SOLIDU: an arduous path towards solid shampoos

Vaiva Žvirblytė, founder of , is a pioneer– Their shampoo bars are natural, residue-free, and even suitable for washing your hair in a river. This is the story of a millennial who backpacked across Asia only to become a pioneer of Lithuanian solid cosmetics.

Vaiva is a net explorer, so she never had a problem with uprooting. Before starting SOLIDU, she lived in Shanghai for 7 years, working as a Chinese translator. Eventually, she decided to return to Lithuania because she couldn’t handle the smog and pollution.

She always refers that a day in Shanghai is the same as smoking two packs of cigarettes and adds that “In Lithuania we don’t see garbage because there aren’t many people. The garbage containers are hidden. But it’s a completely different story, with 26 million living in one city. It is impossible to ignore the stench. It made me open my eyes to what is important in life and in business.”

an asian inspiration

Before leaving China, Vaiva went on a long backpacking trip through Asia during which she cemented her beliefs about clean, minimalist living. Traveling light meant taking her possessions into account. So shampoos, soaps, and conditioners felt superfluous, like waste, and occasional spills in backpacks didn’t help much either.

Everything changed when discovering an alternative: the solid shampoo. A backpacker favourite, it comes in travel-friendly sizes, often resembling small rocks. Vaiva believes that it is an irreplaceable item, especially when camping outdoors. Solid shampoo bars are mostly natural, so they’re great for an emergency hair wash. “I have done it many times. Just don’t make it a habit. It is better to leave nature untouched”, Vaiva says with a smile.

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a business is born

Back in Lithuania, Vaiva embarked on an experimentation spree: he started mixing, cooking and researching shampoo formulas in his kitchen, a makeshift laboratory. It became the birthplace of his first solid shampoos and became popular with family and friends. Vaiva knew that he was accomplishing something.

After a short time working at Deeper, a Lithuanian technology start-up, Vaiva decided it was time to start his own business. “Some people work 9 to 5 and do business on the side. But not me. I spent all my time developing my business. Of course it was scary! It’s always scary to give your soul to an idea. What if others do not understand or accept it? What happens if you fail?

Vaiva was scared because she thought Lithuanians were unaware of solid shampoos. At first, she had to promote her products at fairs and street events, trying to convince people and giving away samples.

2018 was a rough start. Now SOLIDU has become an established cosmetics manufacturer, with a professional chemist and a small team working on production, marketing, sales and design.

No waste and with pride

SOLIDU is more than just generating profits. The company’s employees are keenly aware that their product is ethically sourced, so there’s a genuine feel-good attitude about making shampoos with quirky names like “Grandma Said” and “Rock Your Body.”

Natural cosmetics have existed for thousands of years, dating back to ancient civilizations. In the early 1900s, the shift towards mass production of hair care began: natural ingredients were replaced by cheaper synthetic counterparts. Factory-made shampoo reached its peak in the 1950s with the introduction of affordable plastic bottles.

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In 2022, we have a problem: they are disposed of each year only in the United States. The United Kingdom is not far behind with its .

Unlike most cosmetics that contain 80% water, SOLIDU does not contain any in its products. Therefore, the exclusive use of natural solid ingredients contributes to reducing packaging and transportation needs. SOLIDU’s low-waste philosophy is immortalized in its most innovative feature: biodegradable packaging, which can be used as fertilizer.

In a world of mass production, solid cosmetics are an exotic rarity best known in the Middle and Far Eastern regions. While Vaiva is not responsible for the reintroduction of solid shampoos in the West, she is celebrated as a pioneer, educator, and advocate for alternative lifestyles, making her an important figure in the zero waste movement.

In conclusion…

Vaiva is overjoyed that her products made in Lithuania have also found a market in Asia. “Our latest addition is Kuwait. We have also seen our products in places like Hong Kong. She feels great when her beloved product is proudly featured in exotic places she’s never been, archived for millions to see. It’s like telling your child to go on an adventure.”

Vaiva’s back-to-the-roots approach is rapidly gaining ground around the world. With 21 countries on its client list, SOLIDU dreams of expanding to the United States and Western Europe. A good online presence is crucial to achieving these goals – according to Vaiva, 80% of the first year’s sales came from the website, so he feels that has helped his initial success quite a bit.

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Carlos is a professional in digital marketing, eCommerce and website builders. He loves helping businesses grow online through his tips. In his free time, he is surely singing or practicing martial arts.

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