products all over the world and where buyers can purchase an online course in complete safety.

It works like this:

  • A person is knowledgeable in some area, such as crafts, cooking, music, or a foreign language. You decide to create a digital product, such as an ebook or an online course, and host it on to share this skill with thousands of people. They are called Digital Producers.
  • People with ease in making sales can join that product and advertise and promote that digital product on social networks, videos, paid traffic ads, etc. For each sale made, these people receive a commission. They are called Affiliates.
  • Consumers looking to learn something new can purchase this digital product directly on our platform or through the exclusive Producer or Affiliate links. All this with the payment system, totally safe and reliable.

We also make several tools available so that Producers and Affiliates can create personalized sales pages, closely monitor their sales and commissions. And the consumer has at his fingertips all the courses and digital products that he purchased at a click away.

In other words, with , the entire process of creating, selling and accessing products is carried out in one place.

Is using safe and reliable?

We care about evolving and offering a safe environment so that anyone can sell, disclose or buy a digital product and thus start their own business and acquire new skills.

Support with recognized quality and reliability

At , customer service and the safety of our users is part of our culture. Therefore, we are always ready to answer and resolve all queries.

Our Support has the RA1000 Certificate in the reputation ranking of .

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Created with the aim of recognizing companies that have excellent customer service indicators, this seal is awarded for the rating given by the customers themselves who registered questions on the website itself.

In addition, our service was also recognized in Brazil by the . For four consecutive years, we were among the best companies in the Online Services sector in Brazil.

In other words, is safe as well as reliable, and offers the best service to all our customers.

is also part of the best LinkedIn company pagesthis is a great acknowledgment of our efforts to maintain transparent and closer communication with the public.

Producers: safe for content creators

“If everyone shares what they know, the world will be a better place.”

It is with this in mind that we seek to offer a complete and secure place for anyone to create, promote and sell a digital product.

Producers can find in the ideal space to share their skills and knowledge with the world, generating a source of income.

1. You only pay when you make a sale

To register on the platform, you do not need to pay any fees or monthly payments.

You only pay a fee of 9.9% of the product value when you make a sale. This means that if you don’t sell anything, you don’t have to pay anything. If you want to know more details of what the rates are .

2. has an exclusive payment system

The was created especially for the digital product market.

Fully integrated with the platform, it allows Producers to add special features to their products, such as recurring payments, 1-click purchases, local payment methods, etc.

And the best! Here are its main benefits:

  • Exclusive anti-fraud system;
  • Capable of performing thousands of transactions simultaneously with high performance;
  • Sales in more than 12 currencies;
  • Local means of payment;
  • Payment with 2 credit cards;
  • Subscription products (with the possibility of trials)
  • Automatic receipt of commissions for Affiliates
  • Creation of discount coupons
  • Low risk of chargeback, avoiding fraud for Producers and Buyers;
  • Full integration with credit card operators, streamlining your purchases;
  • Checkout Mobile, to buy from a mobile device, and more!

With these advantages, paying through the Payment System is safe, since the transaction is carried out on the platform, without the need to provide your personal data to other companies. Excellent and practical, isn’t it?

3. You are protected against fraud

has management tools that can reject transactions when there is fraud or when the terms of use are violated. That way, you are much more protected and take less risk.

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In addition, our platform is made up of people who, like you, are looking for a safe and honest service.

Our It also aims to ensure that no information related to users is provided, published or marketed with other sources, under any circumstances.

4. Count on our Support Team

Digital Producers can count on our support team to answer questions and resolve issues.

All you have to do is and one of our agents will contact you quickly to help you.

5. Our specialists can help you

At , we understand that the digital marketplace is new to many people who want to start their own business and make a living from their passions. Therefore, we believe that it is essential to help in the growth and qualification of those who want to make their dreams possible.

We offer a variety of completely free educational content that will teach you what you need to know about digital marketing, entrepreneurship, and sales. You can access online courses, videos, webinars, materials, ebooks and much more.

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Affiliates: Security for those who disclose

Affiliates are the people who connect those who already have a digital product and those who want to learn a new skill.

To do this, has solutions specially designed to facilitate the dissemination of digital products. All with total security and comfort.

1. Your commissions are guaranteed

has all the necessary technological tools to track the origin of sales and identify the Affiliate responsible for them, guaranteeing their commission safely.


2. You have access to sales reports

By using the platform, you have access to all the information related to your income and you can monitor all your sales and statistics in a transparent way.


3. Count on our help

Like our Buyers and Producers, Affiliates can also count on our Support Team at any time.


4. More information about marketing and sales

Our team of specialists is always ready to help you succeed in the digital market.

To do this, we make completely free content available, such as webinars, videos, texts and ebooks, so that Affiliates can also develop professionally and boost their business.

And so that all our users can…

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