prefilled checkout page: how can you drive sales?

Hi Hotmarter, how are you? We are always looking for solutions that boost your conversions, and this is reflected in the evolution of our tools and our payment system, HotPay. Today we want to tell you about a resource that can help you convert more: the prefilled payment page!

Do you want to meet him? Keep reading this post!

Some time ago you must have noticed that the notifications on the payment page and other constant evolutions in the platform can positively impact your results, right?

And one of them is the pre-filled payment page!

If you don’t know it yet, prefilling is the payment page that automatically receives all the information already provided by the customer at another time.

For example: your potential buyer (or lead, let’s say), went through some kind of registration on one of your pages before arriving at the payment page.

He may have entered this data on one of your landing pages, for example. Then, when you are redirected to the payment page, it is enough that you have already entered the necessary parameters and all your data will already be inserted in the available fields.

Clever! You just have to click on “buy product” (or the button corresponding to the purchase) and you can already take better advantage of the content that you have prepared.

And what is the great advantage?

With the pre-filled checkout page, your buyers don’t need to fill out all of their registration details to complete a purchase. That is to say: they have much more comfort to reach the end of a purchase.

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On the other hand, you, the Producer, increase your chances of converting more, since your customers have an easier time completing the purchase.

Yes! This resource is also a factor that allows you to boost conversions, simply by making life easier for the buyer.

But, then, how to insert the parameters so that the data of the buyers already “pre-populates” the payment page automatically? Look!

#1. With your username and password enter the platform ;

#two. When checking the options in the main side menu, click on “My products”, choose the product you want and select the “HotLinks” option (the icon with “chains” connected, at the top right of the product);

#3. From there you must select the HotLink that will be inserted in the purchase button and add the following parameters:

Name: &name=buyername

E-mail: &email=buyer’s email

Document (here, we can insert data from the buyer’s identification document): &doc=buyerdocument

Postal Code: &zip=buyer’s zip code

Code + Phone number: &phoneac=buyer’s code and phone number &phonenumber=buyer’s phone number

Observation: If the HotLink you are using does not have any parameters (as in this link: ), you need to enter the first one using “?” instead of “&”. The other parameters must receive “&”, okay?

#4. Remember that it is necessary to build the URL dynamically. Therefore, check with your technical team how it is possible to generate such a dynamic URL on your sales page.

#5. Clever! Now that you know this resource, you know that your customers automatically have even more convenience to complete a purchase!

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It’s your turn to use the payment page pfilled and boost your sales on the platform!

Ohh, and if you have any questions about that, get in touch with our !

A hug!

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