Special e-commerce dates: 2022 calendar

Do you want to grow your online business and increase your sales? Take advantage of the special e-commerce dates in 2022!

A key piece in your digital marketing strategy is to keep in mind the important dates of electronic commerce. so you can offer your potential customers tailored promotions or discounts and, if all goes well, increase your sales!

In Mexico, and the Hot Sale head the list of special dates most relevant to e-commerce. But there are many other events and festivities that you can take advantage of in your 2022 marketing calendar to generate more sales in digital business, for example Children’s Day or the Day of Love and Friendship.

The most important thing to take advantage of these dates is to plan very well the strategy for eachSo the first step is to write them down on your sales calendar.

📅 Download the calendar of special dates in e-commerce

At Tiendanube we created a 2022 e-commerce calendar in which, in addition, we share some sales for each celebration.

For download the full version of this 2022 marketing calendar in Mexico, sign up in the popup at the bottom of the screen to receive it directly to your inbox 😉. Also in the document you can add your own special salesfor example, your brand anniversary or an exclusive holiday in your niche.

In the following infographic we share some ideas for special dates in 2022

🤑 Special dates to sell more in Mexico

Now that you have seen the calendar, perhaps you are already clear about the special dates that you are going to take advantage of in your online business.

See also  Practical guide to undertake in Mexico

But, if you still have some left, we share with you a list published by the in which you can identify the 12 favorite special dates of Mexicans to buy online:

  1. Christmas
  2. Mother’s day
  3. February 14 (Day of love and friendship)
  4. Boy’s and girl’s day
  5. Father’s day
  6. back to school
  7. Day of the Dead
  8. national holidays

Still don’t sell online? Don’t worry, in Tiendanube you can create an online store in a matter of minutes. Just write the name of your brand, your email, create a password and start selling online!

And visit this other article if you want to know its benefits and how to make one. 🚀

🛒 The 10 commandments to take advantage of special dates in e-commerce

Finally, we share a list of good practices to take into account when planning campaigns for special dates in your online store. Take note!

  1. Spread your promotions and discounts with anticipation To generate awareness of your campaign.
  2. Share your discounts and promotions on the Homepage from your online store.
  3. Establishes clear objectives in each strategy, for example: expected, , general sales, etc.
  4. and define your logistics capabilities.
  5. Create a contingency plan in case of shortage.
  6. Take every opportunity to generate leads and update your database.
  7. Analyze the keywords or keywords you want to target for each holiday.
  8. Monitor all customer service channels (for example, ) and solve the doubts of your potential clients as soon as possible.
  9. It defines very well audience whom you want to captivate with your promotions (targeting).
  10. Make clear the policies of changes, returns, shipments, etc., during each campaign.
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Now yes, after downloading the calendar and defining the dates that you are going to take advantage of, it is time to start planning!

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