Light weighted animated photos

Maybe it’s not new, but for my part I didn’t know it and I discovered it by chance one day when I was testing how to put animated photos and that the animation did not weigh more than the content of the photos; maybe this effect can be useful to more than one.


The marque code is used to insert text that moves like a movie marquee; but it can also be used to make a nice animation with photographs or graphics; that is, instead of making an animation in some animation program or inserting a flash, we can create it directly on our website with the marquee code, with which our animation will weigh much less than with any animation or flash;
For them we must:

1.- Create a Table and give it the width and length of one of our photographs, since the idea is that only one can be seen at a time, if in case we want a strip of photographs to run, then give the table the width of all the photos or graphics that enter a screen; usually 640 pixels wide.

2.- Insert within the Table the code and the ‘s own codes that make its content move from left to right or vice versa; round trip and the speed at which we want our graphics to move inside the marquee. If we want our animation to have a background color, we put a background color on the table and give it two or three pixels more width and height than our content.

3.- Insert our graphics or photographs between and , which will behave like an animation, but it will be much less cumbersome because we won’t need any extra code to make our graphics or photos move.

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I hope it is useful to you.

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