Storytelling: how to turn your brand into a unique story

Last month, in the note “” I named them when passing the storytelling and I promised to dedicate a note exclusively to this tool, which is fundamental in the development and differentiation of a brand.

that’s why today I bring you all the necessary information to be able to make the most of it.

What is the storytelling?

Be story teller is to be a storyteller. They will be guessing then what it is, right? The storytelling It is the art of telling a story in an attractive and sensitive way, to bring the reader closer and make them feel part of it.

The storytelling It allows you to tell everything about your products in a different, more human way, and allows you to give your brand a strong identity. Using this resource you will get your customers to bond with your brand through the sensitivity generated by your stories, and this will make your brand unique even though there are many similar products on the market.

This tool has different ways of being used: you can tell loose stories linked to different issues of your brand. For example, the stories behind each product and its creative process or the stories behind different customers who have bought your products.

You can also tell the story of your brand giving it continuity, creating a great story that you tell little by little, generating a bond with your audience not only of sensitivity about your story, but also of intrigue to know how it goes on. The important thing is that you always tell stories with which you identify.

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storytelling and social networks: the best couple

On Instagram, for some time now, the text that accompanies the photo has been of great importance: although a good photo is essential to capture visual attention, photography alone is no longer enough. We need a good text accompanying the image since this is what allows greater interaction with the public.

Statistically, the posts with the most interaction are those that have storytelling. And if you don’t believe it… take the test! I uploaded an image accompanied by a good text, tell a story using the resource of the storytelling and check the number of “likes” and comments that your post will have. It will surely be the one with the most interaction on your account.

With nothing to tell, no story to create

This is essential: no one can create a story if they have nothing to tell. So before you start writing or calling the person who is going to write your texts, I recommend that you make a list of situations that you would like to tell about.

Analyze what you would like to tell your customers, what experiences define you as a brand, what are those anecdotes that represent you, what stories speak of your experience how to undertake. Once you have decided what you want to tell… let’s get to work!

The big question: how do I do it?

If you have good writing skills and you have the ability to narrate situations, it will not be very difficult for you to exercise storytelling. But if you don’t get along with words, if when you read a story or a post on networks and you think “why it never comes out that way for me!?”

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Do not worry or despair, like everything in the entrepreneurial world, you can delegate it! With the writing of your texts and the creation of your stories you can do the same as with photography and network management: hire someone who is an expert on the subject.

I recommend you try to write your own content yourself, but if you see that it doesn’t work out for you, you should hire someone who is dedicated to this to avoid wasting hours and hours trying to make your story reflect the message you are trying to convey, and many other hours correcting writing errors and verb tenses.

Or trying to reduce the text without losing its essence if you can’t get it to have the words or characters allowed on the platform you decide to publish it.

If you’re gonna try Here are some tips:

1- I defined the story what you want to tell, think about the feeling you want to provoke in the people who will read it and… sit down and write! Spend at least an hour writing your story.

2- I wrote using the notepad. Divide the text into paragraphs and use short and catchy sentences to attract attention.

3- Be very careful with spelling and writing errors! The story can be beautiful, but if you have misspellings they will take all the attention.

4- Read the text out loud to hear how it sounds so you can correct it.

5- Once you have it finished, read it at least three times before posting so you don’t have to correct it once you’ve uploaded it.

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6- Do not abuse storytelling: the ideal is to upload one or two weekly posts using this tool. People can get bored of reading very long texts. But it always depends on your brand identity.

Finally, two dates for you to apply to all your Instagram posts:

1- There are statistical studies that confirm that use more than eleven hashtags because posting works much better.

2- Following the previous data we have to use more than eleven hashtags, but… be careful! never use hashtags that name registered trademarks, even less to Facebook and Instagram. Do not use derivatives of those words like “instagramer” because Instagram is not going to let you promote those posts.

Now yes: to tell stories!

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