PageSpeed ​​Course #3: Minimize JS and CSS – .com

In the third flash class we are going to see how to minimize JavaScript and CSS resources to speed up the loading of our website.

3 – Minimize JS and CSS

In this “flash” class we are going to see how to minimize the JavaScript (.js) resources (files) and style sheets (CSS) to solve this message that can appear in the PageSpeed ​​Insights results:

Minify CSS

Compacting the CSS code can save a lot of bytes of data and speed up download and parse times.

Minify JavaScript

Compacting JavaScript code can save a lot of bytes of data and speed up download, parse, and execution times.

There are a couple of ways to fix this. The first is “manually”, so as not to depend on any plugin. The second is, obviously, through a plugin. Let’s see both, with their pros and cons.

You see it. A couple of simple and quick solutions to get two more PageSpeed ​​points off our backs. We have less and less!

Important: After making any changes, remember to check that the website works perfectly, and if you have an eCommerce check that purchases can be made correctly. And if you have any questions, contact us through the support form and I’ll clear them up for you 🙂

In the next flash class we will attack the problem of uncompressed images. Until then… Very good morning!

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