Naming guide to choose the ideal name for your brand

It is called naming or brand naming to the creative process used in marketing to create a brand name. Learn more about the naming process and how to choose the name of your business here!

So you still have doubts about the name of your brand. It is not easy to name a business, there are many factors to consider when making the choice, however there are techniques that can help you find the perfect candidate.

In this guide on naming You will not only find how to name your next business, but also how to carry out this process step by step, as well as 200 naming examples to give you inspiration. With this, I assure you that at the end of the road you will find the future name of your enterprise. Let’s get started!

What is the name?

Naming or brand naming is an essential creative process —used in marketing— for the creation of a brand name. Every entrepreneur or marketing specialist participates in this vitally important process for a brand, as it is a complex task that can even determine the success of a project.

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What does the naming?

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, naming means “to give someone or something a name”, that is, to give a name to someone or something. However, in marketing, the definition of this word takes on a much broader meaning when describing a whole set of psychological and marketing techniques.

What is the importance of naming?

When we become aware of the importance that a name has for a brand, we can recognize how useful the processes are to arrive at the ideal choice. And here are other reasons.

  • It is ideal to understand what are the differentiating attributes of a business.
  • Supports creating a unique personality around a project.
  • It allows us to take competitive advantage in the segment to which a company is dedicated.
  • Helps avoid common mistakes in the process of baptizing a brand.
  • Provides certainty of scalability to any enterprise.

Let me explain a little more about each of these benefits of brand naming.

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It is ideal to understand what are the differentiating attributes of a business

During the naming process, one of the steps that helps to find the ideal name for a venture is to understand the context in which a project is born, who it is aimed at, for what purpose, what needs it satisfies and whose consumers. With that in mind, it is possible to find the points that differentiate a project from the others.

Helps to create a unique personality around a project

As we mentioned previously in this article, the name of a brand is one of the most important resources of a business to connect with its audience, therefore using it in favor of building the personality of a business is a smart move when starting a business. entrepreneurship.

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It allows us to take competitive advantage in the segment to which a company is dedicated

It is vital that the competition and the environment surrounding a business idea be taken into account in the process of creating a brand name. Hence, areas of opportunity can be detected in other businesses, possible to exploit and take advantage of when forming a new business.

Helps avoid common mistakes in the process of baptizing a brand

Many mistakes can be made during the process of choosing a brand name, such as running into unfortunate associations, similarity with the competition, being accused of plagiarism or not being able to register it with the Mexican Institute of Intellectual Property because a previous project already exists. The process of brand naming comes to avoid these problems.

Provides certainty of scalability to any enterprise

It does not matter if at this moment you have a plan to grow your business to the point of entering new markets or if it is just a hobby, starting on the right foot will always reduce anxiety and give us the certainty of being prepared in case the moment arrives.

Naming types

Although there are many and varied brand names, it is possible to categorize types of names into recognizable and easily identifiable categories. Here are some of the most popular. Take note!

  1. Descriptive naming
  2. Naming with neologisms
  3. Naming of acronyms and acronyms
  4. abstract naming
  5. Geographic naming
  6. evocative naming
  7. associative naming
  8. Author naming
  9. experience naming
  10. Etymological naming

Don’t worry! Below we explain what each of these groups consists of.

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1. Descriptive naming

We speak of descriptive naming when it comes to a name that has a one-to-one relationship with the product, since it uses adjectives to describe itself.

Examples of descriptive naming: Pizza at night, Send fast, Chocorroles, Fritos.

2. Naming with neologisms

To make it clearer, a naming with neologisms is one that originates from the union of two or more existing concepts.

Examples of naming with neologisms: Netflix, Jumex, Facebook, DropBox, FedEx, PayPal.

3. Naming of acronyms and acronyms

When we refer to this type of naming we speak of all those examples of names made up of acronyms or letters together.

Examples of naming with acronyms and acronyms: HP, IKEA, IBM, BMW, M&M’s,

4. Abstract naming

It is considered that we speak of an abstract naming when we use newly created words that do not have an association with a previous concept.

