The 5 marketing techniques that every freelancer should know

There is a false belief that marketing is reserved for large companies that can afford it. However, promotion becomes vital and essential when it comes to a small business. In fact, the age of communication has forced these freelancers to change the channels through which they communicate with their clients.

However, this difficult situation also opens up a world of possibilities for small businesses, since they have the possibility of competing against large companies. These are the best ways to reach the consumer, according to the Spanish Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises (CEPYME).

Harness the power of social media

Social networks offer a huge field of possibilities for freelancers. It is a free way to reach the potential client and to provide visibility to the client.

For this reason, the first step is to create an account on the main platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok. Social media can seem like a burden and sometimes it can be a lot of work, but offline businesses don’t exist today. What used to be a competitive advantage is now essential, since practically all companies have social networks.

Partner with bigger companies

Collaboration is one of the most common strategies in the marketing industry. However, today it is much easier to reach new collaborators and, in many cases, for free.

The freelancer can collaborate with another freelancer from a complementary sector so that both reach the public of the other. For example, a hairdresser might collaborate with a clothing stylist to engage consumers from both backgrounds.

Advertising on social networks and search engines

Advertising has never been as cheap and effective as it is today. Social networks and search engines like Google offer promotion at a really competitive price. In addition, today’s smartphones allow you to create a high-quality ad, so this advertising is accessible to any freelancer.

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For less than 100 euros you can reach a diffusion of tens of thousands of people. The only complicated job is to create a truly eye-catching idea to attract the attention of customers.

Offer free trials, giveaways, and discounts

This technique is not new. However, it is a strategy that every freelancer should know. Offering trials and discounts to customers helps build consumer loyalty.

On the other hand, gifts to loyal customers help improve the brand image of the business, allowing consumers to generate a feeling of loyalty with respect to competitors.

Launch a referral program

This strategy goes hand in hand with the previous one. This time it is about offering discounts and gifts to those customers who recommend the business.

CEPYME points out the three simple tips to create the perfect referral program:

Use software for referral programs.

Choose the right reward.

Promote the program constantly.

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