Large distribution seems immersed in a corporate social responsibility competition to see who can help its employees the most to overcome the inflationary crisis in which we have been involved since last year due to the rise in energy and raw material prices.
If you sign from the French multinational Grupo Adeo, who announced more than 10 million incentives for staff in Spain, today it is Mercadona that has just made public that it will raise the salary of its 93,300 employees in our country by 6.5% to guarantee their purchasing power in the face of the rise in the CPI.
This measure, assures the Management Committee of the Valencian company in a statement, is taken in coherence with the chain’s Total Quality Model in a complex scenario in which all the people on the workforce are considered “essential” to adapt quickly to circumstances.
Starting in January of this year, during its first year, the minimum wage for employees will be 1,425 euros gross per month, 87 euros more per month than in 2021. With this increase, Mercadona reinforces its Human Resources policy and its commitment to stable and quality employment.
This measure comes just over a month after Juan Roig’s company announced that as of January 1, the salary of its staff will be adjusted to face the rise in the CPI, becoming the first large distribution company to take measures against the loss of purchasing power of its employees.
With this measure, the company complies with the collective agreement signed in December 2018 with the UGT and CCOO unions and which establishes that “the Base Salary of the Professional Groups will be increased during the validity of this Agreement according to the CPI, taking as reference the annual rate of the general CPI for the month of December published by the INE”. Thus, the 6.5% announced today corresponds to the CPI data for last December and that was made public last week by the National Institute of Statistics (INE).
Salary update in the sector
Following Mercadona’s December announcement, the National Association of Large Distribution Companies (Anged), the sector’s employers, recalled that although the initial proposal agreed in March 2021 provided for a 0.5% increase in base salary, the increase in would finally be 1% after the agreement reached last week with the unions, a percentage still far from the 6.5% of Juan Roig’s company.
According to this latest update, in the annual salary tables, the base category will receive a salary of 15,029.33 euros; while in the professional category it will be 15,480.21 euros; that of coordinator, at 16,873.41 euros; and in the case of technicians, 18,392.04 euros. In this way, companies and groups will have until December 31 to make this increase effective, which will be applied from January 1 of this year.