Tax course for SL – .com

In this tax course for SL, we are going to see what we must take into account if we want to set up a Limited Company.

When you start a business, based on the Lean Startup methodology, perhaps the cheapest thing to do is to do it as a freelancer, but there comes a time when if it grows, it will be cheaper at a tax level, to convert it into a Limited Company. And it is about this point that we will talk about in this course.

We will see which country we should follow to create our society. Keep in mind, that at the beginning, there will be many bureaucratic procedures that we will have to carry out: register it in the Mercantile Registry, generate the NIF, make the capital contribution, draft the statutes… But calm down, we are going to see what are the steps to follow and what we must take into account in each one.

Once we have all the initial procedures done, we must consider writing a partners’ agreement. Although we have already drafted the Statutes, the partners’ agreement will be an internal document that regulates the relationship with our partners. In fact, it is about solving in advance different problems that may arise in the development of the activity. It is worth investing a little time and sitting down with our future partners to avoid future conflicts.

Another important point is the figure of the administrator of the company. He can be one of the partners, but he can also be an outside figure. We will see what their functions and responsibilities are. The administrator of our Limited Company, may have a remuneration for being so, and if so, we must indicate it in the Bylaws.

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Of course, we will also see our tax and accounting obligations. Remember that at the time of having a Limited Company, we must keep an accounting record of our business. That is, we will have to make the Balance Sheet, the Profit and Loss Account and Memory among others. We will also see what taxes and what models we must pay. Keep in mind that if we have rented the premises where we carry out the activity, or have employees, we must pay personal income tax for this concept. And of course, we will see how the Corporate Tax is organized, so that you are clear about the payments that you must make and when.

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