Programming course

This is a basic Programming Course that we offered for free at .com and EscuelaIT in January 2015. The video programming course from scratch is divided into several sessions that introduce you to the fundamental concepts that you need to know before learning any programming language. programming.

Each of the videos of the classes were broadcast live to the subscribed students. The teaching team was made up of several professors with extensive experience focused on programming and application development.

Topics covered included an introduction to languages, data types, algorithms, structures needed to create complex algorithms such as conditionals and repetitions, as well as subprogramming using functions. Issues related to the world of objects and complex data structures were also discussed, ending with a session that offers us a bird’s eye view of different languages ​​and their main applications.

The approach applied in this programming course is to lay the foundations for programming and development in any type of language. In other words, more importance was given to programming concepts than to the languages ​​themselves. The reason is that these concepts are the same for any language, at least the main ones, and they should serve as a basis for later approaching the specific languages. However, for the examples all the teachers used Javascript, so it is also useful to learn some of the utilities and ways of working of this standard language in web development and on numerous platforms.

In short, we tried to give a more academic vision based on the fundamentals of programming, rather than particular to a specific language. A knowledge that is not generally offered in other programming courses where, because they want to cover a lot in a short time, important and necessary concepts are left aside to be a good programmer in the future.

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