Online books: 7 websites for you to download yours

The digital transformation has brought literature to more people and online books are a real fever. They allow us to discover different universes of possibilities and, what is even better, quickly and practically.

They can be accessed to read online, they can be downloaded or purchased, in many cases with cheaper prices than those of paper books, and there are already many websites that allow their use for free and legally.

In addition to the computer, other media such as the cell phone and digital readers —such as Kindle or LEV— not only facilitate, but end up encouraging reading even more in the new generations. However, it is important to adopt certain habits when reading to ensure a healthy practice in which, for example, your eyesight or posture are not damaged.

With that in mind, we’ve listed 7 websites for you to find your next literary find, as well as 3 tips on how to make the most of reading time.

How to take advantage of your online reading?

But before entering these websites, consider some tips on how to use digital media to approach the act of reading in a healthy way.

Set up the playback device

Digital devices offer a lot of comfort to reading, however, it is important to take some care that books do not require. Among them the configurations of the device, whatever the type.

Both the size of the text and the lighting of the screen should be adjusted according to the environment you are in.

Wear hearing protectors to focus

For those who read for long periods, hearing protectors can be an interesting option. They will allow you to concentrate for longer and reduce external distractions.

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Another possibility to avoid noise can be the use of headphones. If music doesn’t hurt your productivity, streaming services provide a variety of free soundtrack playlists, and even some designed to stimulate concentration.

Don’t forget about ergonomics

As in any long-term activity, it is important not to neglect ergonomics. Pay special attention to posture, especially regarding the shoulders and neck. Do intervals every hour, trying to stretch your body and rest your eyes.

Avoid reading for long periods when you are very tired, as this can cause you to pay little attention to your posture and hurt your productivity. Remember to privilege the sitting position —reading lying down is almost like asking for a nap, right?

What are the 7 best websites to find good books online?

Have you adjusted the light and posture yet?

So, you’re ready to tackle these 7 websites with us, where you can download books that will range from the most classic to the most popular, whether or on many other topics, free or at very affordable prices.

Come in with us!

1. Public domain

Works in the public domain are those considered a good of society. They can be consulted and read free of charge by anyone interested in them.

In the Hispanic sphere, there are numerous entities and websites that offer works free of copyright and with free access, although you can consult the website , which in its Sites with Public Domain works section concentrates a large number of links to websites that offer them. .

2.Google Books

is Google’s collection of digitized works. You can search by name of author or work. Books that are already in the public domain can be downloaded as PDFs.

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Fragments of works that are not free of rights can also be consulted free of charge, which will require a certain payment to access the full text.

3. Lecturelia

With more than 60,000 readers and 15,000 authors, today it is one of the most popular and active book social networks on the Internet.

It allows you to comment on the works, rate them, save them for reading and even buy them directly from the same website.

It also offers various information on the literary world: awards, bibliographical reviews, lists of the books most recommended by readers, etc., as well as opinion articles.


For some time now, the giant has revolutionized the world of literature. Its Kindle digital reader is one of the most widely used in the world, and all of its users have access to the company’s vast library.

Kindle for smartphones has the same features and makes it easy for anyone who doesn’t have a digital reader to read. The company typically makes world literature classics available for free download. All you need is an Amazon login account and the Kindle app installed on any device.

5. Miguel de Cervantes Virtual Library

Created in 1999, it was the first digital library in Spanish on the Internet and today it already constitutes the largest collection of online books on Spanish literature, history and language in the world, also offering free access to works.

It focuses on the most emblematic authors of Spain, Latin America and the Hispanic area in Africa.

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6. Digital Library of Latin American Heritage

The is an idea of ​​the , which allows access to the collections of each member library from a single virtual space, thus becoming a great driving force for Latin American literature and culture.

7. University

With the purpose of changing the world through education, it is a platform financed by Banco Santander and that seeks to offer support to university students. Academic texts, scientific articles and classic literature can be accessed free of charge.

What are the benefits of literature?

Literature remains one of the main ways of acquiring knowledge, as well as being an excellent form of leisure. It doesn’t matter if you read for pleasure, work or study, online books have drastically increased our possibilities for personal development and have made this activity much more comfortable.

After showing you these great sources of information to acquire your next readings, keep following us and also check out our list of .

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