Plugin WebP Converter for Media

Hello. I am configuring this plugin to convert my images into webp and benefit the SEO of my website but I get the following error:

Server configuration error

Image requests are processed by your server bypassing Apache. When images are loaded, the rules in the .htaccess file are not executed. Change server settings to handle .htaccess file rules when static files are uploaded.

Possible server or hosting configuration settings (usually found in your hosting control panel) that may be causing this issue:

– “Smart static files processing”, “Serve static files directly by Nginx” or similar in the section related to Apache and Nginx configuration (instead of disabling this setting, you can remove the following extensions from the list of files managed only by Nginx: .jpg, .jpeg, .png and .gif)

– “Smart static files processing”, “Serve static files directly by Nginx” or similar in the section related to Apache and Nginx configuration (instead of disabling this setting, you can remove the following extensions from the list of managed files only by Nginx: .jpg, .jpeg, .png and .gif)

– “Nginx Direct Delivery” or similar in the section related to speed or caching

– “Nginx Caching” or similar (instead of disabling this setting, you can remove the following extensions from the cached list: .jpg, .jpeg, .png and .gif)

If you have any of the above settings active, you must disable them for the .htaccess file rules to work properly.

In most cases, you will find these or similar settings in your hosting control panel and can change them yourself. In case of problems finding these settings, please contact your server administrator.

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Error codes: bypassing_apache

Can you tell me exactly where I can change these parameters?

Thank you!

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Answered: 03/15/2022 8:53 am

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