María José Galera strips naked in Interviú

It has taken her twelve years to undress but she has finally posed for Interviú magazine. The first expelled from Big Brother tells how she changed her life after she went through the most famous reality show on television.

His relationship with also a former contestant Jorge Berrocal marked his stay in the house and also outside once the contest was over. In addition, she had to face the fact that it came to light that she had practiced prostitution.

In the interview, he says that the first person who gave him the go-ahead to pose was his eldest daughter, 15 years old. “She told me, go ahead, that you have a great body. In high school I’m going to say: can your mother appear in Interviú? Can’t she? Mine can,” the young woman replied.

He confesses to having had a bad time after leaving Big Brother, because they called them garbage, geeks… he also states that many times he has regretted having entered the reality show. “Many times I have regretted having joined Big Brother, although fame has brought me many things.” She also tells how after learning about the perched in Interviú she has been kicked out of the catechism group in which she taught.

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