Organize the Instagram feed: how and why to do it?

Definitely yes! Organizing the Instagram feed is an excellent strategy because the they have become a showcase where many consumers learn about products and companies.

Also, the numbers speak for themselves. Look at the following summary made by about the use of social networks in 2021 and tell me if we should not take advantage of the power they offer us.

But… In this post we are going to focus specifically on Instagram, . At we know how important it is and to boost your brand, you must know the secrets to guide them towards your ultimate goal: converting them into buyers.

So, keep reading us, and discover how to get the most out of your feed and make it irresistible, after all, it is your brand’s business card to the world.

Organization of the feed: what are its advantages?

As the saying goes: “a picture is worth a thousand words”. From this sentence we can deduce that the presentation of products through videos and photos on Instagram is the best way to demonstrate the capabilities of a brand to potential customers.

And… what is behind a feed that clearly attracts attention? We answer it quickly, in three words: planning, planning and planning.

Because the intention and goal of every marketing department is for people to spend more time inside your company profile, interacting with posts and creating engagement!

It is not enough just to post quality images, a strategy is needed, and as both influencers and successful brands show us, having a It involves much more than publishing.

Take it into account and get on this ship, and you will see how it increases that you can close

The first thing is to understand with whom your brand dialogues, that is, who is your to set the style of the posts.

To find the standard of the layout of the images you must look for the answers to the following questions, always considering the buyer persona:

  • Will they be posts where people appear interacting with the products?
  • Will the price be presented?
  • Will there be effect phrases?
  • Will the images be rectangular or square?

The organization of the Instagram feed establishes an aesthetic for the profile, which is excellent for visual identity and for establishing a

The cohesion of images can not only help you sell, but also opens the way to attract people and other companies looking for .

Online showcase: why can your photos become sales?

As we have seen so far, an organized feed is capable of conveying the aesthetics and visual identity of the brand. Thus, Instagram becomes an online showcase

So why not take advantage of it and build a portfolio by presenting your products and solutions in creative and visually pleasing ways? The intention is to positively impact the engagement of each post.

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On Instagram there are basic techniques that you probably already know (but it is worth reviewing) to increase the engagement of your followers, such as:

  • use hashtags;
  • take advantage of Stories;
  • map specific schedules;
  • interact with people;
  • post frequently.

There is no doubt that good engagement helps you sell more and establish a stronger relationship of trust and proximity between your brand and the public.

In addition to the long-awaited sale, this interaction has a positive impact on customer loyalty and retention, essential indicators for the growth of any business.

Where to start organizing the Instagram feed?

We enter the field of practice and hands to work! Since we talked about how an organized profile can impact engagement, it’s time to list some recommendations for those, like you, who want to start getting the most out of their profile.

Planning, structure, strategy or design are some of the keywords. Do not miss the tips that we share below:

1. Define your aesthetic

The first step in organizing your Instagram feed is to set the aesthetic. Remember that your goal is to reflect the visual language of the business. The images must be connected to the values ​​of the organization.

Defining the aesthetic helps to keep the profile consistent and cohesive, that is, all the photos and videos will be within the same quality and language standard. In this way, you strengthen communication and interaction with your audience.

2. Consider the quality of the images

This is a truism, but it is worth emphasizing, because low-quality images turn people away and cause negative impacts to the business’s reputation.

Maintain a high quality standard in and in the videos it is a way to show the public that your brand has excellent products.

To help, there are different free applications that we will share with you throughout the post to edit images without complications, in addition to Instagram’s own filters and other tricks that give your wall that touch of professionalism that it needs.

3. Plan

Yes. It is essential to draw up a plan for your publications, because they will be in charge of transmitting the ideals of your company or business. And we are not just referring to having defined schedules and frequency. The strategy goes through knowing the types of existing feeds, choosing the one that suits your brand the most, and publishing establishing that reference as a base.

You have to be very clear that uploading photos randomly, in the purest potpourri style, not only creates an unprofessional impression, but also makes potential leads run away in terror.

So that this does not happen, keep reading and discover which layout is ideal for your Instagram and start reproducing it.

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How to present your feed on Instagram?

The three most used layouts are the following:

1. By columns

The vertical feed on Instagram is a great way to mix graphic elements with photos. The first thing is to choose what you will publish in each column, and a trick to keep in mind is that the photos on both sides of the central column are similar, trying to choose images that complement each other.

For example, if you have a restaurant, select photos of the dishes in the left column, quotes or perhaps important data about gastronomy in the center column, and photos with a set table composition on the right.

Choosing one color per column also makes the overview more attractive.

2. By Rows

It is, perhaps, the simplest style, or the one that requires the least effort. If, for example, you have a hairdresser, you can share 3 photos in a row of the same haircut but from different angles.

It is as if each horizontal line were a new opportunity to show, thematically, your work. However, it is still important to keep your style consistent. Take a look at the following example:

3. Checkerboard

It requires a little more effort than the previous two, but it is still a layout, as far as it goes, simple. All you have to do is switch between different image styles and arrange them like a chessboard.

You can choose, to vary, between photos of the product, motivating phrases, people trying it… Give free rein to your imagination!

4. Mosaic

It is the most complicated, but also the one that attracts the most attention. It is about cutting the image, dividing it into grids, and then uploading each one of them in the form of a post. The feel, once posted, is of a complete photograph, and the whole gives your post history an interesting overview. You dare?

In the Apple Store you will find a specific application to create mosaics:

5. Frames

Adding a black or white frame to your photos is an easy way to keep your feed organized and give the whole thing a spacious, open feel. Your feed will instantly look more cohesive, but you should edit the photos so they are all square: if they were rectangular, the frames would be different sizes.

either are two applications that can help you in this task.

6. Basic colors

When you create a feed with a certain background color, there is an instant sense of sophistication. Keep the overall look of your feed consistent by taking product photos against a light background, or choose colors from the same range.

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The rainbow style is also very fashionable, although in this case planning is essential for the color variation to be effective.

The possibilities, as you can see, are endless, and remember that the Instagram feed or wall is a living element, so if you get tired of a specific design, you can migrate to another. But we recommend that for the transition, you post three images that play the role of a folding screen and there is not such an obvious fracture.

Organized Feed: 4 applications that can help you

We know that organizing your Instagram feed can take time that few people have. For this reason, we present 4 applications that will make this work easier and more dynamic.


It allows you to choose presets for images and videos, in addition to offering editing tools that facilitate the work. You can create better visual quality photos and videos on your cell phone.

2.Gallery Organizer

Gallery Organizer is ideal for those who work with more than one Instagram profile. Available for Android, it allows you to simulate the publications to see how the entire grid will look.

Organizing the Instagram feed is more than a strategy to have a beautiful and harmonious profile, since it can positively impact and generate user interaction, increasing your chances that your posts will appear more frequently in their feed.

As a consequence, your number of sales may increase.


With this application you will be able to program and upload your publications, edit photos and have access to graphs and statistical reports. In addition, you don’t waste data, because it also works offline and doesn’t take up almost any memory space.

Watch the before and after:

4. Gary

Garny is a new, easy to use and very intuitive app that allows you to preview any of your Instagram feeds and organize them with the excellent drag and drop feature. Take advantage of its benefits to create a perfect feed!

It’s time to organize your feed!

Well, now that you’ve read a little more about the importance of feed organization, how about starting to apply everything you’ve learned? Leave your Instagram feed irresistible, and share this post on your social networks!

And if you want to learn more about the potential of this social network, take advantage of our text on and use it in favor of your business.

See you soon!

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