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Examples of abstract naming: Pringles, Google, Xerox.

5. Geographic naming

We can say that a geographical naming is one that is circumscribed to the location in which it is born.

Examples of geographic naming: Banamex, Aeroméxico, American Airlines, Comex.

6. Evocative Naming

An evocative naming is one that can describe a brand, however it does so in a slightly more creative and suggestive way, through puns or metaphors.

Example of evocative naming: Krispy Kreme, Beats, Ruffles, Kidzania.

7. Associative naming

It is possible to consider an associative naming to one that, through puns, plans to associate the brand with a particular concept.

Associative naming example: Champion, Fitness, Guitar Hero, President.

8. Author naming

We speak of an author naming when the name of the founder of the venture is used to name the brand. It occurs more frequently in companies related to fashion or the arts.

Author naming example: Carolina Herrera, Chanel, Oscar de la Renta, Calvin Klein.

9. Experience naming

It is known as experience naming that which suggests what it is like to choose said brand and the expectation that one may have while using said product or service.

Experience naming example: Shield, Fabulous, Fun, Fresh.

10. Etymological naming

In an etymological naming, words from Latin or Greek are taken as the root to give a new meaning and relationship to the brand.

Etymological naming example: Pentium, Imaginarium, Gran Vita, Nivea.

How is the naming process?

Now that you have a clearer understanding of the importance of naming, let’s see what the steps to get into the naming process. Click on each of the steps to learn more about them.

When you have the ideal name, we recommend that you check the internet for the connotations it has online and it is not registered in . This way you can make sure you have made the right choice.

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How to think of a name?

If you need to think of a brand name, there are some tips that will help you find alternative names for brands. We explain below.

  1. Lean on a naming generator.
  2. Use dictionaries or encyclopedias.
  3. Brainstorm with a team.

Give us the opportunity to extend a little more the explanation of each of these actions.

1. Lean on a naming generator

On the internet you will find multiple naming and brand name generator tools that can help you find the ideal option, however you will not find one that is easier to use than the one we recommend here: the . In addition to being free and very easy to use, it will offer you multiple name alternatives for companies limited to the sector in which your business is dedicated. Dare to try it!

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2. Use dictionaries or encyclopedias

A good strategy is to rely on dictionaries of synonyms, antonyms or encyclopedias to give your mind the opportunity to find new terms and concepts that you may not have considered before. There are multiple options online that can help you find the term you’re looking for.

3. Brainstorm with a team

If two heads think more than one, a group of friends, collaborators or family members can provide more alternatives than just one or two minds can generate. They just need some direction and soon you’ll have multiple naming examples to choose from.

How to name your brand in 4 steps?

Here you will find four tips to facilitate the naming process in your company.

  1. Ask yourself: Does the name really stand out and set me apart from my competitors?
  2. Analyze: Is my business activity quickly understandable?
  3. Consider: Is it a unique, simple, short and adaptable name?
  4. Make a focus group with people who share the buyer profile you are targeting.

If you still have doubts, visit our content dedicated to .

naming examples

We have reached the most fun part of this content, the naming examples. We gather here more than 200 examples of brand names according to the segment to which they could be relevant. Click on the category that catches your attention and get inspired by these examples.

We hope that these alternatives have helped you to find the ideal option for your business. Let’s end this tour with tips to choose the best candidate among all the alternatives.

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How to make a good name?

Although there is no single recipe on how to make a good name, there are certain tips that can take us in the right direction. Here we share them with you. Click each link to find out more.

In conclusion

Through naming, a brand obtains not only part of its personality, but also the DNA that allows it to identify itself as a moral entity in a competitive universe. It is almost or more difficult than naming a baby, because in both cases this decision will mark their future forever, opening doors or becoming an obstacle when it comes to reaching opportunities. Hence, taking the naming process seriously and finding the ideal choice is one of the definitive steps to starting a successful venture.

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