Sales Funnel – learn how to set it up and understand the strategy

Surely you have already heard of the wonders that the sales funnel can do to your products, but do you really know for whom, when, why and how this sales strategy stands out so much?

The Sales Funnel It is a process that serves to guide the customer until the product is actually sold, through products with a lower cost and/or intermediate added value.

You can create a in who is a Producer and already has their own approved products.

Also, you can use this tool when:

  • Two or more registered products are owned;
  • There is an account registered as a legal entity;
  • It is possible to create external sales page;

Now that you know if you can create a funnel, let’s talk about why to use it.

This methodology is widely used to support sales and has its charm when the matter is offer more to sell more. That is why it is necessary to decide what the strategy used for the sale will be before setting up the funnel.

The most used strategies today are upsell, downsell Y Cross Sell.

  • Upsell consists of offering useful products to the consumer, after the first purchase. Not necessarily the second product will have a higher value than the previous one.
  • Downsell is a sales strategy used to convince the consumer who rejected the purchase. He receives a second chance to buy the same product, now with better conditions.
  • Cross Sell is a sales strategy that combines the use of Upsell and Downsell in the Sales Funnel, offering options to the customer according to their positive or negative action on the previously offered product.

If the strategy is defined, now you have to know how to create the sales funnel within . For this I am going to explain you the step by step now!

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1 – The creation of the Funnel

In your account, access the Tools menu and then click on the Sales Funnel option

Clicking on the “New Funnel” button in the top corner of the page will bring up the following screen:

Here you are going to give the Funnel a name and, after doing so, it will inform you of the URL of the last page that the buyer will have access to, that is, the “thank you” page that will appear whether or not the client has bought the offers of your Funnel.

Next you will see that the way in which the client is going to acquire the Embudo products appears: by credit card and/or ticket.

The credit card option is mandatory and if you prefer you can also check the ticket option.

It is important to remember that, even if you do not check the ticket option for the Funnel, if the product accepts a ticket as a form of payment, it will appear on the sales page. However, it is worth remembering that the person will not fall into the funnel since it does not accept a ticket.

2 – Defining the stages of the Funnel

From this step you will be able to configure the steps of the funnel and include the products and offers that you want.

Each sales funnel is made up of STAGES and each stage is associated with a product offer that must have its own sales page.

The first stage sales page will always be the sales page configured in your product registration. The pages of the following stages must be informed in the registration of the stage.

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After naming the Funnel stage and selecting the product that will be viewed in this stage, the option to choose which product offer you want to use will appear.

You can use the main offer, which is the normal value of the product, or you can use another offer. If you don’t have any offers created, you’ll have to create them, okay?


In the actions of your Pipeline, click on the option “Edit Stages” and now on “New Stage”

Again you will indicate the name of the stage, the product and the offer, but this time you will have to insert the text that will be available in the sales button.

We recommend that you use a persuasive text for your client. For example: “I am not going to miss this opportunity!”

Next, the text that will be available in the “No” option.

Enter the URL of the offer that will be shown to the customer. It must be a different URL than the one you already registered as the product’s sales page.

Finally, after saving this stage, again go back to the menu and click “New End” to link this stage to the end.

Now the Funnel is almost ready:

Note that by registering and including stage 2, the system automatically recognized that the first stage should lead to the second.

So now my Funil is ready, right?

Not yet! Missing to put the widget on the page.

The Sales Funnel widget needs to be installed to display the buy button you have configured, allowing sales to take place.

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The code to install the widget can be obtained from the “Widget Code” link that is available at each stage.

This code must be placed on the sales page directly in the HTML of the page.

And now it’s over?

Well, if you have already created and configured the stages and installed the widgets on each stage page, it only remains to activate the funnel, which is very important so that you can carry out the tests and that your client can access correctly.

To activate the Funnel you have to go to PRODUCTS> Sales Funnel> and in the desired Funnel click on “Activate” in the “Action” column.

Good! ¡Now your Funnel is finished!

If you are an Affiliate, Assistant, Affiliate Manager and Co-producer, you will not have how to configure the Funnel, since the product must be registered in your account as the main Producer.

If you are a Producer, after these steps you can continue developing your Funnel and include new stages if you wish.

Finally, we recommend that, in case of doubt, consult our or send an email to our .

We wish you much success and good sales!

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