
In order to better explain what Deno is, it is best to focus on the fundamental differences with the Node.

It’s safer: When you run a program with Node it has all permissions to do anything on your computer. This situation can be problematic because in practice a program written in Node could delete all the files on your computer if it wanted to, so malicious software could cause problems. Sometimes it has happened that an npm package has been hijacked and an update has been slipped with the intention of causing damage and as a consequence many programs have been infected. With Deno, on the other hand, the developer is able to grant only the permissions that are absolutely necessary, such as connecting via http, writing only in certain folders, etc.

Doesn’t use npm: Deno doesn’t have a dependency manager like NodeJS has on npm. You don’t really need it. All dependencies are installed through the URL where the dependency itself is, so it is able to work without depending on a centralized repository. Deno itself uses an internal package manager, which works transparently for the developer, who is in charge of optimizing the operation of dependencies, downloading or caching its files, managing versions, etc. However, it manages to provide simplicity and agility for developers.

Use ES6 modules: Instead of CommonJS as used by NodeJS, this makes it much closer to the Javascript standard and allows Deno development to be even more similar to the development habits found in browsers.

works with promises: To handle asynchronous processes, Deno uses promises instead of callback functions, so the code that can be performed is more readable. You can also use await at any point in your code, at any level, without declaring an async function, which makes it much easier to write asynchronous programs as if they were perfectly sequential.

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Provides more support for web APIs: By default, it has libraries or browser APIs, such as fetch, that are not available in Node.

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