Paid Traffic: 6 Ways to Drive More Users to Your Website

The desire of every entrepreneur is to make their business grow and gain new customers. However, for this to become a reality, the brand needs to become known and impact new users who may become consumers in the future.

Among the various ways to make your brand known, one of the ways to increase this visibility is with paid traffic..

Basically, we can increase traffic in two ways: through via paid links – and it is about the second alternative that we are going to talk today.

If you want to learn how to stand out on the platforms by investing correctly, this post is for you!!

What is paid traffic?

Before explaining what paid traffic is, let’s clarify the concept of traffic in digital marketing. Traffic is the flow of users who access your communication channels.

For example, let’s say an average of 500 people visit your website daily. This is your current daily website traffic!

But since the goal of any digital business is to attract more visibility online, you’ll probably need to implement strategies to help you increase that traffic.

The same goes for other channels, like social media and landing pages, for example.

So when we talk about paid traffic or means that it is a strategy that involves investing money to increase traffic.

Therefore, it is a faster option to grow on the Internet.

But it is important to remember that only paying for It is not a magical solution, users want to find solutions to their main doubts on your page.

Only then will they stay there long enough, which is necessary for the algorithms to realize the relevance of that content and display your paid ads.

So, in short, the paid traffic means investing money on paid ad platforms and sites to drive users to a particular page, profile or offer.

With this, it is possible to publicize your business in different places and, thus, reach different audiences..

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What is the difference between paid traffic and organic traffic?

As we mentioned earlier, paid traffic is a faster way to invest in growing your online business. But you can also do free traffic strategies, which is known as organic traffic. These two strategies are also known as

Of course, you will have to invest time, dedication and patience in this type of strategy, but financially it is not necessary to spend anything. The difference is that the results are obtained between medium and long term.

Paid traffic actions, on the other hand, yield almost instant results. For this reason, several entrepreneurs bet on them to boost the business.

But one strategy does not exclude the other. Even, the bet is to bet on both to ensure the best results in traffic.

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Organic traffic is a constant and gradual action. You must invest in content creation, SEO, backlinks, email marketing, among others.

Paid traffic can be both a frequent and sporadic action. It depends on the amount of money you are willing to invest and the return you want to obtain. But for all entrepreneurs it is a worthwhile investment.

Why is it important to invest in paid traffic?

Many people believe that it is not necessary to invest in paid traffic, since organic traffic is already enough.

This type of thinking can be considered wrong, since one of the premises of digital marketing is the development of integrated actions that, when put into practice together, expand the desired final result..

It is clear that you can have only to publicize your business. However, investing in only one area can mean compromising the success of the action, as well as being a way of not exploring other alternatives.

Learn some tips on when you can use paid traffic below.:

Disclose specific actions

Many entrepreneurs complain that it is not feasible to maintain a budget exclusively for paid traffic. If it is not possible to use a fixed amount, this modality can be used for specific actions.

For example:

When there is the , an exclusive material that has just arrived on the site, a promotion or something sporadic that will have an opportune time to start and end, you can use the traffic buying strategy.

Get visibility faster

Organic traffic works and helps keep your brand name at the top of search, but the big problem is that this can take months to happen.

In this way, by investing in paid ads, you will be increasing the visibility of your business and improving brand recognition faster.

Thus, after these actions, it is possible to work with the public that has already been initially impacted with these campaigns and convert them into buyers..

Increase the conversion rate

The use of paid links it can be efficient to impact consumers who are in the last phase of the sales funnel.

When a user performs a specific search on the Internet, this means that they already know what their problem is, have already considered alternatives and are looking for a solution..

If you choose the right terms and keywords it is possible , delivering the content and solution to the user at the time of search.

Improve reputation with Google

As we have already briefly explained to you, Google uses an algorithm that ranks the best web pages according to specific terms.

One of the factors that is taken into account in this ranking is the time that the user spends on the site after performing a search.

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This time shows the platform that this search was useful or not and, if it was efficient, Google understands that this page is trustworthy and improves the site’s reputation with others..

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How does paid traffic work?

Like any other digital marketing strategy, paid traffic requires a lot of planning, tracking, testing, and analysis.

To do a good planning of this type of traffic, you will have to choose your objective initially. Some options are:

  • publicize your brand and gain visibility;
  • get more followers;
  • generate more visits to your website;
  • generate ;
  • sell an offer

In addition to the objective, for good planning, it is important to know your audience and your . This is because the better targeted paid traffic campaigns are, the better the results.

Then you need to define the format of the offer: text, image, video… And also what your call to action will be, that is, the .

This choice, in fact, is also based on the choice of channels or platforms on which you will advertise. We will talk about this later.

Finally, you will have to choose the budget for your ad and how it will be charged. The charge can be per click, CPC, or per impressions, CPM. Check it out below!


CPC is cost per click. In this bidding format, you pay each time your ad is clicked, or you can set a maximum budget price and leave your campaign active. Thus, she will accumulate as many clicks as the set value allows.

CPC is the ideal strategy for those who want to generate conversions, that is, visits to the page, sell products, capture leads, etc.

Precisely because you only pay if those who see your ad actually click on it. Unlike CPM.


CPM is the cost per thousand impressions. That is, you will pay for every thousand people who saw your ad.

In this format, the highest bidder ends up being the one with the best reach and ranking. So if you want more results, you have to invest more money. And also, of course, creating a relevant and valuable ad.

Money is not the only criteria that defines the scope and range of the campaign, but it is one of the most important.

Therefore, CPM is recommended for anyone who is aiming to build brand awareness and gain online visibility.

6 tools to generate paid traffic

Currently there are several platforms and sites that offer options for ads. It is up to you to understand the purpose of each one and identify where your target audience is.

We separate here the 6 main sources:

1. Google Ads

It is one of the most used platforms to generate traffic, since the ads appear at the top or on the side of the Google search engine or associated sites.

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One of the advantages of this option is that you can choose to pay only when the user clicks on your ad.

In addition, the platform allows A / B tests with variations of titles, keywords, texts and calls to action. In this way, it is easier and clearer to identify what works or not.

The ads enter competition to appear at the top of the search and the chosen one is given by the value of both and the relevance of the site.

The platform also offers a screen with the main metrics necessary for evaluations and the ads can be segmented by gender, access device, location, among other options.

2.Facebook ads

allows you to create ads with photos, texts and videos that will be displayed within Facebook and that will lead the user to visit your business page.

This platform can be used together with Google Ads, since it ends up capturing a different audience.

It also allows a high segmentation in which it is possible to define the display of ads based on interests, gender, age, relationship status and profession.

And you can also advertise on the .

3.Instagram ads

With , you can display video, single photo, or photo carousel ads, including text. But you can also advertise on the and in the.

The tool is connected to Facebook as they are from the same group. This is great because you can create joint strategies for both channels.

As one of the most used social networks in Brazil, advertising on Instagram is an advantage for many entrepreneurs.

You will have incredible segmentation and analysis tools, as well as different resources and formats to attract your audience!

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4. YouTube Ads

If your business also produces video content, the it can be an excellent advertising tool.

Currently, users are changing their data consumption habits and a large part of online access comes from videos.

Also, produce it is a bait to attract users to the site and then sell them content and online courses, for example.

5. LinkedIn Ads

is a platform used for professional connections and generation of contacts between companies .

Thus, if your audience is on LinkedIn, nothing prevents you from making announcements there.

It is important to note that the prices of clicks on this platform are usually much more expensive than those of…

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